
Moridie has grown up! encountered on the streets of Cambridge, and netizens exclaimed: Tian Liang's genes are too strong! Meet the stars

author:Smart Grunt


Tian Liang Sendie's Cambridge chance encounter

On the ancient streets of Cambridge, some netizens unexpectedly captured the figures of Tian Liang and Sen Die. Sen Die, the little girl who used to be lively and cute in "Where Are You Going, Dad", has now grown into a slim girl.

Moridie has grown up! encountered on the streets of Cambridge, and netizens exclaimed: Tian Liang's genes are too strong! Meet the stars

Her changes make one sigh at the passage of time. Netizens left messages: "Wow, Sendie is almost as tall as Tian Liang!" "I remember that she was very beautiful when she was a child,

Moridie has grown up! encountered on the streets of Cambridge, and netizens exclaimed: Tian Liang's genes are too strong! Meet the stars

Now it's more and more like Tian Liang. These comments not only show the growth of Sendie, but also reflect the strength of Tian Liang's genes.

The growth of Sen Die and Tian Liang's genes


Sendie's growth trajectory seems to be a living growth documentary. From the little girl with fair skin, melon seed face, and big eyes, to the girl who is becoming more and more like Tian Liang now, every change in her affects the hearts of netizens.

Moridie has grown up! encountered on the streets of Cambridge, and netizens exclaimed: Tian Liang's genes are too strong! Meet the stars

I still remember that she once said happily: "My dad fell into the water!" At that time, she was innocent and full of childlike fun. And now, she is already a slim little beauty, from cute and beautiful to big, Tian Liang's family is really happy.


Although Sendie's growth is gratifying, it has also caused some controversy. Some people think that the change of Sendie is too rapid,

Moridie has grown up! encountered on the streets of Cambridge, and netizens exclaimed: Tian Liang's genes are too strong! Meet the stars

It's a little hard to accept; And there are also people who firmly believe that every child has their own pace of growth, and Sendie is just growing up at his own pace.


This kind of discussion not only adds depth to the article, but also allows readers to think about more questions while reading. Netizens had a heated discussion in the comment area, and some supported the growth of Sendie, believing that this is a natural law;

Moridie has grown up! encountered on the streets of Cambridge, and netizens exclaimed: Tian Liang's genes are too strong! Meet the stars

Others believe that the media attention may bring unnecessary pressure to Sendie. This kind of controversial summary not only increases the interactivity of the article, but also allows readers to think about more questions while reading.

The growth of Sen Die and Tian Liang's genes


Sendie's growth trajectory seems to be a living growth documentary. From the little girl with fair skin, melon seed face, and big eyes, to the girl who is becoming more and more like Tian Liang now, every change in her affects the hearts of netizens.

Moridie has grown up! encountered on the streets of Cambridge, and netizens exclaimed: Tian Liang's genes are too strong! Meet the stars

I still remember that she once said happily: "My dad fell into the water!" At that time, she was innocent and full of childlike fun. And now, she is already a slim little beauty, from cute and beautiful to big, Tian Liang's family is really happy.

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