
The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him


Emperor Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River six times, leaving behind many legendary stories. However, on the way back from his fifth southern tour, a shocking thing happened. A 14-year-old boy actually stopped Qianlong's royal car and claimed that he was the emperor's grandson! This sudden "imperial grandson" made Qianlong confused. Does he really have a grandson who lives among the people? Or is it just a well-planned hoax?

Faced with this thorny problem, Qianlong decided to bring the boy back to the capital to investigate. However, the truth doesn't seem to be so easy to reveal. The ministers of the imperial court had their own opinions on this matter and debated endlessly. In the end, Qianlong made a surprising decision: to exile the boy to the frontier.

But the story doesn't end there. During the exile, the teenager's behavior raised more questions and controversy. Is he a real grandson, or an imposter? Why didn't Qianlong directly verify his identity? Why did the border commander ask for the execution of this teenager? What will be the fate of this 14-year-old child?

In the spring of the 55th year of Qianlong (1790), Emperor Qianlong, who was nearly seventy years old, ended his fifth southern tour and embarked on the journey back to the capital. During this southern tour, Qianlong visited six provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, inspected water conservancy, inspected the people's conditions, and also took the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River. Along the way, he left behind a lot of poems, recording what he saw and heard along the way.

The convoy slowly marched on the official road back to Beijing, and Qianlong sat in the imperial car, recalling all kinds of observations and experiences during this southern tour. Suddenly, the convoy came to an abrupt halt. Qianlong woke up from his contemplation and hurriedly asked what had happened.

The chief of the guard walked quickly to the side of the royal car and reported: "Your Majesty, there are two people in front of you, an old man and a young man, who stopped the convoy, saying that they had something important to see. "

Qianlong frowned, on weekdays, when he paid a private visit, people often asked to see him, but this time it was a bright royal parade, who dared to stop him so boldly? was about to open his mouth to reprimand, but he heard the chief of the guard say again: "That young man claims to be the grandson of the emperor, and he wants to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors." "

This sentence was like a thunderbolt, which made Qianlong stunned for a while. His grandson? How can it be? He knows all his own heirs, where did the wild grandson come from?

Driven by curiosity, Qianlong ordered someone to bring the old and the young to the front of the palace. Soon, a gray-haired old monk and a plainly dressed teenager were brought to the front of the car.

The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him

When the old monk saw Qianlong, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "The old man has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai, offended the holy driver, and asked the emperor to forgive him." "

Qianlong waved his hand, and his gaze fell on the young man. The boy is about fourteen or fifteen years old, and although he is dressed shabbyly, there is a different temperament between his eyebrows and eyes. What surprised Qianlong even more was that the appearance of this young man was somewhat similar to his late fourth prince.

"You say you're my grandson?" Qianlong asked, with a bit of sternness in his voice.

The young man replied without humility or arrogance: "Returning to the emperor's grandfather, the grandson is the son of the fourth prince. Because of her mother's low status, after giving birth to her grandchild, she entrusted her grandson to the old monk to raise. Now that the old monk is old, he may not be able to continue to take care of his grandchildren, so he took the liberty to come to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors. "

When Qianlong heard this, his brows tightened. It is true that the Four Princes died young, but he has never heard of the Four Princes having an illegitimate child. Besides, even if there really is such a grandson, why wait until now to recognize each other?

Seeing this, the old monk hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty, the old man originally planned to wait for this child to grow up before taking him to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors. But the old man is old, and I'm afraid he won't be able to wait for that day. That's why I had to disturb the holy car at this time, and asked the emperor for forgiveness. "

Qianlong fell into deep thought. This is a matter of royal blood, and it is not child's play. If this young man is really his grandson, then he is a member of the royal family and cannot be ignored. But if it is pretended, it is a great crime of bullying the king, and it is not an exaggeration to even the nine clans.

After weighing it repeatedly, Qianlong made a decision: "This matter is very important, and we cannot make hasty conclusions. You will return to Beijing with me to investigate this matter carefully. "

In this way, the old monk and the young man were taken on the convoy back to Beijing. Along the way, Qianlong looked at the young man who claimed to be his grandson from time to time. The words and deeds of the young man are indeed not like those of ordinary people's families, but whether they are royal blood or not needs to be further verified.

The convoy continued to march north, and this sudden "emperor's grandson" incident became the biggest accident on the way back from Qianlong's fifth southern tour. A contest over identity, bloodline and imperial power kicked off.

