
The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!

author:Xiao Liu, who loves life

Recently, Shanghai has suffered the strongest rainstorm since the beginning of the plum season, and orange warnings for heavy rain have been issued in other areas. The heavy rain not only affected the lives of citizens, but also brought a series of problems to transportation, celebrity families, supermarkets, etc. The Central Meteorological Observatory has continuously issued rainstorm warnings to remind meteorological departments and residents in various places to take precautionary measures. Want to know what are the unintended effects of heavy rains? Let's look down!

The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!

Shanghai was hit by heavy rain

The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!

Recently, the Central Meteorological Observatory has issued rainstorm warnings one after another, and North China, Southwest China and other places have ushered in heavy rain. On the 30th, Shanghai suffered the heaviest rainstorm since the beginning of the plum season, and the central urban area was once covered by a yellow warning for heavy rain and thunder. It is reported that on the 30th, the central and northern parts of Shanghai were dark red, and the red warning for high temperature and the yellow warning for heavy rain were lit together.

The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, the weather suddenly changed, and the scorching sun in Shanghai suddenly became cloudy, followed by thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Many citizens said that this was the worst rainstorm in Shanghai since the beginning of the plum season.

According to the data of the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, the one-hour precipitation in the central urban area of Shanghai was as high as 108.3 mm on the 30th, and the average precipitation in the city was also 87.8 mm, ranking first in the country. In fact, the impact of this torrential rain on Shanghai is far beyond the central city, the whole city is raining.

Subsequently, major transportation media launched a number of water accumulation points in Shanghai, and water accumulation occurred in subway stations, main roads, and residential areas. It is reported that the heavy rain caused about 26 water accumulation points in Shanghai.

In addition, the heavy rain brought a number of other surprises. For example, many Shanghai celebrities' homes have leaks, and the floors and furniture in the room are seriously damaged. After seeing this scene, netizens ridiculed: Drying clothes is rancid.

The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!

Orange warning for heavy rain in many places

In addition to Shanghai, the Central Meteorological Observatory has also issued rainstorm warnings for other places. Since the ambush, many places in the eastern countries have ushered in heavy to heavy rains, and there have been extremely heavy rains in some places, and even caused serious consequences such as flash floods and urban waterlogging.

This time, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued an orange warning for heavy rain for six provinces and cities, including Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan, and Jiangsu, and asked relevant departments to prepare for response. Among them, Sichuan and Guizhou are also accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds.

In addition, the Central Meteorological Observatory also reminded local meteorological departments that in the ambush season, various extreme weather occurs frequently, and it is necessary to strengthen monitoring and early warning, and properly do a good job in dealing with waterlogging caused by the sudden increase in rain.

From the perspective of time, the Central Meteorological Observatory has been issuing heavy rain warnings for several days, which can be said to be a reminder to local meteorological departments. It can also be seen that the current rainfall in the eastern country has obvious local characteristics, and even two cities not far apart may have completely different weather conditions.

For example, on June 30, Shanghai ushered in the heaviest rainstorm since the beginning of the plum season, while Hangzhou, which also belongs to the Yangtze River Delta region, still had clear skies. The Central Meteorological Observatory has continuously issued rainstorm warnings based on this understanding.

The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!

Heavy rains have affected people's lives

Let's go back to the torrential rain in Shanghai. In addition to various traffic controls and news of celebrity water leaks, the orders of many citizens' circle of friends have also become rainy days. For example, fresh ingredients that were stranded at the express station and could not be delivered in time, as well as various takeaways that were forced to cancel orders because the takeaway brother could not be delivered to the floor.

Even with parasols, many people get drenched. Many people joke that they don't need to go to the Three Gorges Dam this year, and that all they need to do is go around the subway station after the rainstorm.

The impact of this rainstorm on Shanghai can be said to be extraordinary. In addition to the water leakage in the celebrities' homes, there are also celebrities who have been forced to interrupt live broadcasts, and many supermarkets and catering companies have been hit hard.

According to industry analysts, the most affected are those companies with a large proportion of online consumption, because express delivery and takeaway cannot be delivered to their destinations, and many orders have been forced to cancel. The traditional retail sector has been less impacted, as everyone can understand the difficulty of going out to do business in this weather.

In addition, many construction sites have also suspended construction due to safety hazards. However, this is relatively good news, at least the number of casualties is the most important thing. One can imagine how dangerous it would be if the construction site were to resume operations as usual.

From these points, it can be seen that heavy rain is no less disturbing to people's lives than other extreme weather. In particular, these continuous days of rain have made people feel tired. Although the Central Meteorological Observatory only said that the heaviest rainstorm since the beginning of the plum season mainly affected the central and northern regions, in fact, the whole of Shanghai was affected.

The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!

Netizens ridiculed celebrities for drying their clothes

The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!

Orange warning for heavy rain

In addition, we saw the news of the Central Meteorological Observatory issuing a rainstorm warning. In terms of the scope of influence, these places are far away from Shanghai.

Sichuan and Chongqing belong to the southwest region, while Guizhou is in South China and Jiangsu is in East China. How different is the weather between them? The reason for this situation may be that the precipitation in the eastern countries is very localized.

Cities that may be separated by a river seem to be separated by a world of earth, one is raining heavily and the other is still under the scorching sun. Even so, it is necessary for the Central Meteorological Observatory to issue continuous rainstorm warnings.

It is to remind meteorological departments around the country to always pay attention to weather changes, although the current technical means can not perfectly predict the trend of weather changes, but the basic judgment can still be done.

It is to remind residents everywhere to take precautions, even if the current weather is still clear, but it can change at any time. This is especially true in places like Sichuan and Guizhou, where heavy rain warnings have been issued at the same time.

Once this kind of weather comes, it is often accompanied by extreme phenomena such as short-term heavy precipitation and thunderstorms and strong winds, and the corresponding safety hazards should be paid special attention.

According to the experience of previous years, the period before the ambush season is often a period of concentrated outbreaks of various extreme weather. After the ambush, the hot weather will become more and more severe in various places. Therefore, it is important to be able to take precautions before then.

The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!
The wipers are smoking! Chen He's house leaked into a water curtain hole, and well-known actors played umbrellas at home!


The heavy rain not only brought traffic difficulties and inconvenience to Shanghai and other places, but also made people aware of the impact of weather changes on our lives. We hope that everyone will pay attention to safety and take precautions in the rainstorm. Have you had a similar experience with a rainstorm? Come and leave a message to share!

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