
Choosing a school or a major? How to fill in the college entrance examination volunteer so as not to regret it

author:The Paper

The college entrance examination list has been released, and then the key link of volunteering to fill in the report is coming.

In recent years, many universities in mainland China have proposed "zero threshold" and lowered the threshold for changing majors. Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Wuhan University and other universities have announced more flexible policies for undergraduate majors. At the same time, all kinds of high-priced college entrance examination voluntary filling consulting services on the market are also emerging.

School, Major, City...... There are too many problems behind a piece of volunteering. The Paper invited education consulting experts Zhan Jianguo and Yan Hong to discuss with Peng friends how to choose a major so that they don't regret it. How to fill in the college entrance examination volunteers, listen to what everyone says.

Choosing a school or a major? How to fill in the college entrance examination volunteer so as not to regret it


How to choose a major?

- Advice from education consultants

@纸袋玫瑰: Should I choose a school or a major? What should be the first consideration when filling in? Personal interests, urban development, professional prospects? Few people know what their interests are as soon as they graduate...

Yan Hong: There is no standard answer to choosing a school or major, it depends on the student's interests, abilities, and other factors. In general, the purpose of the reform of the college entrance examination is to let students understand their subject interests as early as possible. Undergraduate students who study abroad are basically in grades 9-10, and begin to explore their interests through various academic interests and extracurricular activities.

@澎湃网友Fj2An2: What are the popular majors and what are the unpopular majors?

Zhan Jianguo: Rather than being popular and unpopular, it is more meaningful for students to say what is suitable for their major. But if you have to answer this question, on the whole, some science and technology-related majors based on mathematics and science are in greater demand. For example: computer science, information engineering, software engineering, information security, network engineering, communication engineering, Internet of Things engineering, electronic information engineering, etc. In addition, employment in digital media arts, finance, medicine, etc. is also good.

Unpopular majors are mainly majors with relatively little employment demand, such as literature, philosophy and other majors. However, if students are very interested in this aspect and learn well, they can also have more suitable employment, after all, our country is now developing rapidly in all walks of life, and the employment of excellent students with core competence will not be too bad.

Choosing a school or a major? How to fill in the college entrance examination volunteer so as not to regret it

@MagicWaltz: In the past few years, with the rapid development of the domestic Internet industry, many young people regard entering the Internet giants as a high-paying and glamorous choice. Whether it is architecture, environmental science, sociology, or any other major, after graduation, they all rush to careers such as Internet operation or products, completely abandoning the original major that they have studied for many years. Will such a wave of employment lead to a waste of a large number of talents and educational resources? What do you think about this phenomenon?

Zhan Jianguo: This classmate praises you, it's really rare for you to have such a cognition! Indeed, in the past few years, many young people will find a way to enter the Internet and other industries after graduation, we can only say that such a career choice is reasonable, just like Professor Shi Yigong commented, many outstanding talents have been engaged in finance in the past few years, and salary is indeed the invisible hand in the allocation of human resources.

However, the healthy development of a long-term career still requires interest and advantage, and we see that outstanding talents in any field are all accumulated and accumulated in their own fields of interest for a long time. There are also scholars like Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao, in addition to their interests and abilities, their noble beliefs dominate their lifelong pursuits!

Therefore, not to mention the waste of talent and education resources at the national level, from an individual point of view, in the end, every choice needs to face our own values: whether to pursue the value of short-term quick money, or long-term career achievements. It doesn't matter what we think, what matters is what you think!

School VS Major, Which is More Important?

- Peng friends have something to say

School + city is more important

@谦谦叭叭: If you are selected from 985 and ordinary colleges, colleges and universities are preferred. Colleges and universities below 985, majors are preferred. In addition, the priority of the city is higher than that of the college major. Cities can basically determine the magnitude of various resources of colleges and universities, for example, a college in Beijing even has more employment advantages than ordinary colleges and universities in Baoding. The city also determines your vision and connections, and choosing the city you want to study in is a shortcut to help you stay in the city to live.

Choosing a school or a major? How to fill in the college entrance examination volunteer so as not to regret it

@打到月零星: University + City > major. Employees of large factories said that 985/211 is a mandatory requirement, and no 985/211 resume will be directly submerged.

@澎湃网友Uniymy: The major is the least important, if you ask those who are employed in general universities, nine out of ten majors are not right!

@半老青年: The current situation of employment in China still pays more attention to the brand of the school, so choose the school. From the perspective of the future and "money", choosing a school is a manifestation of being responsible for oneself.

Professionalism is preferred

@伊丽莎白的鸭: Choose a major! Majors are greater than academic qualifications! After graduating from a railway college, you can enter the railway bureau, which is a little tired, but compared to the general major, you can only interview sales people with a bachelor's degree every day, which is much better!

@华仔看社会: Majors first, universities second, cities last.

The reason is simple, the major is the content you like and generally has a relative initiative; There is often a certain passivity in university admissions, especially for students who do not have particularly outstanding grades; As for the city, it is best to choose Beijing in the education stage, followed by the southeast coastal city, and the others are basically the same, and you can choose again after graduation, whether it is for graduate school or work, you can choose your favorite city.

@xx6688: In the case of score determination, changing majors will not lead to too exaggerated changes in the school level. At this time, the major takes precedence over the school. The reasons are as follows: (1) Although it is possible to change majors, it is not easy and unconventional. (2) Choose a major you like, and in any case it is more psychologically comfortable than a major you don't like. (3) When I say major priority, I mean more about the majors you are interested in, rather than those majors that others say are more promising.

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