After Qianlong returned to the capital with the old monk and the young man, he immediately ordered a secret investigation. This matter is very important, not only involving the blood of the royal family, but also may affect the stability of the imperial court, so Qianlong asked for a thorough investigation of this matter, and it must be investigated.

The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him

First of all, Qianlong ordered people to place the old monks and young men separately and take strict care. He sent his henchmen to interrogate them separately to verify that their accounts were consistent. At the same time, he also ordered someone to secretly investigate the origin of the old monk and the life trajectory of the young man.

During the interrogation, the old monk insisted on his own statement, saying that the young man was indeed the widow of the fourth prince. He claimed that the fourth prince had an affair with a palace maid and gave birth to the child. Worried that something would happen to the child in the palace, the palace maid entrusted the child to him to raise. The old monk also provided some details, such as the specific time and place of the child's birth, as well as the nickname given to the child by the fourth prince.

The young man's statement is basically consistent with the old monk, but he knows very little about his life experience, and only follows the old monk's teachings to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors. The teenager said that he was told that he was of royal blood since he was a child, but he has always been incognito and has not had the opportunity to recognize him until now.

After listening to the interrogation report, Qianlong decided to further verify it. He ordered someone to secretly summon the concubines and personal eunuchs of the four princes of that year. These people, who had not set foot in the palace for many years, were suddenly summoned and could not help but feel uneasy.

The concubine of the four princes, Liu, was summoned first. She knelt in front of Qianlong and answered the emperor's question tremblingly. Liu said that she had indeed heard rumors that the fourth prince had an affair with a palace maid, but she had never seen the palace maid with her own eyes, let alone knew that any children existed.

Then, Qianlong summoned several side concubines of the four princes. Their statements are similar, and they all claim to be unaware of this. However, when Qianlong asked if there were any palace maids who were particularly close to the four princes during their lifetimes, one of the side concubines hesitated and mentioned a palace maid named Xiangling.

The name caught Qianlong's attention. He immediately ordered someone to find Xiangling's whereabouts. However, the results of the investigation revealed that Xiangling left the court shortly after the death of the fourth prince and has not been heard from since.

At the same time, the ministers of the DPRK and China also learned about it. They have their own opinions and arguments. Some people believe that if this young man is really of royal blood, he should be recognized and given a proper reward. Others fear that acknowledging this "wild grandson" may lead to more people posing as members of the royal family, and may even jeopardize the stability of the succession.

He Shen, as an important minister of the court at that time, put forward his own views. He believes that no matter whether the teenager is real or not, his identity should not be easily acknowledged. If it's fake, then there's no need to say more; If it is true, rashly admitting an imperial grandson of unknown origin will also cause shock in the government and the opposition, which is not conducive to social stability. He Shen suggested that the young man could be given a lower title first, placed in the capital, and continued to observe.

After listening to the opinions of all parties, Qianlong fell into deep thought. The stakes are high and should not be hasty. He ordered the investigation to continue, while secretly observing the boy's words and deeds.

In the days that followed, the boy was placed in a remote house. His every move was under surveillance. The departments concerned also sent people to secretly investigate the teenager's place of origin and upbringing. However, these investigations did not lead to conclusive conclusions. The boy's life history is still shrouded in fog.

The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him

As time went on, the discussion between the DPRK and China became more and more intense. Some people have suggested that the authenticity can be judged by comparing the appearance of the young man and the fourth prince. It has also been suggested that the teenager could demonstrate some skills or knowledge that are unique to the royal family as a way to verify his identity.

However, these methods are controversial. After all, the similarity of looks does not fully prove the blood relationship, and some special knowledge of the royal family may also be leaked through other means.

While the court was arguing over the matter, an elderly eunuch suddenly provided a key piece of information. He claimed that he had seen the fourth prince wash a baby with a special birthmark on his left arm.

This news was like a bombshell that caught everyone's attention. Qianlong immediately ordered the examination of the boy's left arm. However, the results of the examination disappointed everyone - the teenager did not have any birthmark on his left arm.

At this point, the investigation into the identity of the juvenile has reached an impasse. The evidence is not enough to prove that he is the real imperial grandson, but it is also impossible to completely disprove his claims. Qianlong was faced with a difficult choice.

Faced with this thorny situation, Qianlong fell into a long period of contemplation. The controversy in the court was becoming increasingly fierce, and various forces were trying to influence the emperor's decision. Some people advocate recognizing their ancestors and bringing this young man into the royal family; There are also those who are adamantly opposed, believing that this may be a well-planned hoax. Qianlong knew that no matter what choice he made, it would have a far-reaching impact.

