
In 2015, a 36-year-old diabetic patient did not eat rice every day to lower blood sugar, what was his physical condition later?

author:Dr. Yang is a popular science


[1] Yao Cairong, Zou Shanfeng, Guo Li. Friends of Science,2024,(06):46-47.

[2] Lou Xinling, Fan Zhihong. Chinese Journal of Cereals and Oils,2022,37(12):269-276.DOI:10.20048/j.cnki.issn.1003-0174.000479.

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In addition to cardiovascular diseases, the most common diseases in middle-aged and elderly groups are chronic diseases, and diabetes is one of them. Usually after being diagnosed, many diabetic patients will be told by their doctors to control the intake of staple foods such as rice, noodles, and steamed buns in addition to sugar. The main ingredient in these foods is carbohydrates, which are digested into glucose after entering the gastrointestinal tract, and too much of it can cause blood sugar fluctuations.

In 2015, 36-year-old Chen Guang, an ordinary employee of a car company, was forced to wake up amid an annoying alarm sound, and the pain in his wrist made him sober up instantly. Chen Guang tried to turn his stiff wrist, but finally gave up with grinned teeth, which happened almost every morning, and he had long been accustomed to it.

Chen Guang took out a piece of ibuprofen and took it easily, and after half an hour, the pain was reduced a lot, and the stiffness gradually disappeared. Chen Guang was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis a year ago, but only underwent joint treatment for a period of time, after which he gave up completely, taking only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen to control inflammation and relieve pain symptoms.

In 2015, a 36-year-old diabetic patient did not eat rice every day to lower blood sugar, what was his physical condition later?

Rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout are often confused, but the three are completely different diseases, rheumatoid is an autoimmune disease, rheumatism is usually associated with infection, and gout is a metabolic disease. Rheumatoid usually occurs in the proximal knuckles, metacarpophalangeal joints, and wrists, and is mostly symmetrical, with the most typical manifestations being morning stiffness, swelling, and pain, which can lead to severe joint deformity if not properly treated.

Recently, the weather has been relatively hot, and the colleagues in the office are discussing some milk tea, Chen Guang also went up to pick a cup, a cup of cold milk tea in his stomach, he felt a lot more energetic. But on the way home that night, Chen Guang felt a pain in his stomach, and he couldn't eat a bite of dinner, and after lying in bed for several hours, he suddenly experienced a violent feeling of nausea, which caused Chen Guang to retch.

In 2015, a 36-year-old diabetic patient did not eat rice every day to lower blood sugar, what was his physical condition later?

At first, he just thought that he had a bad stomach and didn't pay much attention to it, but when he woke up the next day, instead of getting better, he had more serious pain, and he quickly asked for leave to go to the emergency department of the hospital. When the doctor asked about his medical history, he found that Chen Guang was a little drowsy, as if he was about to enter the stage of consciousness disorder, and his skin was dry, and there was a faint smell of rotten apples when he spoke.

All kinds of signs deepened the doctor's conjecture, and he quickly arranged a fingerstick blood sugar measurement for him, and the result was as high as 20.8mmol/L, and the blood biochemical report was elevated, and Chen Guang was diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis. Doctors immediately administered intravenous fluids and insulin therapy, and after being admitted to the hospital for further examination, doctors found that his insulin secretion was severely insufficient, which means that Chen Guang has developed type 1 diabetes.

The three words diabetes make Chen Guangru a great enemy, in his heart, only the elderly can get this disease, he is not yet 40 years old, how is it possible? Doctors said that diabetes is divided into type 1 and type 2, and the elderly generally get type 2, and type 1 is more common in young people. The cause of Chen's illness is most likely related to his history of rheumatoid disease, because type 1 diabetes is also an autoimmune disease, and when the immune system in the patient's body gets out of control, immune cells attack normal tissues and cells, such as joints and pancreatic islet B cells, resulting in insufficient insulin production and triggering the appearance of type 1 diabetes.

In 2015, a 36-year-old diabetic patient did not eat rice every day to lower blood sugar, what was his physical condition later?

Under the careful care of the medical staff, Chen Guang was successfully discharged from the hospital, and before leaving, the doctor specially advised that in addition to insisting on taking medicine and injections, the staple food of each meal should also be controlled within one punch. After returning home, Chen Guang learned a lot about diabetes, especially those terrible complications, and the most impressive thing for him was the diabetic foot, and the impact of the pictures was too strong.

