
6 years ago, he became famous for "moving bricks at the construction site and receiving a Tsinghua admission letter" Shan Xiaolong: I hope the label can be forgotten

On June 29, Tsinghua University ushered in the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony, and more than 3,500 undergraduates set off from Tsinghua Park to the next stage of life. Among them, there is Shan Xiaolong, who was famous for "receiving a Tsinghua admission notice for moving bricks at the construction site" 6 years ago.

In 2018, Shan Xiaolong was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 676 in the college entrance examination, majoring in electronic information. Because of the "Tsinghua button mobile phone boy", as well as his wild remarks on the Internet, such as "the college entrance examination questions are too simple and delay my part-time job", he has become the focus of public opinion several times.

Today, 6 years later, 24-year-old Shan Xiaolong has been qualified to study for a master's degree in the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University without examination, and he is once again back in the hot search because "Shan Xiaolong, who received the admission letter from Tsinghua University at the construction site, graduated".

On the evening of June 29, Shan Xiaolong said frankly in an interview: "I hope to fade out of the field of public opinion until no one talks about these labels anymore." ”

>> responded to the rumors of "wild words": I never said that "the college entrance examination questions are too simple, delaying my part-time job"

On the afternoon of June 29, Shan Xiaolong, who attended the graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University's undergraduates, returned to the school laboratory and did not even take a single photo of his graduation. In his words, after studying at Tsinghua University and training in the army, he is much more mature than when he just finished the college entrance examination six years ago.

"I was also surprised that it suddenly became popular six years ago, so I didn't give any media interviews after I entered the school." He said that he never felt that there was anything special about going to work on the construction site after the college entrance examination, "Many of my friends use the holidays to earn money after the college entrance examination, probably just because I went to Tsinghua University, so I am familiar with everyone." ”

In 2000, Shan Xiaolong was born in an ordinary rural family in Xiji County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. Because his family was not wealthy at that time, in order to subsidize his family, Shan Xiaolong came to a construction site near his home after graduating from high school to do odd jobs and help build steel bars for the main body of the building, with a daily salary of about 200 yuan.

The peaceful days were broken with the arrival of the Tsinghua admission letter. Under the media scrambling to report, a video of Shan Xiaolong wearing a hard hat and working at the construction site circulated on the Internet.

"Actually, at that time, the admission letter was not sent to the construction site but to my home, but I happened to be working at the construction site at that time, so everyone understood that I received the admission letter at the construction site." Shan Xiaolong said.

For a while, Shan Xiaolong's popularity soared, and hype and malicious slander followed. One of the things that puzzled him the most was the rumor that "the college entrance examination questions are too simple, delaying my part-time job" that suddenly appeared in 2019.

Searching for the name of "Shan Xiaolong" on the Internet, I can still find some articles that say: Shan Xiaolong was the first to walk out of the college entrance examination room, and when he was interviewed by the media, he made a lot of nonsense, saying that the college entrance examination questions were too simple and delayed his part-time job. It is precisely because of this that he has become synonymous with arrogance and frivolity on the Internet.

"There has been such hype and slander for a long time, and I feel aggrieved and uncomfortable when I see it." Shan Xiaolong told reporters, "I can guarantee 100% that I have never said this, it is completely out of nowhere." ”

Later, Shan Xiaolong also went to find the source of this sentence. He analyzed that perhaps a college entrance examination student said this sentence in 2019, and someone pieced together his experience of working at the construction site in 2018 and receiving the Tsinghua admission letter, so he became the young man who spoke wildly in the eyes of netizens.

>> talk about the label of "Tsinghua Button Mobile Phone Boy": I also had low self-esteem because my identity as a poor student was exposed

The poverty of the family is one of the reasons why people are familiar with Shan Xiaolong. In addition to the related reports of "Working at the construction site and receiving an admission letter from Tsinghua University", in 2018, an article titled "Boys scored 676 points to Tsinghua University, and their classmates didn't have his WeChat, and after seeing their mobile phones, they were all silent" also swiped the Internet.

