
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

author:Faint as the autumn breeze

Recently, the program team of "Chinese Restaurant 8" appeared in France for program shooting.

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

Huang Xiaoming, Hu Yitian and others were encountered by fans when they were recording, it seems that the program team arranged interaction, and they are really envious of their fans.

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

Huang Xiaoming is dressed in cool clothes and wears sunglasses, which is quite handsome. It's just that the black T-shirt he wears inside is a bit eye-catching, and the lace-like design on the collar is serious? Could it be that Huang Xiaoming wants to break through on the enchanting track?

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

Hu Yitian's big and tall man is particularly eye-catching in the crowd, and the long legs that catch his eye can't be ignored at all. He's really tall, and he's really handsome.

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

Yu Shuxin's dress is decent, and it has a bit of a chef's meaning, but she looks like a little chef, looking cute and cute.

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

Jiang Yan is even more cute, and she also shoots with her mobile phone from time to time, it seems that she is enjoying the fun of the show itself.

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

In contrast, Yin Zheng and Zhai Xiaowen are more like melon-eating people, and the way they watch from a distance actually has a sense of joy, which makes people want to laugh when they look at it.

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

A young lady who played the guzheng was also invited to the scene, and her playing on the scene was full of sassy and special style.

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

Huang Xiaoming even followed the melody, showed his singing voice, and sang "Sword Like a Dream".


Don't say it, Huang Xiaoming's singing really has a bit of that taste, it seems that his singing skills have improved.

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

Seeing this group of people happy, the show should be quite interesting, and I can't help but look forward to it a little.

"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings
"Chinese Restaurant 8" recorded the French program Reuters, Hu Yitian's long legs steal the show, and Huang Xiaoming sings

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