
The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

author:Lala takes you to see the world

On June 24, the sky in Nanchang was shrouded in thick dark clouds, and a sudden rainstorm plunged the entire city into dire straits.

Streets have become rivers, vehicles have become "drifting bottles", and people have taken refuge in their homes to pray that the disaster will soon pass.

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

At such a critical moment, a special team stepped forward, and they were the Honggutan Urban Management Law Enforcement Team.

The city management counterattacked and guarded it warmly

In most people's minds, chengguan always seems to be associated with words such as "strict law enforcement" and "driving away hawkers".

In this rainstorm, the Honggutan Urban Management Law Enforcement Team subverted people's traditional perception with practical actions.

They are no longer ruthless enforcers, but warm guardians. The torrential rain is like a flood, and the water becomes a river.

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

In such a harsh environment, the members of the Honggutan Urban Management Law Enforcement Team resolutely threw themselves into the battle of emergency rescue and flood drainage.

Wearing raincoats and holding tools, they shuttled through the streets and alleys, clearing clogged drains and dredging waterlogged roads. Their figures are unusually determined and persistent in the rainstorm.

What's even more touching is that they not only pay attention to the city's drainage system, but also keep an eye on the shared bicycles that have been washed away by the torrential rain.

These vehicles, which can be seen everywhere on weekdays, have become extremely vulnerable in heavy rains. Many bike-sharing bikes were flooded with stagnant water or even washed into the middle of the road.

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

Seeing this, the members of the Honggutan Urban Management Law Enforcement Team stopped one after another and started an operation to "save shared bicycles".

They work in pairs or threes to haul the bikes out of the stagnant water and move them to safety.

Some team members even disregarded their personal safety and waded through the water, just to rescue those trapped shared bicycles.

Citizens praise, the new image of urban management

The warm-hearted actions of the Honggutan Urban Management Law Enforcement Team spread quickly among the citizens like a spring breeze, triggering waves of heated discussions and heartfelt praise.

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

The citizens were moved by the performance of these seemingly serious chengguan team members in the rainstorm, and their hearts were full of warmth and touch.

In the streets and alleys, citizens vied with each other to tell the heroic deeds of the chengguan members.

In an interview, a citizen said excitedly: "I used to have some misunderstandings about chengguan, and I always felt that they were very strict. But this rainstorm has completely changed my mind. I saw them brave the rain to unclog the drainage system and move the trapped bikes to make sure we were safe. They are really the guardians of the city, the 'retrogrades' in the rainstorm! I deeply admire this spirit. ”

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

Another citizen also sighed: "It is not easy for these urban management team members, they stick to their posts regardless of their personal safety for the normal operation of the city and our safety." We should give them more understanding and support, they are the loveliest people! ”

Media Spotlight, City Light

The heart-warming action of the Honggutan Urban Management Law Enforcement Team is like a bright light, illuminating the city in the rainstorm, and has also won wide praise from citizens and the media.

Major media outlets have rushed to report on them, hailing them as "city lights".

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

One of the mainstream media wrote in an in-depth report: "In this torrential rain in Nanchang, the Honggutan Urban Management Law Enforcement Team has written a moving chapter with fearless courage and firm responsibility.

They not only fight on the battlefield of emergency rescue and flood drainage, but also serve as a solid backing for citizens to travel.

In the depths of stagnant water, they dragged shared bicycles to ensure that the road was clear; In the streets and alleys, they divert traffic and ensure the safety of citizens.

These heart-warming actions let us see the multi-faceted nature of urban management work, and also let us more deeply realize the indispensability of urban management in urban management. ”

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

The voice of controversy, responsibility and responsibility

As the wave of praise comes, there is no shortage of skepticism.

Some citizens and netizens said that the main responsibility of the chengguan should be to maintain the order and environmental hygiene of the city, rather than to save shared bicycles in the rainstorm.

They worry that such behavior will cause the chengguan to "overstep their responsibilities" and neglect their original core responsibilities.

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

In the face of these doubts, the Honggutan Urban Management Law Enforcement Team chose to remain silent. But their actions have silently responded to those doubts.

They not only fulfill their duties in the daily management of the city to ensure that the city is clean and orderly, but also stand up at critical moments to escort the safety of citizens.

Their heart-warming gestures not only reflect their deep concern for the citizens, but also demonstrate the rapid response and efficient coordination ability of the urban management team in responding to emergencies.

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up


The "counterattack" incident of chengguan in the heavy rain in Nanchang allows us to see the other side of chengguan work.

They are no longer the "cold-faced law enforcers" in people's impressions, but have become the guardians of the city and the intimate people of the citizens.

They interpret the meaning of responsibility and responsibility with practical actions, and also make us more deeply aware of the important role of urban management in urban management.

The citizens were moved! The chengguan has no time to check the electric! Make every effort to rescue the shared electric car! The comment section blew up

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