
Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

author:Two ancestors

【Entertainment Boiling Point】Wang Yuxin's amazing declaration detonated public opinion! The "screenshot incident" is suspected of involving Huang Jingyu and Reba, and the truth is confusing!

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

Recently, the entertainment industry has made waves again, and Wang Yuxin, who was shortlisted for the Asian Newcomer Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival for her work, pushed herself and her ex-husband Huang Jingyu and Di Lieba, who have been in constant scandals, to the forefront with a dynamic that shocked social networks.

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

Wang Yuxin's fierce rhetoric not only revealed the online violence suffered by herself, but also threatened to "screenshot Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend", which instantly detonated heated discussions and speculations among netizens.

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

Cause: Honor and invective go hand in hand

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

Everything stems from Wang Yuxin's new achievements in the film and television industry, and being shortlisted for the Asian Newcomer Award was an affirmation of her acting career, but it unexpectedly attracted malicious attacks from some Huang Jingyu fans.

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

In the face of insults and belittlements on the Internet, Wang Yuxin chose to no longer be silent and fought back with a high-profile attitude, and her speech not only revealed the impact on her personal life!

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

There are also vague references to certain "silent follow-ups", as well as hints that action will be taken, directed at Huang Jingyu and his current partner.

"Screenshots" and "Silent Follow-up": mysteries

Wang Yuxin's "screenshot warning" made netizens brainstorm, and they speculated whether the "current girlfriend" was Di Lieba, although this speculation was not confirmed.

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

And the "speechless follow-up" she mentioned is even more reverie, whether it involves Huang Jingyu's private life, or the undisclosed secrets in the relationship between the two, is still a huge unknown.

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".
Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

This series of rhetoric not only complicates the incident, but also calls into question Ms. Wang's motives.

Controversy: Heat or Truth Revealed?

In the face of Wang Yuxin's continuous shouting, two schools of thought were formed on the Internet.

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

One party believes that her move is to gain popularity, after all, the "Golden Jue Best Heroine" mentioned does not match the actual situation, and she is only shortlisted for the Asian Newcomer Award, and this kind of misleading remarks greatly reduces the credibility of her follow-up content.

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

The other party expressed sympathy, believing that Wang Yuxin's repeated revelations and likes may be due to the counterattack of long-term endurance of online violence, even if there is no real hammer, her experience is worthy of understanding and attention.

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

Joining forces for hype? Or is it a coincidence?

It is worth noting that the timing of each of Wang Yuxin's voices coincides with the promotion period of Huang Jingyu's new drama, which can't help but make some netizens wonder if this is a tacit joint hype.

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".

But the truth is often more complex than it seems, and there is no direct evidence that there is a deliberate arrangement behind these events, and everything is limited to speculation and inference.

To sum up, this "screenshot incident" initiated by Wang Yuxin not only reflects the complex interpersonal relationships in the entertainment industry, but also once again triggers a wide discussion among the public about online violence, privacy boundaries and celebrity public relations strategies.

Let's take a look back at Wang Yuxin's small essay when she divorced!

Wang Yuxin "killed crazy"! I want to take a screenshot of Huang Jingyu's current girlfriend! The comment area was flooded with "Reba".


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