
Wang Yuxin shouted to her ex-husband Huang Jingyu: Let each other go! Otherwise, take a screenshot of your current girlfriend!

author:Carbon Chief Entertainment
Wang Yuxin shouted to her ex-husband Huang Jingyu: Let each other go! Otherwise, take a screenshot of your current girlfriend!

Recently, the Shanghai International Film Festival has become a stage for Huang Jingyu's ex-wife Wang Yuxin, who was shortlisted for the Best Actress of the Golden Jue for a work, which should have been a joyful moment, but caused an uproar due to the conflict between fans.

Wang Yuxin is a new-generation actor who did not have much popularity in the past. She is not particularly active on social platforms at the usual times, but this time, she was invited to attend the Shanghai International Film Festival. On the day of the film festival, she wore an elegant dark blue dress, but her simple outfit could not hide her temperament. Everyone is speculating whether this is a promotional strategy for her new play. Many people didn't expect that she not only came to walk the red carpet this time, but also brought her own works to participate in the competition.

Wang Yuxin's new film is a drama about women's growth, in which she plays a young woman who bravely pursues her dreams. The film didn't get much hype before its release, but after it premiered at the festival, the response was overwhelming. The audience applauded and received rave reviews, and many people praised her acting skills, calling her "a representative of the new generation of acting".

In the judging stage of the film festival, Wang Yuxin's outstanding performance made her work successfully nominated for the Golden Goblet Award for Best Actress. As soon as this news came out, it immediately became the focus of attention of major media and audiences. Social media is full of discussions about her, and someone said: "I didn't expect Wang Yuxin to have such powerful acting skills, it's really an eye-opener." Some film critics said: "Wang Yuxin's performance in this movie completely broke my stereotype of her, her acting skills are very delicate and her emotions are also very real." ”

Wang Yuxin shouted to her ex-husband Huang Jingyu: Let each other go! Otherwise, take a screenshot of your current girlfriend!

Some netizens also discussed her growth experience on the Internet, and some people left a message: "I remember that she played some small roles before, but I didn't expect to be able to get such an important nomination now, which really fulfills the sentence 'one minute on stage, ten years off stage'." Others said: "Actually, I have been optimistic about her for a long time, but I have been missing an opportunity for everyone to know her, and this Shanghai International Film Festival is her opportunity." ”

There are also some netizens who are full of expectations for her future, some say: "If she can win this nomination, then her acting career will definitely have a huge leap." Another netizen continued: "Even if she doesn't win the award, it is already a great affirmation to be shortlisted, and I hope she can continue to work hard and bring us more good works." ”

Wang Yuxin's performance at the Shanghai International Film Festival this time undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm for her acting career. Whether she wins the award or not, she has already won the recognition of the audience and industry insiders. As one netizen said: "No matter what the result is, Wang Yuxin is already our best actress." ”

However, some of Huang Jingyu's fans didn't buy it. They insulted and belittled Wang Yuxin on social media, which aroused great attention from public opinion. In the face of these attacks, Wang Yuxin chose to respond in a high-profile manner, expressing her refusal to interrupt and any warnings, while suggesting that her life had been affected.

Wang Yuxin shouted to her ex-husband Huang Jingyu: Let each other go! Otherwise, take a screenshot of your current girlfriend!

What is even more interesting is that Wang Yuxin posted a series of speculative remarks on social platforms, and she threatened to break the news about some of Huang Jingyu's unpublished statements and possible future developments. What makes the public most curious is that she also promised to release a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend, which has sparked widespread discussion and speculation on the Internet.

Public reactions to the incident have been mixed, with some supporting Wang's resolute attitude and arguing that her privacy and dignity should be protected; There have also been various interpretations and speculations about her remarks, trying to explore the true background and underlying motives of the incident. At the same time, the public is also full of curiosity about the identity of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend, and many people have begun to look for clues and research relevant information.

Looking back on 2016, Huang Jingyu stepped into the showbiz because of his starring role in the online drama "Addiction". That year, the show quickly became popular on the Internet, attracting the attention of countless audiences. In the play, the character played by Huang Jingyu is affectionate and complex, and his acting skills leave a deep impression. Many netizens were full of praise for his performance in the play, and they had heated discussions on social media.

"Xiaojing's performance in "Addiction" is amazing!" A netizen wrote on Weibo, "He played the character's inner drama to the fullest, which is really moving." Another fan left a message: "Huang Jingyu's eye drama is too strong, every look seems to be telling a story, he really deserves to be a good actor." ”

Wang Yuxin shouted to her ex-husband Huang Jingyu: Let each other go! Otherwise, take a screenshot of your current girlfriend!

With the popularity of "Addiction", Huang Jingyu's popularity has also soared. His Weibo followers have increased rapidly and he has become a new male god in the minds of young audiences. In the face of this sudden attention and love, Huang Jingyu did not stop. In the same year, he starred in the black humor movie "Guns and Waist Flowers". The style of this film is very different from "Addiction", but Huang Jingyu's performance in it is still brilliant.

"Guns and Waist Flowers" tells a story full of drama and absurdity, in which Huang Jingyu plays a completely different image from previous characters. Not only does he have to show the funny and humorous side of the play, but he also needs to show the inner conflict of the characters in a complex plot. This challenge has greatly improved Huang Jingyu's acting skills.

Many viewers said after watching the movie: "I didn't expect Huang Jingyu's acting skills to change so much, and his performance in "Guns and Waist Flowers" completely subverted my impression of him. Some netizens commented: "This movie is really interesting, Huang Jingyu's funny performance is particularly natural, and he deserves to be a powerful actor." ”

Wang Yuxin shouted to her ex-husband Huang Jingyu: Let each other go! Otherwise, take a screenshot of your current girlfriend!

With the release of "Guns and Waist Flowers", Huang Jingyu's acting career has reached a new level. Not only did he excel in the TV series, but he was also recognized for his performance in the movies. Many netizens began to look forward to his future works and expressed that they would continue to support him.

"I hope Huang Jingyu can take on more different types of roles in the future, and I really feel that he has great potential." A loyal fan wrote on the forum. Another netizen said: "Every time I see Huang Jingyu's new work, I feel very surprised, he is really working hard and has been breaking through himself." ”

Through "Addiction" and "Gun Waist Flower", Huang Jingyu not only showed his diverse acting skills, but also won the love and support of more and more audiences. These two works laid a solid foundation for his acting career and allowed him to gradually gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

Overall, this incident is not just a celebrity gossip, but a profound reflection on privacy protection and social media violence. In the future, how to balance the public's curiosity and the protection of personal privacy will become an important issue.

Wang Yuxin shouted to her ex-husband Huang Jingyu: Let each other go! Otherwise, take a screenshot of your current girlfriend!

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