
Notice of the State Administration for Market Regulation on Accelerating the Work of Accelerating the Renewal of Special Equipment

author:Small and Medium Enterprise Development Promotion Center

Market Supervision Bureaus (departments and commissions) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

  In order to implement the "Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods" (Guo Fa [2024] No. 7) and accelerate the promotion of special equipment renewal, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

  First, the goal of the work

  Taking the opportunity of promoting large-scale equipment renewal actions, we will accelerate the elimination of backward equipment with poor safety performance and many hidden dangers of accidents, promote equipment updating, quality improvement and technology upgrading, continuously improve the level of safety, energy conservation and environmental protection of special equipment, and focus on solving the safety problems of special equipment around a number of people, effectively prevent and reduce accidents, and enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

  Second, key tasks

  (1) Promote boiler renewal. Strictly implement the "Industrial Structure Adjustment Guidance Catalogue (2024 Edition)", and under the unified deployment of local governments, the use registration certificate will be cancelled in a timely manner for oil-fired boilers based on power generation, fixed grate coal-fired boilers, coal-fired boilers of 10 steam tons per hour and below, biomass boilers of 2 steam tons per hour and below, and coal-fired boilers of 35 steam tons per hour and below in key areas of air pollution prevention and control. For coal-fired boilers that do not meet the requirements of ultra-low emissions, fixed grate biomass boilers of 35 steam tons per hour and below, coal-fired boilers of less than 35 steam tons per hour in built-up areas of cities at the county level and above (coal-fired boilers of less than 10 steam tons per hour in other areas) and other boilers included in the restricted category, support the use of units to carry out renovation and renovation, and encourage the use of various heat pump units for replacement. For coal-fired boilers and heat exchangers that have exceeded their service life, encourage the use of units to be renovated; If it cannot be updated and transformed immediately, urge the user unit to conduct a safety assessment in accordance with the requirements of the safety technical specifications. For industrial boilers whose operating efficiency is lower than the energy efficiency limit value of the "Technical Regulations for Boiler Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection" (TSG 91-2021) and the energy efficiency level 2 of the "Energy Efficiency Limit and Energy Efficiency Grade of Industrial Boilers" (GB 24500-2020), the user unit will be supported to carry out renovation and transformation, and the level of safety, energy conservation and environmental protection will be improved in an integrated manner.

  (2) Promote the renewal of pressure vessels, pressure pipelines and gas cylinders. In accordance with the work plan for the elimination and renovation of old chemical equipment and the catalogue of prohibited, eliminated and restricted devices and equipment issued by relevant departments, a number of pressure vessels and pressure pipelines that do not meet the requirements of industrial policies and safety standards shall be eliminated in accordance with the law, and a batch of pressure vessels and pressure pipelines with high safety risks shall be withdrawn and upgraded in an orderly manner. Cooperate with the gas department to promote the standardized renewal and construction of liquefied petroleum gas filling stations, update and transform the pressure vessels and pressure pipelines in the filling stations with more potential safety hazards, and focus on updating 50 kg gas-liquid duplex liquefied petroleum gas cylinders that do not comply with the "Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinders" (GB 5842-2023); Encourage the renewal of liquefied petroleum gas cylinders that are not included in the specifications of the "Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinders" (GB 5842-2023).

  (3) Promote the renewal of old elevators and the installation of elevators in existing residences. Support the upgrading of elevators manufactured in use in accordance with the "Safety Code for Elevator Manufacturing and Installation" (GB 7588-2003), "Safety Code for the Manufacturing and Installation of Escalators and Moving Walks" (GB 16899-1997) and earlier standards to elevators that meet current regulations and standards. It is encouraged to refer to the "Specification for Improving the Safety of Elevators in Use" (GB/T 24804-2023) and the "Technical Conditions for the Scrapping of Main Elevator Components" (GB/T 31821-2015) and other standards to update or upgrade the technology of old residential elevators or their components. Support the installation of elevators in existing residences, encourage the introduction of new models of professional elevator use management in the residential field, explore and cultivate elevator use management operators including elevator use management, maintenance, self-inspection and other all-inclusive services, and solve the short-term game dilemma of residential elevator use management and maintenance market.

