
4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

author:Suying, Lili

Syria and Israel: The Strife and Calling of the Golan Heights

In this ancient and land of the Middle East, the dispute between Syria and Israel has consistently tugged at the nerves of the world. The Golan Heights, a strategic location on the border with Israel in southwestern Syria, has become a focal point for both sides. Recently, Syrian Foreign Minister Mekdad's statement has once again pushed the situation in the region to the forefront.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

Foreign Minister McDad's words were firm and determined. He bluntly pointed out that Syria and Israel have experienced many wars, and now Syria is ready for a new war. This straightforward attitude undoubtedly sends a clear message to the world: Syria will not give up an inch of its territory.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

Behind this is the adherence to national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Foreign Minister Mekdade, the territory of Syria occupied by the United States, Israel and other countries is illegal. This stance is a staunch defense of Syria's national sovereignty and a demonstration of the Syrian people's desire for justice.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

The Golan Heights, a small but strategically important land, has become a source of conflict between Syria and Israel. Since the Third Middle East War in 1967, Israel has illegally occupied much of the Golan Heights. Located at the junction of Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan, this highland is the "crossroads of the Levant" and is of great significance for the stability of the Middle East.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

The strategic value of the Golan Heights is self-evident. It is condescending, overlooking the heart of Syria and Lebanon. Once Syria recaptures this high ground, it will be able to deploy its military forces directly to Israel's borders, posing a threat to Israel. At the same time, the Golan Heights is also rich in water resources and is known as the "Water Tower of the Middle East". The loss of this highland means that Israel will lose important control over water resources, which is undoubtedly a fatal blow to a country that is arid and short of water.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

However, despite the strategic importance of the Golan Heights for Israel, that does not justify Israel's illegal occupation of the territory of other countries. International law and norms clearly stipulate the sanctity and inviolability of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. No country has the right to infringe on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of another State for any reason. Israel's forcible occupation of the Golan Heights violates the basic principles of international law and undermines stability in the Middle East region.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

So, in the face of such a situation, what is the military strength of Syria? In fact, after years of war, the Syrian army has changed dramatically. With the support of Iran, Russia and other countries, the construction of the Syrian army has achieved remarkable results. Today's Syrian army has become a brave and combative force in the Middle East.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

The Syrian army is huge, with more than 300,000 troops. Among them, the number of troops has reached 240,000, and it is equipped with various types of tanks, armored vehicles, ballistic missiles and other modern weapons. This equipment gives the Syrian army a powerful combat capability on the ground battlefield. In addition, the Syrian army has a sizable number of air and naval forces, as well as a large air defense force. Together, these units form a powerful combat system for the Syrian army.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

In the Syrian army there is an elite unit called the "Tiger" division. This unit is known for its tenacious will to fight and excellent tactical literacy. In a number of battles, the "Tiger" division showed an extremely high level of combat effectiveness. It once played against the elite "Golan" brigades of the Israel Defense Forces and played a 1:1 exchange ratio. The results are enough to prove the bravery and tenacity of the Syrian army in battle.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

In addition to the Tiger Division, the Syrian army also has a number of other elite units such as the 4th Panzer Division, the Republican Guard, the 5th Assault Volunteer Army, and the paratrooper special forces. All these units have rich experience in actual combat and a high-quality contingent of officers and men. We are ready to fight to the end to defend the territorial integrity and dignity of the nation.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

However, despite the great fighting power of the Syrian army, war is not the best way to solve the problem. Stability is in the best interest of all parties. Under the current circumstances, all parties concerned should remain calm and refrain from resolving differences and disputes through dialogue and consultation, and refrain from taking drastic actions that would lead to further escalation of the situation.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

The international community has also played an active role in pushing all parties concerned to return to the negotiating table to jointly seek a solution. Only through means can disputes be resolved, regional stability can be maintained, and the goal of common development and prosperity can be achieved. We hope that Syria and Israel will put aside their previous grievances and write a new chapter in the development of the Middle East region at an early date.

4,000 tanks, 500 aircraft, 300,000 troops! The Syrian Foreign Minister said that he is ready to go to war against Israel!

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