
Envious! Rose was born in a Kochi family, with her parents behind her, and she could have the right to make choices willfully

author:Leisurely lemon tells stories
Envious! Rose was born in a Kochi family, with her parents behind her, and she could have the right to make choices willfully

After watching "The Story of Roses", I really envy Huang Yimei in my heart.

Envious! Rose was born in a Kochi family, with her parents behind her, and she could have the right to make choices willfully

In order to go to France to see Zhuang Guodong, she could even resign and lose her job. Because she knows that love is more important to her at this stage, and losing her job is not a particularly fatal thing.

After returning from France and breaking up with Zhuang Guodong, she resolutely quit her job, went to graduate school, and embarked on the road of study, majoring in psychology that no one could imagine.

She doesn't have to think about the practicality of the major, the prospect of employment, she only thinks: I want to study or not.

Envious! Rose was born in a Kochi family, with her parents behind her, and she could have the right to make choices willfully

Married to Fang Xiewen, she doesn't want a bride price, she doesn't want a wedding, she doesn't worry that her parents will disagree, because she knows that her parents will always cover for her.

couldn't stand Fang Xiewen's control, so she resolutely chose to divorce. Because she knows that she still has a home to go back to, and she can still live well after a divorce.

Envious! Rose was born in a Kochi family, with her parents behind her, and she could have the right to make choices willfully

Some people say that if this TV series can be broadcast earlier, I think it can save a lot of post-80s and 90s girls.

They say that as a woman, you should grow up freely and should always pursue the life you love and want to live.

Concentrate on every relationship, enjoy the beauty of love, and pay desperately. If you feel miserable, leave decisively and pursue what you want.

Envious! Rose was born in a Kochi family, with her parents behind her, and she could have the right to make choices willfully

But I want to say that not everyone can be as lucky as Huang Yimei, most girls are actually ordinary people and have no right to make choices willfully.

Once many people take a wrong step in life, they are all wrong. After all, not everyone has a backer.

Envious! Rose was born in a Kochi family, with her parents behind her, and she could have the right to make choices willfully

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