In order to minimize the possibility of complications, keep the doctor's words in mind, or even simply do nothing, eat only vegetables at each meal, completely abandon the staple food, and reduce the dosage in order to prevent hypoglycemia, so that the blood sugar can be controlled smoothly and steadily. Half a year has passed, and Chen Guang's life seems to be back on track.

On November 23rd, Chen Guang was sitting at his workstation thinking about work, but he suddenly felt dizzy, his hand holding the mouse trembled uncontrollably, and he was covered in a cold sweat in just a few minutes. He wanted to drink slowly, but the water cup he had just picked up fell to the ground instantly, and the eyes of his colleagues were attracted, but he saw Chen Guang and the water cup lying on the ground together, and quickly dialed 120.

In 2015, a 36-year-old diabetic patient did not eat rice every day to lower blood sugar, what was his physical condition later?

The reason for his fainting was still related to blood sugar, but this time it was low blood sugar, and the doctor said that if it was delivered later, there was a high chance that his brain would be damaged. And the results of the examination showed that he had kidney damage, which means that Chen Guang's blood sugar has been unstable in the past six months, which has led to complications.

After waking up, Chen Guang's eyes were full of disbelief when he learned what had happened, and he couldn't calm down on the bed for a long time. He didn't understand why he was obviously a diabetic, but he had low blood sugar, why couldn't this blood sugar be controlled?

Finally, when the doctor came to check the ward, Chen Guang hurriedly sat up and asked the doctor: Why can't I stabilize my blood sugar even though I don't eat staple foods anymore?

In 2015, a 36-year-old diabetic patient did not eat rice every day to lower blood sugar, what was his physical condition later?

After listening to his story, the attending doctor couldn't help but let out a long sigh, many patients are ignorant of the methods of lowering blood sugar, and only know how to control it with drugs, exercise and diet, but they do not know the correct methods and ways. Not only did the blood sugar not be controlled, but it was also higher and higher. So the doctor patiently said to him: "The method of lowering blood sugar is actually very simple, as long as you master these three points, you will not be troubled by blood sugar again." ”

Clinically, it is not recommended that diabetic patients completely avoid eating staple foods such as rice and noodles. Staple food is the main source of energy for the human body and has an irreplaceable role for the human body. The staple foods we eat are absorbed and converted into glucose to sustain the body's vital activities.

If the intake of staple foods is insufficient, excessive hunger can easily lead to hypoglycemia, causing the patient's blood sugar to fluctuate too much. If you replace staple foods with fats and meats, it will not only add excessive stress to the digestive system, but may also cause more health problems.

In 2015, a 36-year-old diabetic patient did not eat rice every day to lower blood sugar, what was his physical condition later?

Therefore, it is not that diabetics cannot eat staple foods, but they must learn to eat them correctly.

1. Coarse grains and fine grains are eaten together

Proper control of carbohydrate intake is a key part of blood sugar control. On the basis of reducing or abstaining from sugary foods, diabetic patients should mainly eat cereals and whole grains rich in starch, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that dietary fiber can reduce fasting blood glucose and postprandial blood glucose in diabetic patients, and effectively improve glucose tolerance and glycuria.

Dietary fiber promotes intestinal peristalsis, delays or reduces the absorption of sugars, and reduces the rate of blood sugar rise after meals. Foods rich in dietary fiber include well-known whole grains, such as common brown rice, black rice, yellow rice, buckwheat, quinoa, oats, etc. 1 serving of coarse grains is best paired with 2 servings of fine grains.

2. The right way to cook

The way rice is cooked, the degree of gelatinization, and the amount of water used to cook it determine the degree of gelatinization of rice, which in turn is directly related to digestion and blood sugar response. Soaking before cooking promotes rice expansion and faster gelatinization, which improves digestibility and increases blood sugar faster for those who eat it.

In 2015, a 36-year-old diabetic patient did not eat rice every day to lower blood sugar, what was his physical condition later?

In addition, the cooking time, the amount of water in the water, and the refrigeration time will all affect its ability to raise blood sugar. Therefore, in order to better control blood sugar, diabetic patients should reduce the soaking time before cooking, shorten the cooking time, reduce the amount of water added and refrigerate moderately (preferably no more than 24 hours) when cooking.

To increase satiety, you can also eat rice with protein-rich foods and plenty of vegetables if your digestive system can accept it. The above measures can not only improve the nutritional quality of the diet, but also achieve the purpose of reducing the postprandial glycemic response while maintaining the traditional rice diet, thus reducing the risk of diabetic complications.

(Note: "In 2015, a 36-year-old diabetic patient who did not eat rice every day lowered blood sugar, what was his physical condition later?") The names of the people are pseudonyms, and some of the pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)

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