
Israel's Lesson: The Fall of the White State in South Africa

author:Spicy U

In the first seven Middle East wars, Israel won all of them, but behind Israel's "seven victories in seven wars" was the defeat of world public opinion, the weakening of US support, and the growing unity of Arab countries.

Israel's Lesson: The Fall of the White State in South Africa

At the same time, Hamas has withstood the pressure, and its population continues to grow, a nail that Israel will never be able to pull out.

A lesson from Israel's experience is South Africa.

In 1961, South Africa became independent, but was ruled by whites.

The black people in South Africa nibbled on steamed buns and ate green vegetables, and the whites ate bread and beef, and the black South Africans felt that it was unfair, so they made a revolution under the leadership of Mandela.

The surrounding black countries also responded positively and attacked en masse, and the whites of South Africa also won successive battles like Israel, but with the victory of the war, the disadvantages of the white South Africans were played out: world public opinion supported the blacks, there were more and more blacks in South Africa, and the surrounding black countries were becoming more and more united.

As a result, the whites of South Africa could not hold on.

In 1989, South Africa was forced to release the black South African leader, Nelson Mandela.

In May 1994, Mandela became president of South Africa, confiscated white capital and drove out white people.

Some people say that South Africa was originally a developed country, but under the leadership of blacks, it has become poor, but you must also know that South Africa was originally rich only because of white people, and it has little to do with blacks.

Israel's Lesson: The Fall of the White State in South Africa

Israel's future is now South Africa

In the Middle East, Israel, as a small bully of different races, different beliefs, and cruel methods, hangs in a lonely corner, and although it has won all battles, it cannot survive forever, which is the inevitable result of the strong fertility rate of the Arabs and the recognition of the people of the world.

When the white South African regime collapsed, black people accounted for 80% of the population in South Africa, Israel now has a population of more than 10 million, and there are more than 7 million Jews, so there is no major basis for resistance in the country at present, and the Arabs can surpass the Jewish population in 50 years as long as they continue to have a few more children.

In the next 50 years, the warriors of Arabia will once again regain this land.

Israel will eventually be exiled again, but this time, I'm afraid no country will dare to take them in again.

As far as Israel is concerned, it is better to hold peace talks, strive to leave a piece of land, and live in a down-to-earth manner.

Modern warfare is the world of drones, a $300 drone, Israel needs to spend $30,000 to intercept it with an air defense missile, and it can't afford to spend it in the long run, for example, in the Russian-Ukrainian war, many troops have also suffered from drones.

Israel's Lesson: The Fall of the White State in South Africa

Heavy responsibilities

Since the founding of the State of Israel, it has been suppressing the surrounding Arab countries, exterminating the Palestinians, and even women and children will not have mercy.

At present, although the Arab countries have a large population and a large territory, they are full of internal contradictions and cannot achieve complete unity, while Israel, although its population is small and its territory is small, is very united internally, has a strong scientific and technological and economic foundation, and also has nuclear weapons.

I have to admit that as of today, Arab countries have not been able to defeat Israel, but Arab warriors can read a book, "On Protracted War" written by a great Chinese more than 80 years ago, which hides a magic weapon for victory, nuclear weapons are not omnipotent, and the side that failed in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea also has nuclear weapons.

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