
Why is it that 80% of UK students are wrong?

author:Martin who studied abroad

Today, let's talk about job hunting, many students have a goal in advance, first brush up on the school, then take care of the major, and then seek a good job after graduation. Then a good school will be equated with a good job.

Actually, it's not right, this logic is wrong, and the logic of better work has changed. It's not like before, there is a study abroad dividend, international students are scarce, and you can be allocated scarce positions and resources when you return to China. Now there are more international students than dogs, and the employment market is picking and choosing. It's not a super-first-line famous school, where is the bonus of a famous school waiting for you. You can only do additional part-time studies in other directions.

Why is it that 80% of international students who graduate and find jobs have the wrong sense of purpose? Especially those big factories and good brokerage investment banks.

Why is it that 80% of UK students are wrong?

1. Job hunting now requires you to have corresponding internship experience!

Many students get the focus wrong, thinking that they can move forward by brushing the school, no, the academic qualifications can only pass the first resume pass. Whether you can be hired later, whether you can win the written interview, the corresponding internship experience and project are very important. Especially business students.

Now it's not just about academic qualifications, it's about the fit and number of your internship and project. Therefore, many students now start internships in their freshman year, with 2 internships a year, and those who have graduated can at least mix 2-6 internships to start.

There are also some students who are more rolled, it doesn't matter if the internship in a big factory is difficult to go, they have to spend money to find internal promotion, and the main one is to do background improvement in advance. This kind of background improvement doesn't really do much to apply to schools in the UK. However, it will help you find employment after graduation. Especially the Big Four, as well as some good Internet manufacturers.

Why is it that 80% of UK students are wrong?

So do you think it's enough to just brush up on your academic qualifications? No, academic and practical, one can't be missing, and the elimination rate of new people is higher than you think. And now, the more students from prestigious schools, the higher the starting style of internships. Especially for those who want to stay in the UK to go to better investment banks and brokerages, for example, if you want to go to the world's nine major banks to find a job, your internship basically needs this kind of start. Otherwise, no matter how good the school is, there is a high probability that it will be blind.

Second, what is the QS ranking to have the employment advantage of large factories?

The level of academic qualifications, different requirements of different large factories, different positions, and different needs is really not a standard.

Normally, schools in the top 200 of QS meet the minimum criteria for employment in large factories. If you are below the top 200, you will not be able to pass the interview. So the question is, is it that if you reach the top 200, you will definitely be able to pass companies such as bytes, NetEase, and DD. Not necessarily, but also about the position, involving the number of people competing in the same category.

Why is it that 80% of UK students are wrong?

Therefore, the school side will continue to be compressed, for example, you may be compressed to the top 100 of QS, or even the top 50, and some popular ones will be compressed to which schools are limited by each mainstream study abroad region. For example, the resumption of diplomatic relations between Qingbei in China, Hong Kong and Hong Kong, G5 in the United Kingdom, Po Er, Melbourne and ANU in Australia. They will have more nuanced breakdowns.

Especially some algorithm posts, data posts, and AI posts, you may not have much effect when you come back from the UK and Australia, even if they are famous schools, they still will not have priority admission, and they will be occupied by international students in the United States and students from the top universities in China. After all, Britain and Australia have lost their advantage in this area. It's useless for your school to excel, for this kind of major, the market prefers American students.

Therefore, if you are clear about your future career plan, don't brainlessly brush the QS ranking, and don't simply think that the top 200 or top 100 or top 50 QS is useful. You have to reverse the projection according to the specific position and the specific enterprise, at least a median number can be reversed. Otherwise, it is also a blind effort, and then complain that the job market is too volatile.

Why is it that 80% of UK students are wrong?

3. Job search ability is the biggest obstacle!

With academic qualifications, internships, academics and practical materials on paper, you also need to exercise your job search skills.

This job search ability actually covers all the previous things. For example, the ability to write a written test, the ability to interview, and even the ability to prepare a resume and revise the cover letter. In addition to these things that can be seen, there are many things that cannot be seen, after all, there is such a thing as an interview, and there is also the ability to integrate resources, that is, the social relationship of your family unit, and whether there are bargaining chips that you can exchange or transfer. If not, do you have enough equivalent value to buy the relationship directly?

If you don't, you have to rely on yourself, and if you rely on yourself, you have to be prepared to be picked by the market. The process of being selected is a great test of your mental strength, you have to be tried and wronged, abandoned, and hit again and again, can you persevere, are you good at summarizing the previous gains and losses, and then perform better before the next interview? Or do you think it's too difficult this year, continue to study abroad for a second master's degree, delay the problem by escaping, or just lie flat at home, and wait for your parents to make 10,000 yuan a month and live well?

Why is it that 80% of UK students are wrong?

To sum up: you think that after studying abroad, you will be an elegant returnee after studying abroad and brushing up on a good school. Employment is as you interest, it is very easy to choose. It's all wrong, don't say that the market has been bad in recent years, that is, in the past few years, if you want to go to a big factory, you still need to look at things other than academic qualifications. Especially now, your personal resources are greater than your relevant internship experience than your academic qualifications.

Moreover, the idea of returning to China as an international student purely thinking about employment is wrong. In fact, the family background of international students is generally good. In fact, many students are already initially qualified to allocate resources at home. What do you have to do to get a job? It's not necessary. Those who do not have the ability to allocate resources need to work hard to find employment or start a business.

And if you choose to be employed, you have to work quickly towards the position where resources are allocated, rather than being blindly moved by your own position. You have to change your current circle, you can only slowly approach the person who divides the cake, not wait to be allocated.

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