
The Great Reconciliation of the Middle East of the Century! The Arab League took off the hat of Allah as a terrorist organization and was clearly anti-American

author:Eradicate all pests

The announcement by the League of Arab States (LAS) that it will no longer consider the Lebanese Shiite party Allah as a terrorist organization means that Allah has thrown away the label of a terrorist organization on its head and turned it into a legitimate and legitimate regular army in the world.

The Great Reconciliation of the Middle East of the Century! The Arab League took off the hat of Allah as a terrorist organization and was clearly anti-American

Leader of Allah in Lebanon

The League of Arab States said that it had decided to consider Lebanon's Allah party a terrorist organization under strong pressure from the United States, and that Allah Lebanon now and in the future plays a vital role.

The Great Reconciliation of the Middle East of the Century! The Arab League took off the hat of Allah as a terrorist organization and was clearly anti-American

The Arab League removed Allah from the list of terrorist organizations

Originally in 2016 at the initiative of Saudi Arabia, the Arab League designated Lebanon's Shiite political parties as a terrorist organization, as Allah has been accused of promoting Iranian influence in the Middle East and interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and other Arab Gulf states.

At a cursory glance, these countries are thorns in the side of the United States, Iran and the United States do not deal with each other, and Allah supports Iran, so it is easy to understand that the United States put pressure on the Arab League and labeled Allah a terrorist organization.

The Great Reconciliation of the Middle East of the Century! The Arab League took off the hat of Allah as a terrorist organization and was clearly anti-American

Israeli air strikes on Lebanese Allah sites

The time period is delicate

These Arab countries suddenly collectively turned to Allah as a terrorist organization, and now Lebanon and Israel are very close, and Israel has the support of the United States, so from the overall point of view, there are people who do not want Israel to become bigger and stronger in the Middle East.

It can also be said that the Arab people have seen the face of the West clearly, which is a very important weather vane, the first step is to take off the hat of Allah, the second step may be to provide assistance, you must know that these Arab League poor can only have money.

The Great Reconciliation of the Middle East of the Century! The Arab League took off the hat of Allah as a terrorist organization and was clearly anti-American

Arab League

The great reconciliation in the Middle East may also be a last resort, most of the countries in the Middle East are eating energy this bowl of rice, and now the world is vigorously promoting new energy, which is obviously to cut off the wealth of Arab countries, because Arabia has nothing left except oil.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, Lebanon suddenly "picked up" a batch of high-precision weapons from the desert to deal with Israel, and the Arab countries took advantage of the situation to throw the United States into the arms of another camp.

It is not a matter of a day or two for these Arab countries to want to oppose Israel, and if it were not for the United States to protect Israel for several decades, I am afraid that the Arab countries would have removed Israel from the list long ago, but in fact, to put it bluntly, it is all an entanglement of interests.

The Great Reconciliation of the Middle East of the Century! The Arab League took off the hat of Allah as a terrorist organization and was clearly anti-American

There is no "open card" yet

Now the two camps are still hiding cards in the game, because it is not yet the time of the open card, if the real card is the sky is falling apart, so no one dares to easily open the card to the end.

I don't think the Arab countries are wrong in looking at the overall situation, if the Arab countries are not united, then they can only be eaten away step by step by the chess piece placed by the West, as the so-called lips and teeth are cold, either they will be cut up one by one, or they will unite to oppose it, and the Arab League will also take this step only when it sees it.

The Great Reconciliation of the Middle East of the Century! The Arab League took off the hat of Allah as a terrorist organization and was clearly anti-American

It can also be seen that Saudi Arabia's refusal to renew the US-Saudi oil security agreement is most likely a certainty, which is to clearly oppose the United States, to know that Allah is Shia, the Arab League can be a Sunni, this can reach a great reconciliation is not easy.

The United States has always been seizing the oil and gas markets of Arab countries, but it has always favored Israel and used power and Israel to suppress Arab countries, but it is reluctant to give the money bag of Arabia, and always slaps a sweet date, and all that is given to Israel is sweet dates.

The Great Reconciliation of the Middle East of the Century! The Arab League took off the hat of Allah as a terrorist organization and was clearly anti-American

Minister of Defense of Israel and Secretary of State of the United States

The Arab League does not dare to argue with the United States even if it is the military as a whole, otherwise it would not have to suffer from the anger of so many years, but now it is different, the Arab side thinks that the other camp can now be relied on and worthy of trust, so it has the courage to make it clear to the United States, which means that it is very simple not to be angry with that nest.

Author's conclusion

Now Arab countries seem to have learned a song "Unity is Strength", only Arab countries are truly united and attached to the right camp can say no to the United States, the Houthis are now regular army, Allah has also become a regular army, the next step may be if the Somali pirates are anti-American and anti-Israeli, then they can also become regular troops, it is not impossible.

This tactic seems a little familiar, uniting all the forces that can be united to deal with the hegemony of the United States, and the countries of the Middle East now seem to be in chaos, but in fact they seem to be more and more united.

The Great Reconciliation of the Middle East of the Century! The Arab League took off the hat of Allah as a terrorist organization and was clearly anti-American

The training of the special training class is completed, and I will directly practice here, high, really high!

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