
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

author:Horse Born Steven


Recently, the Israeli army suffered a considerable setback in the implementation of the "decapitation operation", when an Israeli officer was killed in the course of a raid, and the entourage of soldiers and reinforcements was quite large, which raised all kinds of questions.

The operation targeted members of the Hamas leadership, but the Israeli side did not provide specific names, saying only that these people were important members of Hamas, and it is not clear who they were.

Could it be that this is "Hamas" carrying out "targeted executions"?

For a moment, after the blow of this operation, should the Israeli army ask itself whether it was worth it?

Sure enough, "a tooth for a tooth" could not be exchanged for anything but killing, and perhaps this was the most important lesson they had to learn today.

So, what really happened to this operation, and why did it take the death of an officer?

What is the reason behind this?

The "decapitation operation" shifted to counter-terrorism.

The "decapitation operation" is a favorite tactic used by the Israeli army in dealing with the Palestinian people and various armed groups, and it is an absolute counter-attack against the "terrorists".

In the eyes of the Israeli army, "terrorists" deserve only to be executed by "executioners", hence the call for "targeted executions".

Its essence is more of an "assassination operation", and Israel tends to be meticulous in assassinations.

This kind of operation is called "cold treatment" by the personnel of the Israeli War College, which is a very bad word.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

As a student at the famous Harvard School of International Affairs put it, "The Israeli army has been trying to carry out 'decapitation operations' by cutting a bloody hole in the hiding place of al-Qaeda members even if they pass through a hundred layers of stealth armor."

Moreover, this assassination is also the largest export of Israel as a country.

They sell assassinations like they sell electricity, and they instruct how to carry them out".

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

Of course, as the Palestinian people, they have not given up their determination to fight back, and the main means of counterattack is to carry out targeted bombing attacks.

In particular, in 1994, Israeli Prime Minister Abhad Rabin was assassinated in this way, and since then, Israel has been determined to retaliate for the bombing attacks.

They also bombed a house in a Palestinian area where it happened to be a famous Israeli general, whose wife and sons were killed.

This incident has also brought the contradictions and antagonism between the people of Israel and the Islamists almost to the point of irreconcilability.

Isn't it time for Israel to reflect on its actions when faced with a "knife and gun" that grows out of its ribs?

After Israel's anti-terrorist operation took the "decapitation operation" to a new level, they thought that Hamas could be easily "destroyed".

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

The "decapitation operation", which is the "targeted execution" of the "terrorists" of the Palestinian people, was preceded by other Israeli "counter-terrorism operations", but these methods were thankless and did not eliminate them.

Israel is also trying to change its tactics by carrying out "targeted executions" of "terrorists" of the Palestinian people and beheading off the leaders of the "terrorists" one by one.

But 15 years have passed, and the number of "terrorists" among the Palestinian people has increased like a "frenzy".

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

Hamas's armed "fighter wing" has attacked Israel again and again, causing many Israeli casualties.

The Hamas militants also directly detonated the progress of the "Gaza Strip", and the United States was the most suspicious because of this, and directly suspended the payment of aid to the Gaza Strip.

The brutal "execution" of Hamas's top leaders has heightened suspicions, which they see as an "over-the-top sacrifice", a deliberate sacrifice of an important person to direct hatred to the Israeli army.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

Reinforcements from Hamas were killed.

But this kind of thing has not happened before, and there is indeed one leader of Hamas who is a well-known "Israeli spy".

This is a "Hamas" leader who appeared in the UAE and his "wife" at the time provided this contact to the Israelis.

He was the designated target of Israel during the "decapitation operation", and later unilaterally offered to negotiate peace with Israel while he was still on the run.

At that time, the Arab countries and Israel had been negotiating a peace treaty for a long time, and finally Israel gave up this condition, and then stopped.

Therefore, he is also an important target for Israel.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

Later, Israel also attacked him with artillery fire, but it did not succeed, and in the end he was captured by relying on the "peace talks" between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, and he was shot dead by Israel's plainclothes after being captured.

They also sold off on Twitter, directly questioning whether Hamas's top leader had also offered a "$10 million" bounty to the United States.

Until one time, a spokesman for Hamas could "get away with it", and because of this, many people directly doubted whether the leaders of Hamas were all spies.

In the early hours of 27 June, two groups of Israeli expeditionary forces marched into the strip and killed one person in a Hamas bunker and three in a coordinated operation in Gaza City and Rafaha.

However, on the Hauffle road, an elite unit of eight men stepped on a roadside bomb while on the march, killing four soldiers and wounding four others.

This information was also seen by Hamas, so they knew that the Israelis were going to carry out a "decapitation operation" against them, and among the eight personnel there was 1 officer, and the rest were the retinue of this officer.

Plus 5 reinforcements, the officer was a regimental commander, and they targeted a militant who had been on the half-moon before, but he was not introduced.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

The militant later confirmed to the media that the explosion occurred at 2:45 a.m., while the regimental commander and his comrades were on patrol.

At that time, the roadside bomb was detonated by a distant village, which was "springing".

They were formed by the "Jihad" armed group.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

The group was classified as a terrorist organization by Israel in 2002, and Jihad members were internally required to pay a portion of the money to its regular forces.

At that time, Israel's group match was played to the 29th set, and when was Israel's military operation so easy to investigate.

It can be seen that the Israelis have a lot of confidence in them.

The people of Gaza, who knew the situation, were also very resourceful, and they called the Israelis directly to ask what had happened and why the explosion had occurred.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

However, the Israelis will not allow information to leak easily, and they say that they are conducting a "defensive mission" to keep the Palestinian people away from "criminal acts".

In order to prevent and control this "black ghost" organization in the future, and also to ensure that when the Hamas side finds the body later, they will not think that it was an assassination by Israelis.

An Israeli officer was killed in the attack, a girl was mutilated, and the mother of a child was killed in the blast, which was eventually described as "well performed" by the predecessors of the Israeli army.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

The missteps in the operation, which resulted in the loss of a regimental officer, a squad of fighters and two reinforcements, were complained about by many people, including an Israeli forward scout who said, "It's stupid that our mission is to keep an eye on the road on both sides of the road while we are on the way, but we have not found any signs of roadside bombs being planted on the side of the road."

The murderer is also prepared.

Before the incident, the Israeli officer was dancing, and the footage of his dance was recorded by the personnel of the "Jihad" armed group.

Of course, the Hamas militant group has its own characteristics, and they will also cover themselves by "spreading intelligence" in Israel.

The regimental commander, who was only 34 years old when he died, was already famous, a combatant and even a "medium-range sneak attacker" in the special forces fighting in the "Gaza Strip".

There were also people from the unit who directly questioned the Israelis why they didn't blow it up together!

The "commander" of this unit immediately sent people to support the explosion, but when reinforcements arrived, they were detonated by a long-range missile control.

In this explosion, one person was killed and 16 people were injured, and after the incident broke out, American warplanes were also very busy, and they flew directly over Syria and then went to Israel.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? It was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene, and the United States was unlucky

The action of "-for-tat" is not only thankless, but will also bring about a chain reaction, and this explosion has made the United States innocent and "unlucky."

In order to make an emergency landing, the US fighter jets also carried out an air explosion at Syria's Abu Qamr airport before, but it did not cause excessive damage to the surroundings.

The goal of the United States in the Middle East is to make Israel a safe "military fortress," but at this time, Israel's "decapitation operation" has made itself "chicken fly and dog jump."

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