
The 2024 China "Data Elements× Ecological Conference "Data Elements and Industry Empowerment" conference was held

author:Great River Network

On the afternoon of June 30, the 2024 China "Data Elements× "Data Elements and Industry Empowerment" conference was held in Zhengzhou. Through expert speeches, talent training plan releases, innovation sharing, cooperation signing and other forms, the conference gathered the top resources of the industry's industrial ecology, injected strong impetus into strengthening the ecological cooperation of data elements and empowering the rapid development of the construction of "Digital China".

The 2024 China "Data Elements× Ecological Conference "Data Elements and Industry Empowerment" conference was held

Yan Zhigang, deputy general manager of China Mobile Communications Group Henan Co., Ltd., mentioned in his speech that at a time when the digital economy has become a key force in reorganizing global factor resources, reshaping the global economic structure, and changing the global competition pattern, and the development of the mainland data element market is accelerating, China Mobile has comprehensively built a computing power network, data networking and other data element infrastructure, and Henan Mobile closely follows the "one-two-two-five" strategy of China Mobile Group Corporation, focuses on new opportunities in the blue ocean market of information services, and actively explores the value of data elements and AI+ landingIt has continued to advance in data governance, infrastructure construction, and data product creation, and has achieved certain results.

First, we will continue to improve the governance system for data elements. In 2023, China Mobile Henan was the first to establish a data management department in the whole group, and was one of the first enterprises in the group and Henan Province to obtain DCMM (Level 4) certification, and released systematic data governance specifications, covering 100% of the core data of enterprises, and collecting and aggregating more than 670T of data per day, effectively supporting the application of big data scenarios such as internal customer marketing services, network operation and maintenance, external government emergency response, and smart cultural tourism. The second is to continue to consolidate the infrastructure of the data element industry. In 2024, under the guidance and support of the group company, China Mobile is working with Zhengzhou Data Exchange Center to build a national core hub node for data networking, which will continue to provide solid support for the development of the data element industry. Third, we must build an innovation ecosystem for open data elements. At the same time, under the guidance and support of the Group's IT center, China Mobile Henan will build a new platform and a new mechanism for open ecological cooperation, providing strong impetus for the high-quality development of the data industry.

The 2024 China "Data Elements× Ecological Conference "Data Elements and Industry Empowerment" conference was held

Wang Jibin, general manager of big data BG of China Mobile Information Technology Center, made a keynote speech on "Exploration and Practice of "Data× Element "Wutong Big Data", he pointed out that China Mobile has been promoting the high-level application of data elements as the main line, improving the level of data supply, optimizing the data circulation environment, strengthening data security, continuing to tap the value of data elements, and promoting the high-level application of data elements.

Over the years, China Mobile has built a new information infrastructure focusing on 5G, computing power network, and capability middle platform, and innovatively built a new information service system of "connection + computing power + capability". Through abundant data resources, advanced technology, open ecology and strict security guarantees, it provides strong data support and services for the construction of the digital economy, so as to help the development of new quality productivity. At present, combined with the actual development of various industries, 12 industries and fields have been selected in advance to create big data products such as Wutong cultural tourism big data, Wutong emergency big data, Wutong anti-fraud big data, Wutong financial risk control big data, Wutong urban development index, Wutong intelligent investment, Wutong transportation big data, and Wutong Honghu school-enterprise cooperation platform, and promote the multiplier effect of data elements in the form of data element × industry data integration, and empower thousands of industries.

The 2024 China "Data Elements× Ecological Conference "Data Elements and Industry Empowerment" conference was held

Yang Hanfang, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Statistics of Renmin University of Chinese, chief expert of the Research Center for Data Elements and Social Development, deputy director of the Metaverse Research Center and vice president of the Blockchain Research Institute, shared the theme of "Data Asset Entry and Data Value Operation", and interpreted the key suggestions on data resource accumulation, data resource accounting and data asset management in the era of digital economy from the national policy level. The different characteristics of wealth in the era of digital economy and industrialization and electrification, as well as the need to drive the development of the digital economy to take the path of Chinese-style modernization, are explained in detail and guidance.

To support the development of the digital economy, it is necessary to accelerate the cultivation of digital talents. The release ceremony of China Mobile's 4th "Wutong Cup" Big Data Innovation Competition and Henan Province's "Wutong Honghu" Big Data Youth Talent Training Program was grandly launched at the conference, and representatives of eight universities including Zhengzhou University and Henan University took the stage to witness the release ceremony. At the same time, Henan Mobile will also rely on China Mobile's "Wutong Honghu" school-enterprise cooperation platform to further deepen the in-depth collaboration between China Mobile and universities and research institutes, continue to increase the effective supply of digital talents in the form of special actions, and accumulate strength for the digital transformation and high-quality development of the industry.

