
Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

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Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

Somewhere, there is such a thing: since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people?

This is an interesting question, so let's explore it together. Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, it is true that the Western powers have had a lot of aggression and interference in China, but they do not seem to have deliberately changed our language. Why is that? Next, I will analyze it for you in the vernacular.

First of all, we need to understand that language is a cultural inheritance, which carries the history, customs, and values of a people. Although the Western powers want to influence and control China through various means, they do not have the ability or need to change the language of the Chinese people. Because language is deeply rooted in people's hearts, it is not so easy to change.

Second, we should see that the purpose of the Western powers in China was primarily to gain economic gain and political influence, not to spread their language and culture. Under the circumstances, they used force, trade, and proselytizing more to achieve their goals than by changing the language of the Chinese people.

Finally, we must recognize that the Chinese people have their own language and cultural traditions, which are the pride and treasures of our nation. Even in the era of aggression and interference by Western powers, the Chinese people still adhered to their own language and culture, and did not let foreign forces change us.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

Not only did they not finish the progress bar, but even many Manchurians became the shape of Chinese [eating melons].

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

This is the problem, it is really difficult to rely on the emperor's order to let Manchu officials learn Manchu, and it is even more unimaginable whether ordinary people can learn Manchu.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

The use rate of English in Hong Kong is much higher than that in the mainland, and Taiwanese Mandarin is recommended by Kaishen, and the Min language spoken by the locals has been seriously affected by Japanese, and many Taiwanese have been using Japanese daily for 45 years.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

There is a possibility that people in their 90s or older in Tohoku who are still alive may speak Japanese. Any idea why?

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

The West may not have been able to fight before. At that time, the West belonged to the front end of industrialization, and there was a feeling of dimensionality reduction, but not much. In fact, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the West already had the intention of aggression, didn't it come in.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

In the colonies invaded by Europe, most of the people had just come down from the trees, and language was a communication thing for them, not culture, and China, first of all, they did not occupy it, and secondly, there were too many dialects, and it was not easy to teach them......

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

Sycophant is a Mongolian word. The Chinese equivalent is flattery. Xinrui, the word, I never learned it in a textbook when I was in school.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

The problem is that City Walk is now completely a clown concept, because its real name "City Walk" is too glassy, and the style has fallen out, so in the end, I came up with an English name to at least retain a bit of exoticism to cover up the shame.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

I don't know what you're refuting this? Is it to show that the colonizers were kind-hearted and knew that the result was useless, so they did not colonize the language? You can't use the results of the status quo to oppose the colonial policy of the time!

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

Tohoku was boiling frogs in warm water at the time, and at first it was just a foreign language class in schools to teach Japanese. Later, I didn't learn Japanese well and had to play boarding. Later, the Japanese language class disappeared, and the Japanese language class became the Japanese national language, but other subjects were taught in Chinese. At the time of the last step, the Japanese fascists perished.

Since the end of the Qing Dynasty, why have the Western invaders never colonized the language of the common people? Netizens pondered

So, in general, the Western powers did not deliberately change the language of the Chinese people, on the one hand, because they did not have the ability or need to do so, and on the other hand, because the Chinese people have their own language and cultural traditions, and we hold on to our roots and soul. That is why the Western invaders have never colonized the language of the common people.

What do you think about this? Feel free to share your insights in the comments section! See you in the comment section.?

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