On a stormy night, Qianlong summoned several confidants to discuss secretly. He Shen, Ji Xiaolan and others expressed their opinions, and the discussion continued until late at night. In the end, Qianlong made an unexpected decision: to exile the young man, who claimed to be the emperor's grandson, to the frontier.

As soon as this decision was announced, it immediately caused an uproar in the DPRK and China. Ministers who supported the return to their ancestors thought it was too cruel, while opponents felt it was too lenient. However, Qianlong's decision could not be changed.

Qianlong explained that there were multiple considerations for exiling the teenager to the frontier. First of all, it can temporarily calm the controversy between the DPRK and China and avoid a bigger political storm caused by this incident. Secondly, it is also a test for teenagers. If he really has royal blood, then his talents and character will be tempered and displayed in a difficult frontier environment. In the end, this decision is neither an outright denial of the juvenile's identity, nor a hasty admission of it, leaving room for future disposal.

In order to implement this decision, Qianlong assigned a respected old minister to escort the young man to the frontier. This old minister's name is Zhao Tingjun, who has served in the frontier for many years and is very familiar with the local situation. Qianlong instructed Zhao Tingjun to closely observe the young man's words and deeds and report the situation regularly.

The day before departure, Qianlong summoned the young man. This is the second official meeting between the two since they met on the southern tour. The young man knelt in front of Qianlong with a complicated expression. Qianlong told him that in order to find out the truth and also to temper his character, he decided to send him to the frontier to experience it. When the teenager heard this, he did not show panic or dissatisfaction, but respectfully accepted the decision.

The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him

On the day of departure, it was drizzling in the capital. A small convoy quietly left the city gate and headed northwest. The teenager sat in an ordinary carriage with only a few simple pieces of luggage by his side. Zhao Tingjun rode on a horse, leading a small team of guards, silently escorting this special "prisoner".

Along the way, Zhao Tingjun carefully observed the young man's every move. He found that the 14-year-old was unusually calm. In the face of the hardships of the long journey, the teenager never complained; When encountering obstacles, he can also deal with them calmly. These performances made Zhao Tingjun have a trace of doubt about the identity of the teenager.

Zhao Tingjun followed Qianlong's instructions and placed the boy in an ordinary barracks. He told the teenager that from today onwards he would be an ordinary soldier at this border post and would be involved in training and daily work like any other soldier. The boy nodded in understanding, and began his new life on the frontier.

In the days that followed, the teenager showed an extraordinary ability to adapt. Not only did he quickly acquire basic military skills, but he also showed an amazing talent for cultural learning. Several local teachers praised him for his intelligence and ability to learn. These performances were truthfully recorded by Zhao Tingjun and regularly reported to Qianlong through secret letters.

However, the juvenile's outstanding performance has also caused some people to be alarmed. Some of the generals of the frontier began to be suspicious of this young man of unknown origin. They fear that if the teenager is really of royal blood, then his presence on the frontier could become a destabilizing factor.

As time passed, rumors about the identity of the teenager began to circulate quietly among the Frontier Army. Some say he was a degraded prince, others say he was the illegitimate son of a certain minister. These gossips have brought new challenges to the situation of the teenagers.

At this moment, an alarm suddenly came from the frontier. A nomadic tribe from a neighboring country crossed the border and began to harass border villages. The border guards immediately went into action and prepared to meet the enemy. At this critical moment, the teenager took the initiative to ask Ying to participate in the defensive operation.

This request put Cho Tingjun in a dilemma. According to Qianlong's instructions, the juvenile should be properly protected and not put in danger. However, if the juvenile's request is refused, it may raise more suspicion. After weighing the pros and cons, Cho decided to let the boy join a logistics unit and be responsible for transporting supplies.

In this way, for the first time, the boy really participated in the military operations on the frontier. In the coming days, he will face more challenges and tests. And in the distant capital, Qianlong is still waiting for the latest news about this "imperial grandson".

Winter on the frontier comes very early, and before autumn, the cold wind is already howling. The teenager follows the logistics unit through the rugged mountain roads to deliver supplies to the front line. Despite the cold weather and the difficult roads, he always maintained his high morale and did not show any fatigue.

The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him

This border clash turned out to be much more serious than expected. The nomadic tribes were not only outnumbered, but also well-armed, apparently coming prepared. Although the border guards put up a hard resistance, the situation became precarious after several days of fierce fighting.

