
U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

author:Chat about all kinds of balls~

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Zheng Xinru, this name may not be the loudest on the basketball court, but she is like a "night ranger" in the basketball world, and she can always surprise her opponent at critical moments.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

Don't look at her not many shots, every shot is like a well-planned action, which is difficult to guard.

In this game, her three-point shot at the top of the arc was simply "the brightest star in the night sky", illuminating the hope of the Chinese team.

Although her overall performance may be a little conservative, as the old saying goes, "less is more", her 3-pointers and 1 rebound seem to be telling us: "Don't look at me for a few shots, but every shot has weight."

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

Her performance is like telling us that basketball is not just a sport, but also a battle of wisdom.

She is not in a hurry to make a shot, but is waiting for the perfect moment, and this kind of calmness and patience is exactly what is most needed in the game of basketball.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

She is like a "sniper" on the basketball court, and every shot is accurate and deadly.

Although the Chinese team failed to win the championship in this game, Zheng Xinru's performance undoubtedly left a deep impression on the fans.

She is like a "little luck" on the basketball court, inadvertently, bringing us surprises and hopes.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

Xu Fengwei, the player's performance in this game, can be said to be a typical representative of the "tragic hero".

The empty basket in the opening game was like fate playing a joke on him, indicating that he was not going well throughout the game.

He has a lot of shots, but he is not very efficient, which is like telling us that on the basketball court, sometimes "more work" is not necessarily "more".

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

Especially in the chasing stage, his decision to choose to shoot three points is a little confusing.

It's like saying, "I'm just going to challenge fate, and I'm going to be brave enough to throw this ball, even if the road ahead is bumpy."

While his stats of 3-of-11 shooting, 9 points, 2 rebounds and 7 assists aren't bad, there's clearly room for improvement.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

It's like telling us that on the basketball court, everyone needs to keep learning and improving.

Although the Chinese women's basketball team lost 79-96 in this game, their performance showed us the tenacity and unyielding spirit.

Every jump they made on the court, every shot they made, was full of passion and hope.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

Their performance is like telling us, "Even if the road ahead is challenging, we will not back down."

Wang Jiaxin, this name is like "timely rain" on the basketball court, and can always bring a turnaround to the team at critical moments.

The bottom corner of the first quarter was like sprinkling rain on arid land, which made the morale of the Chinese team instantly high.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

The key answer ball in the third quarter was like a timely rain, extinguishing the arrogance of the opponent.

Her performance is like a "stabilizer" in the basketball world, always able to shoot that shot steadily when the team needs it.

However, the defensive mistake in the fourth quarter, like a sudden storm, made her performance slightly flawed.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

But that's basketball, there are always ups and downs, and there's always imperfections.

With 8 points, 0 rebounds and 6 assists on 2-of-11 shooting, her performance can be said to be mediocre, but mediocre does not mean mediocrity, but a symbol of stability.

Wang Jiaxin is like a "balancer" on the basketball court, seeking breakthroughs in stability, even if there are mistakes, she can quickly adjust and continue to contribute to the team.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

Li Yuwei, this name is like a sharp "sword" on the basketball court, and can always give the opponent a fatal blow on the offensive end.

The tough layup in the first quarter was like a swordsman's sword to seal his throat, making the opponent unguardable.

The mid-range score in the fourth quarter was even more like a sword going off the rails, which was eye-catching.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

With 3 of 6 shots, 6 points, 1 rebound and 0 assists, her performance was remarkable, just like every swing of a swordsman's sword, which was accurate and deadly.

Zhang Ziyue, this name is like an "iron wall" on the basketball court, which can always bring huge pressure to the opponent on the defensive end.

Although she didn't shoot much, her positive performance on the defensive end was impressive.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

The turnaround jumper in the first quarter was like a small window in the iron wall, scoring the first point for the team.

With 2 shots of 2, 5 points, 1 rebound and 0 assists, her performance can be said to be efficient and accurate, just like every attack on the iron wall, it is accurate.

Xu Peilin's breakthrough layup in the third quarter was like a shot in the arm for the team and helped the team equalize.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

1 of 3 shots, 4 points, 2 rebounds and 3 assists, her performance was also remarkable.

She is like a "booster" on the basketball court, always able to power the team in key moments.

Her breakouts and layups are like the ignition of a booster, making the team's offense sharper.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

Zhang Ziyu, the scoring champion on the basketball court, is like a "basketball solo", and every shot is full of power and rhythm.

42 points, 14 rebounds and 1 assist on 18-of-36 shooting, this stat is like telling us: "Dude, this is strength!"

From the second offense in the second quarter, he was like an indomitable warrior, snatching rebounds under the opponent's defense, and making up for a violent dunk, which made the audience crazy.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

In the third quarter, he hit a mid-range shot that showed his accurate shooting skills, as if to say, "This basket is mine!"

However, in the fourth quarter, the lack of energy caused his performance to fluctuate, but that was part of the game of basketball, and no one could be perfect all the time.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

His toughness and hard work are like telling us: "Dude, even if you are tired, you have to fight to the end!"

His performance is undoubtedly the focus of the game, impressive, like a "superstar" on the basketball court, no matter whether he succeeds or fails, he exudes dazzling light.

Sun Kaiwen, although he didn't show much on the offensive end, his positive attitude on the defensive end was like an "invisible guardian" on the basketball court.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

His existence, like the team's "behind-the-scenes hero", silently pays for the team, although the statistics are 0 points, 0 rebounds and 0 assists, but every defense and every scramble is a contribution to the team's victory.

They still have a long way to go in the future, but as long as they maintain this tenacity and courage, I believe they will be able to create more brilliance.

Because they show us that basketball is not just a sport, but also a spirit, a never-say-die spirit.

U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup Final Chinese Women's Basketball 79-96 Australian Players Performance Comments Who Played Abnormally

Let's look forward to their next leap, and look forward to them showing that indomitable spirit and fighting spirit on the basketball court again!

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