
Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

author:Foodie West Event
Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

The TV series "The Story of Rose" has been a hit recently, and the audience is not only attracted by its excellent plot, but also because of a kiss scene in the play that makes the leading actor Tong Dawei the focus of attention. Tong Dawei plays Huang Zhenhua in the play, and has won the love of the audience with his humorous style and affectionate performance, especially the funny couple file with Su Su played by Wan Qian has added a lot of joyful elements to the play.

In this drama, Tong Dawei's performance is by no means limited to his excellent acting skills, especially his hot kiss scene with Wan Qian has sparked widespread discussion. In the past, kiss scenes in TV dramas often used borrowing to avoid real contact, but nowadays film and television works tend to pursue authenticity. This change makes the intimate scene between Tong Dawei and Wan Qian on screen more vivid and engaging.

On social media, the kiss scene reached a peak of discussion. A netizen commented: "Seeing the kiss scene between Tong Dawei and Wan Qian, it feels like watching a couple in real life, there is no sense of pretentiousness at all, which makes people feel emotionally sincere." This sense of realism allows the audience to be more involved in the plot and deeply feel the emotional exchange between the characters.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

Another netizen joked: "In the past, when I watched TV dramas, the kiss scene was always so 'fake', but now I finally have a real 'intimate interaction', and I am a little shy to watch!" This humorous commentary reflects the audience's new expectations for the authenticity of the TV series, and also shows their recognition and love for the outstanding performances of Tong Dawei and Wan Qian.

In the comment area, some viewers also expressed their expectations and feelings about the development of the plot. Some netizens left a message: "Tong Dawei's role in this drama is really exciting, his couple match with Wan Qian is a match made in heaven, I hope the plot can continue to be exciting!" This positive feedback shows the audience's active support for the characterization and plot development of the show, and they are looking forward to more exciting performances and emotional conflicts.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

However, the most unexpected thing is the reaction of Tong Dawei's wife Guan Yue on social media. She became the object of ridicule from netizens in the comment area of Douyin, especially after the kiss scene in the play was broadcast, the comment area instantly became active, full of humor and funny remarks. Guan Yue, who has a fresh and sweet appearance, has strong plasticity and is known as a "versatile talented woman". She has a simple and straightforward, gentle and delicate personality unique to northern girls, and she does not lose her bold and atmospheric personality. Guan Yue has good acting skills and theoretical foundation.

Guan Yue is loved by the audience for her fresh and natural appearance and versatile image. A netizen commented on social platforms: "Watching Sister Guan's performance is like seeing a girl next door, simple and real, not pretentious at all!" This perception reflects the audience's recognition of Guan Yue's affinity and natural performance, believing that she can play the role with her heart and make people feel the warmth and authenticity of life.

Another fan said: "Sister Guan Yue's plasticity is too strong, from various roles to different styles of styling, she can hold it, she is really a versatile talent!" This kind of praise not only showcases Guan Yue's diverse abilities in the field of acting, but also reflects her unique perspective on fashion and image building, making the audience full of anticipation and appreciation for her performance.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

Guan Yue's personality is also an aspect of her that has attracted much attention. Some netizens commented: "Watching Sister Guan's show, you can always feel her boldness and atmosphere, and the characteristics of northern girls are fully displayed!" This point of view highlights Guan Yue's frankness and boldness in the eyes of the public, not only in the entertainment industry, but also in her daily life, making the audience closer to and love her.

In addition to acting, Guan Yue is also highly regarded for her theoretical foundation and professional knowledge of acting. A film and television critic commented: "Sister Guan is not only a star who can act, her in-depth understanding of acting and solid theoretical skills make her comfortable in character building." This professional acclaim shows Guan Yue's status in the industry and her firm belief in artistic pursuits, allowing her to show her unique charm and expressiveness in her film and television works.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

Guan Yue, as Tong Dawei's wife, naturally became the focus of netizens' attention. Some netizens joked in the comments: "Seeing the kiss scene between your husband and Wan Qian, I feel that you must be smiling from ear to ear!" The emotional drama is too burning! Such comments are full of appreciation for Guan Yue's sense of humor, and also show the relaxed and harmonious family atmosphere between her and Tong Dawei.

Another netizen wrote: "Sister Guan, your husband's kiss scene makes me think he really likes the role of Su Su!" You can see how sweet the two of them are in the play! This view reflects the audience's recognition of Tong Dawei's character performance, and also shows their investment in the plot and the emotions of the characters.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

The interaction in the comment area was not only limited to praise, but also many netizens started interesting discussions. One fan wrote: "I think the kiss scene between the two of them is super real and not embarrassing at all! The current TV series has really improved, and it is not as 'fake' as before! This recognition of the true expression of TV dramas reflects the audience's new expectations and appreciation for the production level of film and television works.

Interestingly, Guan Yue herself was actively involved in these comments. She replied under a teasing comment: "Actually, it's the first time I've seen their kiss scene so real, it seems that Tong Dawei's acting skills have received a lot of praise this time!" Such a response shows the humorous and understanding side of Guan Yue, while also providing a more intimate and interactive social platform for fans.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

The excitement in the comment section has not diminished with the passage of time, on the contrary, as the plot develops and new kiss scenes are broadcast, the interaction becomes more frequent. Some netizens left a message: "Every time I see a new kiss scene, I can't wait to see Sister Guan's comments, there are really too many laughs!" This interaction not only increased the audience's anticipation for the series, but also added more color to Guan Yue's active image on social media.

Overall, The Story of Roses was widely praised not only for the profundity of its plot and the excellent performances of the actors, but also for its authentic and vivid way of presenting it, which resonated with the audience. Tong Dawei and his wife Guan Yue showed a humorous and healthy family atmosphere through the interaction of the kiss scene in the play, which left a deep impression on the audience. This drama is not only a successful film and television work, but also an entertaining and interactive social experience, pushing the intimate connection between the audience and the actors to a new level.

Tong Dawei became popular after "The Story of Rose"! Because the kiss scene was too good, his wife's comment area lit up!

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