Just then, an accident happened. The team responsible for transporting grain and grass was ambushed by enemy troops in a steep valley. The escort soldiers resisted, but they were outnumbered and were about to be wiped out. At the critical moment, the young man stepped forward and commanded everyone to take advantage of the terrain and skillfully arrange a simple but effective defensive formation.

The boy's command was quite methodical, not only stabilized his position, but also managed to lead the enemy into a trap. He ordered his soldiers to push the wagons loaded with grain and grass down the hill and smash them into the enemy troops who were climbing. This move came as a surprise and immediately disrupted the enemy's formation and gave them a chance to breathe.

Taking advantage of the confusion of the enemy army, the young man led a small group of elite soldiers to go around the rear of the enemy army and cut off their retreat. This bold action completely demoralized the enemy troops, which eventually led to their total rout.

This unexpected victory not only saved important military supplies, but also greatly boosted the morale of the border guards. The news quickly reached the ears of the front-line commander, who immediately sent someone to summon the boy to the military tent.

When the young man stood in front of the commander, the generals in the tent all showed surprised looks. They didn't expect that this person who had made great achievements would be so young. The coach carefully inquired about the details of the battle and praised the teenager's wit and courage.

However, just when the coach was about to give the boy credit on the spot, Zhao Tingjun stood up and reminded the coach of the special identity of the boy. Only then did the coach remember that this young man was the legendary "imperial grandson".

The discovery caused a brief silence at the top of the military. Some people were worried about how to explain to the imperial court if a potential member of the royal family was involved in such a dangerous war, in case of an accident. However, some people believe that since young people have already made meritorious contributions, they should be duly rewarded, otherwise they will violate the principle of clear rewards and punishments in the army.

After some deliberation, the coach finally decided not to reveal the identity of the teenager for the time being, but still give him the reward he deserved. The teenager was given the position of a junior officer and was tasked with assisting in the development of defensive strategies.

In the days that followed, the boy's talents were fully developed. He put forward a number of suggestions for improvement, including improving the way the outpost is deployed and optimizing the route of material transportation, which has achieved remarkable results. The combat effectiveness of the border guards was significantly improved, successfully containing the offensive of the nomadic tribes.

As the war progressed, the boy's reputation spread among the army. The soldiers privately talked about how this young man must be the son of a big man, otherwise how could he have such outstanding talents. Some even speculate that he may be the legendary descendant of royalty.

The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him

These rumors quickly attracted the attention of the enemy. When the leader of the nomadic tribe learned of the appearance of a mysterious young officer in the border guards, he immediately sent secret spies to try to spy on the truth.

One night, several masked men infiltrated the border guard camp and tried to kidnap the teenager. However, they underestimated the vigilance of teenagers. As early as a few days ago, the teenager noticed the abnormality around him and secretly strengthened his vigilance. When the Assassins broke into his tent, he was immediately subdued by the soldiers who were in ambush.

This attempted assassination incident has aroused great attention from the middle and high ranks of the military. They realized that the presence of the teenager had become a potential threat target. In order to protect the safety of the teenager, but also to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of this weakness, the boss decided to temporarily transfer the teenager away from the front line.

Just when the military was struggling with how to accommodate the teenagers, an unexpected news came from the capital: the Qianlong Emperor decided to personally inspect the frontier. The news threw a boulder into a calm lake and made huge waves on the frontier.

This is undoubtedly a pivotal moment for the teenagers. Can his performance in the frontier be recognized by Qianlong? Will his true identity be revealed during this inspection? And for those generals who know the inside story, they are also faced with a difficult choice: should they tell the truth about what the teenager did, or choose to hide it?

As the date of Qianlong's border patrol approached, the atmosphere in the border barracks became more and more tense. Everyone knows that a big drama is about to change the fate of many people.

In September of the 60th year of Qianlong (1795), a mighty team set out from the capital and marched to the northwest frontier. This was the last large-scale border tour of the Qianlong Emperor. Although he is old, Qianlong is still in good spirits, and his figure on a horse is still upright.

In addition to the accompanying civil and military officials, there are also a group of craftsmen and painters. During this trip, Qianlong not only inspected the border defense, but also recorded the customs and customs along the way. Everywhere this team went, it caused a sensation. Officials from all over the country have been dispatched to prepare for a grand welcoming ceremony.

