
The revision of the new national standard has another "eyebrow", or will add a requirement, and 3 types of electric vehicles will be affected

author:A little connoisseur on an electric car

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(Text/Xiao Xingjia, the headline was first published, it is forbidden to use AI to recreate or wash the manuscript, and infringement must be investigated)

The electric vehicle industry is currently attracting attention is the news of the revision of the new national standard, as a small expert in the industry, is also very concerned about the latest developments, the small expert noticed, related to the new national standard revision and there is a "eyebrow", or will add a requirement, 3 types of electric vehicles affected, what is the situation, the specific content of the following to understand clearly.

The new national standard may add a requirement

It is related to the revision of the new national standard, and the voices of car owners are very high, such as canceling the speed limit, pedals, weight limits and other requirements, however, there is no news about these revisions, however, it is revealed that the new national standard revision mentions that electric bicycles should not use plastic parts in non-essential situations.

The revision of the new national standard has another "eyebrow", or will add a requirement, and 3 types of electric vehicles will be affected

In the revised draft, it is clarified that the total amount of plastic parts of electric bicycles shall not exceed 5.5% of the mass of the whole vehicle, that is, no more than 3 kilograms.

Although it is only a proposal of the draft opinion, not 100% will be adopted and implemented, but if such a requirement is implemented, which electric vehicles will be affected, and whether such regulations will have an impact on our ordinary car owners, we can understand clearly in advance.

3 types of electric vehicles are affected

Now the electric vehicle products are very rich, the appearance of the shape is changeable, and why can this be done, is through a variety of plastic parts, to play creative, but if the use of plastic parts is limited, the following three types of electric vehicles, I am afraid that it will be rare in the future.

The revision of the new national standard has another "eyebrow", or will add a requirement, and 3 types of electric vehicles will be affected

1. This kind of high-value electric vehicle, this kind of car is generally achieved through plastic parts with a very rounded sense of shape, which is highly dependent on the use of plastic parts.

The revision of the new national standard has another "eyebrow", or will add a requirement, and 3 types of electric vehicles will be affected

2. This kind of national standard electric vehicle with a sporty style has a small frame and relies on sharp and stylish plastic parts to shape its dynamic and sporty shape.

The revision of the new national standard has another "eyebrow", or will add a requirement, and 3 types of electric vehicles will be affected

3. This kind of innovative electric vehicles also adopts a large number of plastic parts, so as to achieve changeable shapes, plastic parts can not be used too much, and the appearance of electric vehicles will be the same.

The revision of the new national standard has another "eyebrow", or will add a requirement, and 3 types of electric vehicles will be affected

So, what kind of electric vehicle is really in line with the requirements, just like Yadea's model, the vehicle is small and simple, the plastic parts of the whole vehicle are minimized, and it is a model that meets the requirements and will not be affected by such regulations.

What is the impact on car owners?

The revision of the new national standard has another "eyebrow", or will add a requirement, and 3 types of electric vehicles will be affected

First of all, the most positive impact, some experts pointed out that reducing the use of plastic parts will reduce the spontaneous combustion rate of electric vehicles or slow down the rate of spontaneous combustion, because plastic parts are very easy to spontaneous combustion, excessive use of plastic parts, for increasing the risk of spontaneous combustion is beneficial, however, small experts feel that there is no excuse for the crime of wanting to add, plastic parts are not the real cause of spontaneous combustion, inferior lithium batteries are.

On the other hand, plastic parts in the electric vehicle after a traffic accident, it is easy to cause secondary injury to the owner, which is recognized by the small experts, plastic parts will be deformed after the impact, it is possible to become a sharp weapon, causing secondary injury to the owner.

The revision of the new national standard has another "eyebrow", or will add a requirement, and 3 types of electric vehicles will be affected

Of course, in addition to these more positive effects, restricting the use of plastic parts, will affect the appearance design of electric vehicles, future electric vehicles, may be the same shape, in addition, if you want to create a different design, electric vehicles may use magnesium alloy and other high-end metal materials to replace plastic parts, resulting in an increase in costs, simply put, in the future want to buy a good-looking electric car, may be more expensive.

Summary of the little connoisseur:

The new national standard revision or will increase the requirements for restricting the use of plastic parts, such requirements are "pros and cons", however, as far as I know, most car owners for such a requirement, and not very eager ideas, more car owners hope that the revision can adjust the speed, weight and other requirements, and small experts also feel that only to achieve everyone's urgent needs, the revision will be more meaningful. What do you think about this? Everyone is welcome to comment and communicate.

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