
Women's Basketball U18 vs. Australia: Zhang Ziyu 19+10, analysis Wang Jiaxin crazy iron does not pass!

author:The guy said sports

On June 30, 2024, Beijing time, in the final of the 2024 U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, the Chinese team played against the Australian team on home soil to compete for the championship of the event. This game is not only a basketball game, but also a contest of youth power between two countries. The Chinese team has won the tournament 16 times in the past, including a brilliant record of six consecutive championships. This time, they are aiming for a 17th title, while Australia are trying to halt their winning streak.


In the first quarter of the game, the Australian team put a lot of pressure on Zhang Ziyu, causing a rift in her coordination with her teammates. Despite this, the Chinese team did not give up easily, and Wang Jiaxin and Xu Fengwei's consecutive three-pointers helped the team quickly recover and narrow the difference. However, Australia's quick counter-attack and tight defense put the Chinese team under pressure, and Zhang Ziyu stubbornly fought for every scoring opportunity on the inside, despite suffering multiple fouls in this section.

Women's Basketball U18 vs. Australia: Zhang Ziyu 19+10, analysis Wang Jiaxin crazy iron does not pass!

In the second quarter, Zhang Ziyu's form exploded in full swing, she not only showed excellent ball skills on both offensive and defensive ends, but also scored consecutive points to help the Chinese team bite the score. Although the Chinese team was still seven points behind at halftime, Zhang Ziyu's performance undoubtedly injected strong confidence into the Chinese team.

Women's Basketball U18 vs. Australia: Zhang Ziyu 19+10, analysis Wang Jiaxin crazy iron does not pass!

This game is not only a contest of skills, but also a duel of wills. Every player in the Chinese team has shown indomitable fighting spirit, and their performance is the future of Chinese basketball and the spiritual symbol of Chinese youth. Although the Australian team is highly skilled, they must also put in their best performance against the tenacious Chinese team.

Women's Basketball U18 vs. Australia: Zhang Ziyu 19+10, analysis Wang Jiaxin crazy iron does not pass!

This game will be a wonderful visual feast and a big test of the development of young players. Regardless of the outcome, it will be a memorable game, as it not only represents the competitive level of basketball, but also embodies the passion of youth and the spirit of not admitting defeat.


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