
Chengguan is not an "enemy" and looks at chengguan law enforcement rationally: from the label of "violence",

author:Passion fruit

In some scenarios, once there is an incident of "violent" law enforcement by the chengguan, people often blame and abuse the chengguan without thinking. However, before expressing anger impulsively, perhaps we should calm down and look within ourselves for the cause.

Chengguan is not an "enemy" and looks at chengguan law enforcement rationally: from the label of "violence",

If there is "violent" behavior in the process of law enforcement, this does not mean that we should blame the group of chengguan, but should objectively evaluate the specific behavior. When evaluating, we should not blindly accuse or abuse the chengguan, but should rationally analyze the problem and think from multiple angles.

Chengguan is not an "enemy" and looks at chengguan law enforcement rationally: from the label of "violence",

It is undeniable that the act of "violent" law enforcement is wrong and unacceptable, but we also cannot ignore the complications that may exist behind the incident. Sometimes, some violations are repeatedly prohibited, and law enforcement officers may lose control of their emotions after repeated attempts to persuade them to no avail. As the governed party, should we reflect on whether we knowingly commit a crime and refuse to cooperate with law enforcement?

Chengguan is not an "enemy" and looks at chengguan law enforcement rationally: from the label of "violence",

Of course, this is by no means to excuse the wrong behavior of the chengguan, but hopes that we can look at the problem from a more rational and comprehensive perspective. For urban management, while strictly enforcing the law, it is necessary to follow the law and moral norms and improve the level and quality of law enforcement; For the public, only by consciously abiding by laws and regulations, understanding and supporting law enforcement work, can we jointly create a harmonious and orderly social environment

When we evaluate the law enforcement behavior of urban management, we should maintain an objective and fair attitude, and do not generalize. At the same time, we should also actively participate in urban management and construction, and jointly create a civilized, harmonious and orderly urban environment.

In short, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude towards the law enforcement behavior of urban management, and not blindly criticize or abuse. When encountering problems, we should start more from ourselves, abide by laws and regulations and social morality, and jointly contribute to the development and progress of the city.

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