
The city management has no time to check the electric car! Instead, we will go all out to rescue and rescue shared electric vehicles! The citizens were very impressed


It rained heavily that day, and the urban management team of Nanchang City turned into the city's "emergency pioneer" and "bicycle nanny". This is not a heroic plot in the movie, but a true portrayal of the urban management of Honggutan District in the torrential rain. Let's take a look at how the chengguan transformed in this rain, and how those shared bicycles that were submerged in the water were rescued.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! Instead, we will go all out to rescue and rescue shared electric vehicles! The citizens were very impressed

It is said that this sudden heavy rain turned the streets and alleys of Nanchang into small rivers. Not only are it difficult for people to walk, but also those shared bicycles that usually shuttle on the streets. Some bicycles were washed away by the water, while others gathered together and became "underwater obstacles" blocking traffic. In the eyes of outsiders, isn't this a realistic version of the "water world"?

Maybe your previous impression of chengguan was still that law enforcement was strict, but this heavy rain has made us see a different chengguan. They are not only the "night watchmen" of the city, but also the "patron saints" of bicycles.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! Instead, we will go all out to rescue and rescue shared electric vehicles! The citizens were very impressed

In this rain, the chengguan was not just busy draining and dredging the roads as we imagined. They also took special care of the shared bicycles that were "baptized" by the rain. Come to think of it, these bicycles have brought us a lot of convenience in normal times, and now that they are in trouble, the chengguan is naturally obligated to come forward.

It's not just about getting your bike out of the water. While draining the waterlogging, the chengguan team also had to straighten the bikes one by one and put them back in order to ensure that they would not become an obstacle to traffic again. This process is a test of both physical strength and patience. After all, there are a lot of them, and the rain and mud make it even harder to clean up.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! Instead, we will go all out to rescue and rescue shared electric vehicles! The citizens were very impressed

But the chengguan team members did not flinch, they seemed to have transformed into an all-round "rescue team", cleaning up the stagnant water while taking care of the bicycles. In the eyes of some people, these "willful" shared bicycles are usually the "thorn in the side" of the streets, but in the eyes of the chengguan, they are also a part of the beauty of the city and need to be properly taken care of after the rain.

This rescue and disaster relief is not only a test of the physical strength and endurance of the urban management, but also a big test of their sense of responsibility and love. You see, when the bikes were rearranged, the streets were slowly restored and the city began to function back on track. This is not only a rescue for bicycles, but also a "first aid" for urban life.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! Instead, we will go all out to rescue and rescue shared electric vehicles! The citizens were very impressed

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of urban management in flood control and disaster relief. It is said that in order to deal with such an emergency, the urban management of Honggutan District has long had a plan. They not only take care of the "appearance" of the city in their daily work, but also quickly change their roles in times of emergency and become the "guardians" of the city's safety.

From "bicycle administrators" to "flood drainage vanguards", these chengguan not only proved the true meaning of "enforcing the law for the people" with their actions, but also gave people a new understanding of chengguan. This is not only a simple rescue operation, but also a demonstration of the city's spirit and sense of responsibility.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! Instead, we will go all out to rescue and rescue shared electric vehicles! The citizens were very impressed

The next time you see those neatly arranged shared bikes on the street, maybe you can think about who braved the rain in that heavy rain, and the truckload straightened them, protecting them and protecting our city. These unsung heroes are an indispensable force in the city.

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