
The concept of the rule of law was integrated into daily life, and they jointly held a safety carnival for the first time


On the 30th, Xinzhuang Town held a grand event of "Creating Harmony and Peace Carnival with 'Xin'" in Weijing Impression City, aiming to comprehensively promote the political and legal work of Xinzhuang, in-depth popularization of legal knowledge, improve residents' awareness of the rule of law, prevent and resolve contradictions and disputes, further maintain social stability, promote the construction of a rule of law government, and optimize the community governance model.

The concept of the rule of law was integrated into daily life, and they jointly held a safety carnival for the first time

Publicity of the rule of law is an important work to maintain social stability and promote social progress, and through the activity of "Creating Harmony and Peace Carnival with 'Xin'", it is hoped that the concept of the rule of law will be integrated into the daily life of residents, so that the rule of law will become a social consensus and basic norm for everyone.

At the event site, the three check-in points on the first floor of Weijing Impression City respectively set up game activities such as the safety office, the petition office, and the relevant knowledge contest of the judicial office, so as to skillfully integrate the knowledge of the rule of law, petitions, and justice into the game, so that residents can enhance the concept of the rule of law in the process of participating in the game, and deepen their understanding and cognition of the peace, petition, and judicial work around them. "Enhance the publicity effect of the trinity, expand the scope of communication, increase the number of participants, and deepen the social influence of the event." According to the staff of the Xinzhuang Town Safety Office, this linkage is the first time that three departments in Xinzhuang have carried out linkage, and it is a new model to explore the rule of law publicity, upgrading the traditional model of "each doing its own" to "doing it together".

The concept of the rule of law was integrated into daily life, and they jointly held a safety carnival for the first time

A number of participating teams composed of enterprises and institutions, primary and secondary school students, community residents, etc., learned legal knowledge and felt the spirit of the rule of law in a relaxed and happy atmosphere through game competitions. At the same time, the event also set up an award ceremony to commend the outstanding teams and individuals, which further stimulated the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of residents to participate in the rule of law publicity activities.

The concept of the rule of law was integrated into daily life, and they jointly held a safety carnival for the first time

In the "Xin" visit station, the participating teams participated in the rule of law knowledge quiz by completing the Xinzhuang Town petition map jigsaw puzzle game and scanning the QR code, which not only exercised their hands-on ability, but also learned practical legal knowledge. In the safe living room, the participating teams learned about the dangers of drugs and telecom fraud and improved their awareness of self-prevention through games such as "Identifying 'Drug' Masters" and "Knocking Down 'Electric Fraud'". In the Law Popularization Garden, the participating teams actively participated in interactive games such as "YES OR NO Rush Answer" and "Create Peace Together", and deepened their understanding and memory of legal knowledge through answering and guessing words.

The concept of the rule of law was integrated into daily life, and they jointly held a safety carnival for the first time

The "Harmony and Peace Carnival" activity is a grand event of rule of law publicity and a vivid practice of community co-construction, co-governance and sharing. Through the development of activities, Xinzhuang Town has successfully integrated the concept of the rule of law into the daily life of residents, improved their awareness of the rule of law and legal literacy, and laid a solid foundation for building a harmonious community and promoting social progress.

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