
The Middle East has changed dramatically, Israel is forced to bow its head, the United States will not work, and Saudi Arabia is going to take action

author:International Detective

Recently, the situation in the Middle East has changed significantly. U.S. influence in the Middle East is declining, Israel is under pressure from all sides, and Saudi Arabia is ready to intervene.

The Middle East has changed dramatically, Israel is forced to bow its head, the United States will not work, and Saudi Arabia is going to take action

According to a report by the China Military Network, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense recently said that a seminar for senior Chinese-Arab military officers is currently being held in China, which is of great significance for strengthening Sino-Arab military cooperation and maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East. Many of the countries participating in the seminar are Arab allies of the United States, and this is a heavy blow to the United States' Middle East strategy. As China's influence in the Middle East grows, the United States is weakening. Saudi Arabia has always been an important ally of the United States in the Middle East, but recently Saudi Arabia's attitude has also changed. After the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Saudi Arabia has almost no sense of existence and keeps a low profile, mainly because the US military has a base in Saudi Arabia, and Israel is the US military must protect, but the Israeli army is fighting Palestine again, after all, Palestine is an Arab brother, so Saudi Arabia is in a dilemma, and simply adopts an ostrich policy, I didn't expect it to be like this, there are still people targeting him, and actually do it to the crown prince's convoy, if it is not for the bodyguards who are loyal and desperate to protect it, the consequences are unimaginable, although no one admits who did the convoy, but everyone knows it, Finally the Saudis.

The Middle East has changed dramatically, Israel is forced to bow its head, the United States will not work, and Saudi Arabia is going to take action

Saudi Arabia has taken a big move to allow the passage of Yemen's Houthis through Saudi Arabia to Palestine, Yemen's Houthis have long been about to send ground fighters into the Palestinian Gaza Strip, but there are more than 1,000 kilometers between Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia has not approved under pressure from the United States, and now it has finally been released, and a large number of Yemeni Houthi fighters marched to the Gaza Strip. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia, which has not spoken out, has also made clear its attitude, and Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said in a speech in Brussels, Belgium: Now that we are a society governed by the rule of law, and both the United States and Israel claim to be countries governed by the rule of law, then we must respect international law and the United Nations. According to UN resolutions, Israel must agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state, and in fact, the State of Israel cannot exist without a Palestinian state. Because the land of Israel was given by the Palestinians, and many Jewish settlements in Israel were built on the land of the Palestinians, so to speak, you have me, and I have you. It is precisely because of this that the United Nations has agreed to the two-state solution, that there can be no State of Israel without a Palestinian State, and that if Israel does not allow the Palestinians to establish a state, it is tantamount to illegitimate for itself.

The Middle East has changed dramatically, Israel is forced to bow its head, the United States will not work, and Saudi Arabia is going to take action

The reason why the United States has always dared to stand by Israel's side and support without retreating is not only because Israel's own military strength dominates the Middle East, but also because Saudi Arabia has partly done so. The United States wants to tie up Saudi Arabia with interests and demand that Saudi Arabia stand with Israel, and once Saudi Arabia supports Israel, then the dilemma of the United States in the Middle East will be immediately reversed.

The Middle East has changed dramatically, Israel is forced to bow its head, the United States will not work, and Saudi Arabia is going to take action

The Middle East, a historic and strategically important region, has once again been in the international spotlight in recent years. The situation in the region has become more complex and volatile with the changing balance of power within the region and the involvement of the influence of external powers.

The Middle East has changed dramatically, Israel is forced to bow its head, the United States will not work, and Saudi Arabia is going to take action

Israel, as a country with an important position in the Middle East, its security policy and foreign relations have been one of the key factors in the stability of the region. Faced with the challenges of neighboring countries and the pressure of the international community, the Israeli Government has had to be more prudent in its relations with its neighbors and seek a balance to safeguard its own interests.

The Middle East has changed dramatically, Israel is forced to bow its head, the United States will not work, and Saudi Arabia is going to take action

As a global superpower, the United States has far-reaching influence in the Middle East. However, recent events have shown that even U.S. involvement may not be able to completely shape the direction of the region. In some cases, U.S. intervention may even have exacerbated tensions in the region.

The Middle East has changed dramatically, Israel is forced to bow its head, the United States will not work, and Saudi Arabia is going to take action

As one of the important countries in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia's role in regional affairs cannot be ignored. The Saudi government has been aggressively promoting economic diversification and social reforms, while also taking a more proactive stance in diplomacy. In the face of changes in the situation in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia may take a series of measures to safeguard its own interests and regional stability.

The Middle East has changed dramatically, Israel is forced to bow its head, the United States will not work, and Saudi Arabia is going to take action

To sum up, the situation in the Middle East is changing, Israel is forced to bow its head, the influence of the United States is gradually declining, and Saudi Arabia is ready to intervene. These changes could have a significant impact on the future of the Middle East region. The situation in the Middle East is unpredictable, and the intertwining of forces makes the future uncertain. Against this backdrop, all parties need to remain calm and exercise restraint and resolve differences and problems through dialogue and consultation. Only in this way can favorable conditions be created for peace and stability in the Middle East region.

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