
White Paper on the Development of Rural Tourism in China 2024

author:Industry Report Think Tank

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Abstract: According to the report, in the first quarter of 2024, China's domestic tourism revenue reached 1.52 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.0%. Rural tourism is one of the leaders, receiving 1.419 billion tourists in the first quarter, a year-on-year increase of 16.7%. Rural tourism not only provides people with a place to rest away from the hustle and bustle, but also becomes a key force to promote the diversified development of rural economy with its unique charm.

With the improvement of living standards, people's demand for tourism is no longer just a sightseeing, but more attention is paid to in-depth experience and cultural immersion. Rural tourism has attracted the attention of a large number of urban residents with its rich natural resources, simple folk customs and authentic local food. In the first quarter of 2024, the average tourism expenditure of tourists will reach 1,071 yuan.

In 2023, the per capita tourism output value of farmers will reach 1,903 yuan, and rural tourism projects have sprung up, opening up new ways for farmers to increase their income. Behind this, the improvement of local infrastructure, the protection and activation of traditional villages, and the effective use of rural characteristic resources by rural tourism projects have brought tangible changes to the countryside, not only enriching the spiritual and cultural life of farmers, but also promoting the transformation and upgrading of rural economy.

In the digital era, short videos and live streaming platforms have become the new favorites of rural tourism marketing. In 2024, the number of rural tourism content creators on short video platforms will exceed 20 million, and the content will be played nearly 800 billion times, which means that rural tourism marketing has entered a new era in which content is king. With the help of the traffic dividend of short videos, rural tourism projects have been able to quickly reach potential tourists, and have achieved super-linear growth from "view" to "view" through content planting and influencers bringing goods. The incubation of rural tourism brands and IPs has turned small villages into popular check-in places, driving the prosperity of the entire rural tourism market.

However, problems such as unreasonable project planning, vague positioning, and weak marketing ability have become bottlenecks restricting the further development of rural tourism. The report believes that it is necessary to take multiple measures such as scientific planning, precise positioning, talent training, and marketing innovation to strive for breakthroughs. In particular, the future of rural tourism is full of infinite possibilities by taking advantage of the marketing potential of short video platforms to create local tourism IPs and form a marketing matrix in which cities drive rural areas and integrate online and offline.

Excerpts from the report are set out below

White Paper on the Development of Rural Tourism in China 2024
White Paper on the Development of Rural Tourism in China 2024
White Paper on the Development of Rural Tourism in China 2024
White Paper on the Development of Rural Tourism in China 2024
White Paper on the Development of Rural Tourism in China 2024

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