
Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries will receive Chang'e-6's precious lunar soil

author:Xiaoxiang talks about popular science

The universe never seems to be able to guess her true face, and it can't even imagine how big she is!

And our small solar system is just one of the "independent individuals", and there are many "partners" around her - all kinds of planets and moons!

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries will receive Chang'e-6's precious lunar soil

Among them is our planet in the third orbit - the earth, the Chang'e-6 probe, known as the "guardian of the earth", has successfully brought back the precious lunar soil!

Without the participation of the United States, we were surprised that Russia and Pakistan were among the first two countries to be included in the first batch of lunar soil sharing lists, and there are many other countries that are also very strong in scientific research!

Chang'e-6's journey to the moon.

The mainland's Long March 5 rocket was launched from China's Wenchang Cosmodrome and flew to the moon carrying the mainland's self-developed lunar probe, Chang'e-6.

Chang'e-6 is carrying an unprecedented four major scientific payloads, and will complete the four missions of "orbiting, landing, exploring, and returning", adding a new chapter to the mainland's space exploration cause.

At 11:53 p.m. on the 5th, lying quietly under the eaves at night and looking up at the starry sky, sitting or lying, the bright stars shimmered slightly, becoming the most beautiful scenery in the sky.

Originally, I wanted to go to bed early after studying the most beautiful scenery at night, but I suddenly heard a voice behind me: "Brother, we are about to go out, we will miss a beautiful scene!"

When I turned my head, it turned out that my sister had also woken up at this time, and I was also a little moved to see her like this.

At this moment, a loud noise came from the sky in the distance, and I knew that this was the news that the mainland's Chang'e-6 had taken off smoothly, so I immediately picked up my sister and pulled her out with me to see the flames in the distant night.

Drawing graceful arcs in the vast sky, people feel the infinite charm brought by technology.

After nearly a month-long voyage, Chang'e-6 finally prepared to start the landing mission on August 12, 2023, and according to the scheduled plan, Chang'e-6 released two landers and two rovers to successfully land in two phases.

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries will receive Chang'e-6's precious lunar soil

One of them will be carried out by the Yutu-6 rover pilot probe to the moon, and the other will be carried out by Yutu-6.

But just as they were about to release the next lander and train car, they suddenly encountered an unprecedented situation, and the probe that was supposed to land on the lunar surface had a fault signal!

After this news came, it immediately attracted the attention of the people of the mainland and the whole country and people abroad.

Despite the enormous challenges, mainland researchers have been able to respond quickly in an emergency situation, and countermeasures have been taken in a timely manner.

After working non-stop for days and nights and investigating the cause of the fault, they finally found the fault of the detector and successfully repaired it.

After more than an hour, after all the problems were resolved, the second round change operation was successfully completed.

This is not only the best proof of the mainland's scientific and technological level, but also enough to demonstrate the strength of the mainland's aerospace field!

At 4:07 a.m. on September 6, 2023, the mainland's autonomous intelligent exploration reached the far side of the moon, and the Yutu-6 probe successfully completed the lunar surface inspection mission.

Carrying the national flag of the 50th anniversary, which symbolizes the huge improvement of the mainland's aerospace level, it carried out a long-distance patrol of more than 10 meters, and showed the world the unprecedented aerospace strength of the mainland as a national gift!

According to the head of the relevant department, "the Yutu-6 probe has completed its mission and will launch a two-day hibernation mode, which will be tested at a lower temperature in mechanical and electronic equipment."

After these tests are completed, the second round change operation will be carried out, the main task of which is to carry out scientific exploration on the far side of the moon and return to Earth.

Once this data is collected, it will become the basis for starting a new chapter!

It brings back precious information and data for countless scientific researchers and experts on the earth to open the window of their hearts, so as to better unlock the secrets of the moon and make important contributions!

Among them, the most striking is the first batch of 18 lunar soil sharing lists, and we Chinese who have qualified for the list are not only Yutu 6, but also Russia and Pakistan and other different countries!

So it's worth them to be selected, as the title says, without the United States to watch, will they unexpectedly qualify?

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries will receive Chang'e-6's precious lunar soil

In fact, the reason for them is very simple.

It's not beautiful.

Although the United States has launched several projects such as "Apollo" to send astronauts to the surface of the moon and back to Earth.

But on the other hand, these practices add a daunting task to the organizations involved: to enable the safe and smooth return of astronauts to Earth.

Be prepared in case of an incident to maximize the safety of astronauts!

Therefore, all countries are very interested in digging deep into the mysteries of the lunar surface, and they are also very eager to take a cloud back to everyone to contribute science and technology to help the future development of mankind.

However, the United States insists on protecting its superior interests in the field of technology, and unites many other countries to restrain China and impose a technological blockade on China.

I am very disgusted by China's first successful landing sampling mission and call it "provocation" and "danger"!

On the contrary, it is more biased towards other countries such as Japan.

The so-called protection of the interests of the United States in terms of technological superiority is nothing more than their own unwillingness to see China's technological level surpass their self-esteem!

It is a misconception that so many other countries would be on the list without the participation of the United States.

They see China not as an enemy but as an adversary!

The so-called "adversary" is actually "hating iron does not make steel", and they know in their hearts to what extent they have not yet figured out China's request for a contribution to global 5G construction.

But I know that China has successfully landed a probe on the moon for sampling, and after returning, it is actively sharing it with other countries to confirm the authenticity of this news!

And how can they watch what belongs to them or call it "advantage" should be retained by them to help establish a "rust market", which was established by China, but the United States still has no progress in realizing 5G construction in China!

In this case, it can be said that they are eager to find evidence to prove that there are certain problems in the mainland, so as to suppress the development of the mainland's new communication technology industry!

Create competition with your own hands.

Since the United States launched the so-called Huawei "blacklist" and banned the sale of key chips to Huawei and its subsidiaries, the mainland's communications industry has not been affected in any way.

On the contrary, it is still developing at a high speed.

Even Ren Zhengfei, the boss of Huawei, publicly said:

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries will receive Chang'e-6's precious lunar soil

"If Huawei gives up independent research and development, it will fall into the abyss!"

After the United States failed to suppress and retain its advantages, it took the opportunity to make accusations: China pasted Western scientific and technological achievements!

Don't we see the obvious fact: they have released rumors that they will tighten their technology export policies to China for only one time?

But then before everyone could react, they followed up and tightened policy restrictions many times?

Therefore, it is clear that the United States does not fully support other countries such as Europe to develop and enter the rust market!

Subsequently, it was replaced by a series of disarmament policies, and our army could only choose to make up for the gap by self-reliance!

As for whether Europe will join the rust market?

All we can say is: wait for time to tell!

The author thinks

Today, although we have entered the 21st century and all fields have flourished, no one knows what kind of surprises awaits us in the future.

The times are always quietly changing, and only by constantly improving their level can they keep up with the pace of the times!

Without the United States, it is too surprising that these two countries were shortlisted! Eighteen countries will receive Chang'e-6's precious lunar soil

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