Because he only has a second-hand button mobile phone, he doesn't know how to use a smartphone and has no WeChat ID, "Tsinghua button mobile phone boy" has become Shan Xiaolong's second identity label when he enrolled in Tsinghua University. He recalled that after he went to high school, he was going to study in Yinchuan, which was far away from his hometown, so his father gave him this old mobile phone in order to facilitate contact with his family.

"I didn't have a smartphone, of course, a big reason was that my family was poor at the time, but in fact, I didn't need a smartphone much in high school, and my task was to study and take exams." Shan Xiaolong also didn't understand why his use of his old button mobile phone could become popular on the Internet.

When the college entrance examination ended in 2018, it was the second year that Shan Xiaolong's sister was admitted to Yinchuan Medical University, and it was not easy for the family to support two college students. According to him, in the past, his family was a poor household, and his parents mainly relied on helping people collect vegetables to make a living, and their monthly income was only one or two thousand yuan.

Due to his family difficulties, he has been exposed several times, and his identity as a poor student is also well known to his classmates. "In fact, according to Tsinghua regulations, the information of poor students will be protected, for fear that the parties will feel inferior." But in the class, no one knew the identity of Shan Xiaolong's poor student.

"Out of good intentions, my classmates will always help me intentionally or unintentionally, such as some miscellaneous expenses, and my classmates will say that I am a poor student so I don't have to pay." Shan Xiaolong understood that this was a kindness from his classmates, but he still felt "embarrassed" when his poor label was exposed in the eyes of everyone around him.

In order to get rid of the inferiority complex in his heart and to prove himself and regain his self-confidence, Shan Xiaolong, who will be promoted to junior year in 2021, chose to join the army. He hopes that through two years of training in the army, he can do something truly meaningful, broaden his horizons and improve himself at the same time, regain his self-confidence, and gain real recognition from the society instead of gaining attention and traffic.

Today, Shan Xiaolong's hometown has already completed poverty alleviation, and his family is no longer a poor household. He told reporters that with the help of the government in recent years, the family income has increased a lot, and after he entered Tsinghua University, he has long stopped worrying about living expenses and tuition fees by relying on various assistance policies and scholarships earned by the school.

But Shan Xiaolong will not be idle in the summer, but no longer go to the construction site to work, but choose what he thinks is more meaningful, "For example, I choose to teach and participate in some social practices to improve myself, instead of working just to earn money." ”

>> talk about the future: I hope to have the opportunity to study for a PhD in artificial intelligence and other fields

In 2018, in an interview, Shan Xiaolong raised a question in his heart: "I have been thinking about why some people are rich and some people are poor. Everyone is actually not much different, why is the family environment so different. Now 6 years have passed, and when faced with the interview again, Shan Xiaolong has found the answer.

Shan Xiaolong told reporters that the reason why he had such a question 6 years ago was because when he was young, he also lamented the injustice of fate because his family was not as good as others. But being admitted to Tsinghua University and joining the army made him gradually change his cognition. Although his family background is ordinary, he can also sit in Tsinghua University's classroom and have the opportunity to join the army, "Poverty is only a temporary state, as long as you fight for it, this state can be reversed." ”

For the future, Shan Xiaolong hopes to have the opportunity to study for a doctorate. As for the once mentioned ideal of returning to his hometown to take the civil service examination, now it is also quietly changing. He explained to reporters that in the past, he hoped to return to his hometown to take the public examination because he felt that his hometown was backward and could not retain talents, so he wanted to contribute to his hometown.

"But now there are more people returning to their hometowns." Shan Xiaolong said that because he studied information technology, he still hopes to develop in artificial intelligence and other fields in the future, and related industries are more concentrated in big cities, so this will become the main direction of his future employment. Comprehensive Red Star News, etc

>> netizens' point of view

@何必忘记, this is a valuable experience in life.

@寒门学子特别不容易, there is no family support, and I rely on myself all the way.


@从开始的迷茫到如今的清醒, this kind of transformation is incredible, and talents can be expected.


Source: Huashang Net-Huashang Daily

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