The 2024 China "Data Elements× Ecological Conference "Data Elements and Industry Empowerment" conference was held

Pan Xinmin, general manager of Zhengzhou Data Exchange Center, with the theme of "Unleashing the Value of Data Elements and Developing New Quality Productivity", elaborated on the important mission of Zhengzhou Data Exchange Center, as the only data trading institution in Henan Province that holds equity trading licenses, to cultivate and prosper the data element market. Mr. Pan said that Zhengzhou Data Exchange Center will take this opportunity to build a "12345N" data element market, cultivate the Henan model, build a "data element comprehensive service platform" infrastructure, fully release the value of data, activate the potential of data elements, accelerate the construction of data element industry ecology, and strive to create a new model for the development of Henan's digital economy.

Liu Yong, Vice President of Venustech Information Technology Group Co., Ltd., emphasized the importance and necessity of the security of data element circulation in the "Data Element Circulation Security Sharing". He proposed that in order to efficiently connect data resources and promote the development of the data economy, it is necessary to coordinate data circulation and security, data security is the cornerstone of the data economy, and the security guarantee system is the core of the data market.

Celebrities discuss the exploration and practice of the data industry, and the value of data elements blooms between the collision of ideas. Liu Songlin, CEO of Beijing Huichen Information Co., Ltd., focused on the theme of ""Data Element ×" Business Digital Marketing" to share the theme, he said that business digital marketing, as an important part of business data services, is undergoing major changes and evolution with the rapid development of technology, and is full of vitality in the era of data elements. Huichen Technology has always paid attention to the value transformation and realization of commercial data in the final scenario, and has cooperated with China Mobile to launch the "terminal big data product" that empowers digital marketing, and at the same time launched the "full sample business survey data product" and "urban governance data product" in terms of business data operation and service.

Mao Renxin, Chief Scientist of Blue Elephant Zhilian (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., pointed out in his speech on ""Data Element ×" Financial High-quality Development that the financial industry has rich data reserves and technical strength, which is the key force to promote the development of the data element market. As a leader in the field of privacy-preserving computing, Blue Elephant is committed to promoting the safe circulation of data value. At present, privacy computing technology has been applied to retail finance, inclusive finance, anti-fraud and other fields, and has created a number of successful cases, such as multi-channel credit card activation, small and micro merchant loans, anti-telecom network fraud, etc., creating huge value for society. In the future, we will continue to explore the application of data elements in the financial field to help the high-quality development of finance.

Han Meng, General Manager of the Education Model Product Department of iFLYTEK Co., Ltd., proposed in his speech "Smart Education under the Combination of "Digital" and "Model" that iFLYTEK is using localized large models and big data technology to inject new vitality into education and promote the development of smart education. He specifically demonstrated how the new generation of artificial intelligence technology represented by large models can be deeply integrated in education scenarios, empower the whole process of education and teaching, and accelerate the process of promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of education.

Bai Yongshen, general manager of the medical technology division of Lianren Health Medical Big Data Technology Co., Ltd., gave an in-depth interpretation of the combination of ×high-quality development and data elements is an inevitable trend in the development of the medical industry, and how data elements drive the high-quality development of hospitals has become a must-answer question for medical institutions. He said that the core of the value of data lies in how to integrate data into medical business scenarios and integrate it with medical education, research, management and prevention. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to build a reasonable data system, realize data collaboration, continuously explore data application scenarios, and finally support the construction of future smart hospitals through data.

Wang Qingmiao, deputy general manager of the Digital Intelligence Solution Division of Inspur Communication Information System Co., Ltd., shared the "Exploration of the "Data Element ×" High-speed Smart Travel Large Model Scenario to the guests, and he shared the digital intelligence development of the high-speed smart travel large model scenario for the guests based on the theme of data element X.

Ecological construction, and seek cooperation and innovation of data elements. During the conference, the signing ceremony of the ecological partners of China Mobile (Henan) Big Data Application Innovation Center was held, and China Mobile Communications Group Henan Co., Ltd. and China Economic Information Service Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou Data Exchange Center Co., Ltd., Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., ZTE Corporation, Inspur Communication Information System Co., Ltd., AsiaInfo Technology (China) Co., Ltd., iFLYTEK Co., Ltd. Education Model Product Department, Venustech Information Technology Group Co., Ltd., New H3C Group, Representatives of nearly 20 companies, including Beijing Huichen Information Co., Ltd., Lianren Health Medical Big Data Technology Co., Ltd., Medical Technology Division, Northern Health Medical Big Data Technology Co., Ltd., Blue Elephant Zhilian (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd., Digital Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Henan Elephant Client Co., Ltd., Henan Junyou Digital Technology Co., Ltd., signed an ecological partnership agreement. We will fully support Zhengzhou to build an important national "data warehouse, data new city, digital port" and national data trading center.

As a new factor of production, data is the basic resource and key element for the construction of digital China, and it is also an important foundation for the development of new quality productivity. In the future, China Mobile Henan will continue to leverage its advantages in the field of communication and information technology, and further promote the amplification, superposition, and multiplication of data elements, so as to better empower economic and social development.

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