
On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

author:Leyi watched the movie entertainment
On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

"Ink Rain and Clouds" topped the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network with a popularity of 80.45, attracting the attention of a large number of audiences. Although the special effects are a little weird, and some viewers are quite embarrassed by the piano playing scene in the play, the overall rhythm is well grasped and the foreshadowing is also very good. However, some viewers felt that the male characters dominated the show, and this gender imbalance was quite uncomfortable.

Social media is flooded with opinions and comments about the play's plot, actors' performances, and the level of production.

A netizen wrote on the forum: ""Ink Rain Clouds" is simply one of the best TV series in recent years! Although the special effects are a little weird, the overall picture is very shocking. These words immediately attracted other netizens' follow-ups. One reviewer replied, "yes, I also think the special effects are handled quite creatively, giving it a fantasy epic feel." ”

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

However, not everyone has the same opinion about "Ink Rain and Clouds". "Some parts of the plot are handled in a bit haste, and there are some discrepancies with the novel." An attentive viewer raised his own concerns. "In particular, the chemistry between the male and female lead actors is not enough, which makes people feel a little lacking in resonance." Another viewer also expressed concern about the relationship between the characters in the comments.

In the discussion of the development of the plot, some netizens paid special attention to the shaping of the characters in the play. "I think the performances of Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue are really exciting, and they perfectly interpret the characters in the novel." A fan shared his love on social platforms. "And Chen Xinhai's villain image is designed very successfully, I really hate it."

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

The quality of the lines has also become the focus of many comments. "The dialogue in the play is very tense, every sentence is in place, real and touching." A netizen praised in the comments. "Especially those deeply emotional lines, which are impressive, are simply the essence of the drama." Another reviewer also praised the realism and expressiveness of the lines in the play.

On major social platforms, netizens are hotly discussing their favorite and most disappointed TV series. Among them, "Du Hua Nian", which followed with a popularity of 78.99, became the focus of discussion.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

In a typical comment thread, a netizen wrote: "Although "Du Hua Nian" is popular, I really can't stand it. The plot control is like drinking half of cold water, hot for a while, cold for a while, what's going on with the director? This remark immediately struck a chord with other netizens. That's right, I feel that the whole plot has too much jump, and sometimes it's a little inexplicable. Another viewer added.

However, not everyone is dissatisfied with the plot and the director's directing level. "I think the dual life setting in the show is very attractive, and every episode makes me wonder what will happen next." A loyal viewer gave his opinion. "Although some parts are a bit stiff, the acting skills of the leading actors are really good." Another fan also expressed his approval of the actor in the comments.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

In the discussion of the plot, the consistency of the character image has also become the focus of netizens' attention. "I think the personalities of the heroes and heroines sometimes change too suddenly, which is a bit confusing." An attentive viewer noted. "It may be to cater to the audience's tastes, but this treatment makes the plot seem a little unnatural." Another commenter analyzed.

In addition to the plot itself, the quality of the lines is also the focus of many comments. "After watching a few episodes, I often have to listen to them several times to understand what they are saying." A critical netizen criticized. "Sometimes it feels like the lines are written a little awkwardly, which doesn't fit the character setting and situation." Another shared his confusion.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

In such an atmosphere of commentary, the advantages and disadvantages of "Du Hua Nian" have been fully discussed and evaluated. Some viewers gave positive comments about the complexity of the plot and the performance of the leading actors, but many viewers questioned the director's plot handling and character building. These various opinions and comments undoubtedly enrich the audience's understanding of the show, and also reflect the audience's high standards for the quality and creation of TV dramas.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Yan Xinji", which ranks third, is worthy of being a high-profile original script. This drama is not only bold and innovative in the plot, but also brings a new feeling to the audience in terms of visual presentation. Netizens have shared their love and impressions of the show on social media.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

Some netizens praised the comedy tone in "Yan Xinji": "This relaxed atmosphere really makes people feel happy, and the jokes in the plot are very cleverly designed to make people laugh." One commenter posted on Weibo. And the actors' performances are also very good, and every character is vivid, making people feel as if they are in the middle of the plot. ”

In particular, the compact and wonderful fight scenes in the play have become a hot topic of discussion among the audience. "Those fight scenes are just so enjoyable! The action design is accurate, not muddy at all, and it is more interesting than some traditional martial arts dramas. A TV series lover left a message in the comment area. It's really exciting to watch these characters face off on screen. ”

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

However, not all viewers have a unanimous opinion on the performance of "Yan Xinji". "Although the comedy tone is good, some of the plots are too far-fetched and not real enough." Some discerning viewers mentioned in the discussion. "And the visual effects of some scenes are a little rough, I hope the crew can be more attentive in the follow-up."

Despite this, most viewers have positive reviews of the show. "Overall, "Yan Xinji" left a deep impression on people, the script is novel, the actors' acting skills are online, and it is really a good drama that should not be missed." A fan spoke in the WeChat group. "After watching it, I feel happy, and every episode is full of surprises."

"Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" and "Haitian Eagle" ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, although the former attracted attention due to the expectations of fans of the original book, but the lines and plot treatment in the play failed to meet the audience's expectations, while the latter was criticized by the audience for highlighting the personal heroism of the protagonist too much.

On the popularity list of TV dramas on the whole network, "Du Hua Nian" fell to second! The first heat is as high as 80.45

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