
Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and when she saw the major, netizens were worried that she would not return to work

author:The land of China has become famous

In recent years, studying abroad has become an important choice for more and more students after graduation. Whether it's receiving government funding for excellent grades or studying abroad at your own expense, studying abroad is seen as an important way to broaden your horizons and improve your abilities. Among them, students from prestigious universities are particularly concerned by the society, and their experience of studying abroad is often pinned on high hopes, expecting them to contribute more to the country after returning from their studies.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and when she saw the major, netizens were worried that she would not return to work

However, the reality is not so simple. In recent years, the phenomenon of "returnees" has become more and more significant, and many students who have returned from studying abroad have not chosen to return to China to work, but continue to stay abroad for development. This phenomenon has sparked extensive discussions from all walks of life, and has also made people think more about the future career planning of international students.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and when she saw the major, netizens were worried that she would not return to work

In a well-known university in Zhejiang, graduate student Yang Jinwen is a typical example. She successfully obtained the opportunity to pursue a master's degree at the University of Berkeley in the United States with excellent performance. At the graduation ceremony, she said impassionedly that she wanted to shine for her motherland, but the final decision to study abroad surprised people. Especially when she chose to study law, this suspicion became even stronger. After all, the U.S. legal system is quite different from the mainland, which also makes her future career path uncertain.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and when she saw the major, netizens were worried that she would not return to work

Yang Jinwen's decision to study abroad is not unique. Many international students consider their interests, abilities, and future career plans when choosing a major and school to study abroad. However, due to the great differences in the legal system, economic environment, and cultural background of different countries, international students also need to face more challenges and choices in their future career planning.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and when she saw the major, netizens were worried that she would not return to work

For Yang Jinwen's decision to study abroad, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude. First of all, everyone has the right to choose their own life path, and Yang Jinwen's decision to study abroad is no exception. She may have thought that the U.S. legal profession was more in line with her interests and career plans, so she chose to study in the U.S. Secondly, the study abroad experience itself is also a valuable asset, which can allow international students to broaden their horizons, increase their knowledge and improve their abilities. Regardless of whether Yang Jinwen eventually returns to China to work, her study abroad experience will have a profound impact on her life.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and when she saw the major, netizens were worried that she would not return to work

Of course, we should also pay attention to the phenomenon of "returnees" who return from studying abroad. For this group of students, they face more challenges and choices. They need to adapt to a new environment, culture and way of life in a foreign country, and at the same time, they also need to face the domestic job market, career development and other issues. Therefore, we should provide more support and help for students returning from studying abroad, so that they can better adapt to the domestic environment and market demand.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and when she saw the major, netizens were worried that she would not return to work

In addition to paying attention to students returning from studying abroad, we should also think about how to better cultivate and retain talents. In the current context of globalization, the competition for talent is becoming more and more fierce. In order to maintain the country's competitiveness and innovation ability, we need to pay more attention to the cultivation and introduction of talents. At the same time, we also need to provide a better development environment and opportunities for talents, so that they can play a greater role and value in China.

Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied to study in the United States, and when she saw the major, netizens were worried that she would not return to work

To sum up, studying abroad, as an important way of education, can provide students with a broader space and opportunities for development. However, career planning and development after returning from studying abroad is also an issue that needs to be paid attention to and considered. We need to provide more support and help for students returning from studying abroad, and at the same time, we need to think about how to better cultivate and retain talents and contribute more to the development of the country.

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