However, the true purpose of Qianlong's trip was known only to a few confidants. The young man who claimed to be the emperor's grandson had always been a question in Qianlong's heart. Through this personal patrol of the border, he wanted to see with his own eyes the performance of this young man in the frontier in order to make a final judgment.

When Qianlong's team arrived at the frontier town, the border guards were already in full array. The commander personally led the generals out of the city to greet them. When reporting the military situation, the commander hesitated again and again, and finally decided to report the young man's deeds truthfully.

After Qianlong heard this, his face was expressionless, and he just said lightly: "Summons this person." "

The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him

When the young man was brought to Qianlong, the entire tent was silent. Everyone held their breath and waited for this critical moment to come. The boy knelt down and saluted, his movements were standard, and his demeanor was calm.

Qianlong carefully looked at the young man in front of him. Two years of frontier life have made the teenager more mature and stable. There was a composure in his eyes that was beyond his years.

Qianlong opened his mouth and asked, "I heard that you have made a lot of contributions in the frontier?" "

The young man replied respectfully: "Back to the emperor, the minister just did his duty. "

Qianlong asked again: "Do you know your life experience?" "

The young man was silent for a moment, and then said: "The minister only knows that he is an orphan, and as for whether he really has royal blood, the minister does not dare to say anything. "

Qianlong nodded and did not continue to ask. He turned to the minister next to him and ordered, "Prepare pen and ink." "

Next, Qianlong unexpectedly asked the boy to compose a poem on the spot, entitled "Autumn Scenery Outside the Plug". This request surprised everyone present. You must know that improvising poetry requires not only talent, but also profound cultural heritage, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge for a teenager who grew up in the frontier.

However, the teenager did not show signs of panic. He pondered for a moment, then brushed up. After a while, a seven-character quatrain was presented on paper:

"The autumn wind outside the plug swept the yellow sand, and the morale of the border was like a glow.

The Xiongnu were not extinguished, and they swore to defend the territory and protect China. "

Qianlong took the poem and read it carefully. The poem not only depicts the autumn scenery outside the Seychelles, but also expresses the pride and ambition of the border guards. The level of this poem is far beyond what ordinary frontier teenagers can achieve.

The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him

Qianlong put down the poem and asked the young man a few questions about governing the country. The boy's answer was not only theoretical, but also combined with the actual situation of the frontier, showing extraordinary insight.

This series of tests made Qianlong's expression gradually change. He waved back left and right, leaving the boy and a few henchmen alone.

In the following conversation, Qianlong finally revealed the mystery. It turned out that this young man did have royal blood, but he was not Qianlong's grandson, but a descendant of his sideline. Years ago, due to some complicated reasons within the court, the child was secretly sent out of the palace to be raised.

Qianlong explained that it was not by chance that he met the boy on the way to the south. It was a carefully arranged ordeal for him. And sending the boy to the frontier is to exercise his talent and character.

The revelation of this truth shocked everyone present. The boy fell to his knees, unable to speak for a long time.

Qianlong walked up to the young man and personally helped him up. "Your performance on the frontier is a testament to your talent and loyalty," he said. I have decided to officially recognize your identity and grant you a proper knighthood. "

This decision immediately caused a stir in the military. The soldiers who had worked with the boy were both surprised and happy for him.

However, Qianlong's arrangement did not end there. He announced that the boy could not return to Beijing for the time being, but would continue to stay in the frontier and assist the commander in handling military affairs. Qianlong explained that the situation in the frontier was still tense and needed the assistance of someone like the boy who was both talented and knowledgeable about the local situation.

In the days that followed, Qianlong carefully inspected the various facilities of the border defense and listened to the commander's report on the defense strategy. In the process, the teenager made many suggestions and further proved his ability.

Before leaving, Qianlong summoned the boy and the coach and explained some follow-up arrangements. He also specifically instructed the coach to treat the teenager well, but not to be overly favorable, and to let him continue to hone himself in a difficult environment.

When Qianlong's car left the frontier town, the young man and the soldiers stood on the city wall and watched. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on their faces, reflecting a complex expression. For the teenager, this was an important turning point in his life. And for the soldiers of the frontier, they witnessed an extraordinary historical moment.

The 14-year-old child stopped Qianlong's car and called his grandfather, Qianlong did not believe it and exiled him, and the border officer: Kill him

As Qianlong's car drove away, the frontier returned to its former tranquility. However, everyone knows that a new era is coming. The appearance of the boy not only changed his own destiny, but also injected new vitality into this territory.

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