  (4) Promote the renewal of old passenger ropeways. Eliminate the 15-year-old rope grippers and rope clampers in accordance with the law. Support the renewal of the chairlift ropeway in the scenic area to the gondola cableway. Support passenger ropeways with a cumulative operating time of 40,000 hours or more than 15 years in accordance with the "Technical Requirements for Major Repair of Passenger Ropeways" (GB/T 34368-2017) and other relevant standards, dismantle and inspect important components such as drive detour devices, cable wheel sets, reducers, and vehicles, and promote overhaul or replacement. Encourage passenger ropeways with a long service life to carry out equipment upgrading and technical upgrades, and improve the capacity, safety performance and ride comfort of ropeways. Encourage the development of key technologies and industrial equipment for passenger ropeways, further improve the manufacturing level of ropeway equipment, and improve the safety and reliability of equipment.

  (5) Promote the renewal of large-scale amusement facilities. Eliminate the whole machine or main stressed parts of large-scale amusement facilities that have reached the designed service life and have no continued use value in accordance with the law. Supervise and urge cliff swings, ziplines and other equipment that do not meet the current safety technical requirements to speed up rectification, and guide updates and upgrades. Support long-term service, especially high-risk large-scale amusement facilities such as roller coasters, replacement vehicles, load systems, drive brake devices or complete machine updates. Support the upgrading of large amusement rides manufactured in use in accordance with the "Amusement Ride Safety Code" (GB 8408-2008) and earlier standards to equipment that complies with current regulations and standards. Supervise and urge the manufacturing unit to strictly standardize the postponement of equipment safety assessment, conduct comprehensive disassembly inspection, testing, testing and necessary repair and replacement of equipment, and assume quality and safety responsibilities such as after-sales service, technical guidance, regular return visits and inspections, risk reminders, and defect recalls in accordance with the law.

Notice of the State Administration for Market Regulation on Accelerating the Work of Accelerating the Renewal of Special Equipment

  (6) Promote the renewal of hoisting machinery and special motor vehicles in the field (factory). Focusing on metallurgical cranes, mechanical parking equipment and high-level lifting machinery, we will promote the renewal of equipment and its important parts in an orderly manner. Support the intelligent transformation of lifting machinery used in harsh environmental places in steel, metallurgy, cement and other industries. Increase the promotion of advanced products and technologies for lifting machinery and special motor vehicles in the field (factory), encourage the application of high-strength steel and intelligent networking, integrated transmission, overall processing and other technologies, and improve the supply capacity of high-reliability, intelligent and green products.

  3. Safeguard measures

  (1) Strengthen investigation linkage. Relying on the registration data of the use of special equipment, sort out the service life of special equipment, mark the old equipment that has had accidents and potential safety hazards, handle the cancellation and change procedures for the use of eliminated and updated special equipment in a timely manner, and strengthen information sharing with relevant departments. Actively cooperate with the development and reform, industry and informatization, ecological environment, housing and urban-rural construction, culture and tourism and other departments, accelerate the implementation of special equipment renewal projects, approval and other work, and promote the implementation of special equipment renewal tasks in the region.

  (2) Optimize service guarantees. Encourage the user to invite the production unit and technical institutions to carry out relevant safety assessments, and put forward reasonable updates, transformation or overhaul suggestions for old equipment. Strictly implement the supervision and inspection of special equipment, strengthen technical control, and ensure the quality and safety of updated equipment; In accordance with the principle of "safety, simplification, convenience and efficiency", optimize the handling process, open up green channels, provide convenient and high-quality services, and promote the steady progress of special equipment updates.

  (3) Improve laws and regulations. Give full play to the normative and leading role of laws and regulations, speed up the formulation and revision of laws and regulations on safety, quality, energy consumption, inspection, testing and other laws and regulations of special equipment, improve the quality and safety standard system of special equipment, upgrade the update of traction equipment with standards, promote the elimination of overdue service equipment or main components with serious aging and many operation failures, and eliminate risks and hidden dangers in a timely manner.

  (4) Strengthen demonstration and guidance. In accordance with the principles of government guidance, market leadership, enterprise voluntary, and orderly implementation, we will give full play to the role of demonstration and leadership, encourage users to actively strive for relevant support policies, formulate reasonable renovation and upgrading plans, guide enterprises to eliminate backward equipment, and promote the use of advanced products and technologies of special equipment.

  State Administration for Market Regulation

  June 20, 2024

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