
44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

author:Science and technology Baoding Entertainment

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44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Culture and science and technology Baoding entertainment

Edited by Science and Technology Baoding Entertainment

Just some time ago, some netizens met the famous director Chen Sicheng who had not appeared for a long time in Budapest, Europe, and what people didn't expect was that his new female companion turned out to be a 23-year-old girl!

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

In the photo, we can see Chen Sicheng wearing casual clothes, wearing a pair of black super, and the female companion next to him is petite and exquisite, with fluttering hair, outstanding appearance, and sweet temperament, which is completely Director Chen's cup of "ice and broad"! The two of them are husband and wife, they are in love, and they look like a young couple in love.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

The glamorous woman who was photographed is actor Ruan Ju, nicknamed "Xiao Tong Liya". Judging from the photos circulating on the Internet, Ruan Ju is much shorter than Chen Sicheng, but this kind of bird size makes her more cute and charming.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

She is wearing a white tight knit sweater, completely outlining the hot figure, with a slender waist and curves, coupled with those big eyes, the whole person is a "little fairy" appearance.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

What's even more surprising is that Ruan Ju's figure in the photo looks obviously a lot more fat than before, with a thick waist, rounded jaws, and even a bit of a "tiger's back". Netizens joked that it seems that this little girl ate too well and drank too much during her travel in Europe!

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

However, as a controversial "greasy guide", Chen Sicheng doesn't seem to care about his girlfriend's "fat". In the photo, he takes meticulous care of Ruan Ju, and the two are undoubtedly in love.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Some witnesses revealed that they were having breakfast together in a high-end hotel at the time, and Chen Sicheng even took off his sunglasses at one point, as if he had nothing to say about being photographed.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Looking back on Chen Sicheng's past, he can be said to be a generation of great directors who have been full of personal pockets. In May 2021, he signed a divorce with popular actress Tong Liya, ending nearly 9 years of married life. The divorce of the two was because Chen Sicheng cheated again and again, and publicly proposed that he wanted to "polygamy", but Tong Liya refused to divorce without hesitation.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Just when everyone thought that Tong Liya would find it difficult to find her lover, only a year later, in September 2022, Chen Sicheng's scandal with Ruan Ju was exposed, shocking the entire entertainment industry.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

As "Little Tong Liya", Ruan Ju was born in the Chinese Opera Performance Department, studied classical dance and folk dance since childhood, and has a very similar growth experience to Tong Liya. Ruan Ju has performed well in many film and television works, and has joined Chen Sicheng's crew.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

The two knew each other, and I don't know when they started to come together. But soon he was witnessed traveling to many European countries together, and it seems that the relationship has long been solid. In February 2023, Chen Sicheng celebrated his birthday in Thailand, and even took Ruan Ju to meet his parents, which was fully recognized by his family.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Bizarrely, Chen Sicheng's relationship with his ex-wife Tong Liya became very good after the divorce, and the two often traveled together and worked side by side. Even during the Spring Festival, their family of three also participated in a parent-child reality show together, and the kind of harmony that looks like a pair of closest friends.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Seeing this, are you extremely curious about the love affair between Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju? Will the pair of "Huang Ama" who are in love just like this go all the way into the marriage hall? Or will Ruan Ju finally be unable to escape the fate of being a "scumbag"?

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Although Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju's relationship seems to be stable and happy now, we can't help but ask, can this "little Tong Liya" laugh by Director Chen's side for how long?

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Now it seems that Tong Liya's decision to divorce was wise. However, what is embarrassing is that this "little Tong Liya" Ruan Ju would choose to be Chen Sicheng's "spare tire". As a talented and good-looking post-90s generation actor, Ruan Ju has a bright future, how could he be fascinated by this trick and scumbag?

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Of course, we must also objectively see that compared with his ex-wife Tong Liya's cold and sparse temperament, Ruan Ju is more youthful and sweet. Judging from the latest exposed photos, Ruan Ju did "eat a lot", but even so, her cute appearance of a bird is still full of praise.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

However, I am personally still very worried about Ruan Ju's future. Chen Sicheng's "bad roots" are deep-rooted, and he is not so easy to change. Once Ruan Ju really marries him, the possibility of being "scum" is even greater. Even her predecessor Tong Liya suffered from it back then, not to mention Ruan Ju's "new love".

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Of course, some people say that maybe Chen Sicheng really learned a lesson this time, and Ruan Ju can completely correct him. But that's a slim possibility! Director Chen's style of flowing is deep-rooted, and it is probably too early to want to fake the tiger and sink the shadows.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

So my advice is, Ruan Ju, you have to think twice! Chen Sicheng, a stinky scumbag, is not a favored adult, rather than being played with by him, it is better to plan to find another place in advance. Of course, this is just the word of the family, and Ruan Ju himself knows best how to make a choice.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

In any case, we will all wait and see where the "Huang Ama" who are in love will go next. Maybe they will finally be able to step on the red carpet and walk to the palace of marriage; Maybe Ruan Ju will become another "scum" woman.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

To this day, there have always been critical voices in the entertainment industry about the future of Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju. After all, Director Chen's crazy and uninhibited attitude towards life really made the outside world question whether he really "washed his hands in a golden basin".

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

An experienced person analyzed: "People like Chen Sicheng will always be chaotic and misbehaving. His 'scum' behavior has been rooted for a long time, and it is impossible to change it. Even if Ruan Ju is as beautiful as a flower, he is just a lamb to be slaughtered in the face of Director Chen's 'hungry wolf'. "

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Another senior media person holds the opposite view: "Ruan Ju has worked hard in the entertainment industry at a young age to achieve today's results, which shows that she is an assertive and capable girl." I believe that she must have her own plans, and she will not be easily toyed with by Chen Sicheng. "

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

In any case, Ruan Ju and Chen Sicheng's relationship has indeed been stable for a long time now. Judging from the exposed photos of European tourism, the two of them are in love with each other. As a "new little flower", Ruan Ju threw himself into the arms of this "great director", and he can be regarded as having found his "nobleman".

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

It's just that the outside world also has concerns about Chen Sicheng's "inferior roots". After all, he once coveted "polygamy", and finally unexpectedly divorced the popular actress Tong Liya. Now Tong Liya is on her own, but Chen Sicheng is still freshly dressed and angry, and trouble comes out of his mouth.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

This makes people worry about whether Ruan Ju, the "little fairy", will repeat Tong Liya's mistakes and eventually be "scum" left? Of course, we also hope that she can rely on her own wisdom and ability to completely "straighten" Chen Sicheng and not repeat the mistakes of the past.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

In short, we will wait and see how the love affair between the "Huang Ama" who is in love will develop. Maybe they ended up in a comic marriage, or maybe they parted ways in a tragic way.

44-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 21-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and Ruan's huge figure has soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

However, in any case, this matter will surely cause widespread attention and heated discussions in the entire entertainment industry. Let's look forward to what kind of exciting plot will happen next!

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