
Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France

author:The economy is big

From June 27th to 30th, the 2024 Bordeaux Wine Festival was held in the French city of Bordeaux. Ningxia Helan Eastern Foothill Wine Producing Area was invited to make its debut at this international wine event on behalf of China's wine producing regions, showcasing the great achievements of China's wine development to the world. As a boutique winery in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain, Huangkou Winery was invited to participate in the wine festival.

Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France
Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France

According to the person in charge of Château Royale, a total of 15 wineries from the Chinese producing areas were organized to participate in the exhibition with 60 wines, during which the "Ningxia-Bordeaux Friendship Night" promotion activities and cultural exchange activities of Bordeaux wineries were also held. "The annual Bordeaux Wine Festival is a consumer-facing carnival that no other region has ever invited before, and we are honored to be the first Chinese winery to be invited to participate in this event. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the Year of Cultural Tourism between China and France, Château Royal will take advantage of the Bordeaux Wine Festival as a platform to actively promote the consumption of wine between China and France, as well as the exchanges and cooperation between the winery and the Bordeaux wineries in terms of wine varieties, planting, brewing, education, culture, etc., and contribute to the promotion of cultural exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and French civilizations. ”

Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France
Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France

The Bordeaux appellation is one of the world's star wine regions, renowned worldwide for its excellent wine quality and profound cultural heritage. Since its inception in 1998, the Bordeaux Wine Festival has not only become a French cultural heritage exhibition, but also attracts many wine lovers from all over the world, and has become one of the largest wine events in the world.

Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France
Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France

The eastern foothills of Helan Mountain in Ningxia are located in the "golden zone" of grape planting in the world, and are closely connected with the Bordeaux production area, and go to the world through exchanges and mutual learning. Previously, more than 40 Ningxia wines were displayed in Bordeaux Wine City in France for 3 years, becoming the only wine producing area in China to be displayed here, which was recognized by local consumers. In 2013, the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain in Ningxia were included in the World Wine Atlas and became a new section of the world's wine producing regions. At the same time, the geographical indication of "Helan Eastern Foothill Wine" has also been selected into the China-EU Geographical Indications Agreement.

Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France
Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France

Huangkou Winery is located in the core production area of Qingtongxia at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain - Ganchengzi production area, the winery has an organic wine grape base of 2,000 acres, just in the wind valley of Helan Mountain. The strong mountain winds, the dry air and the absence of pests and diseases make the grapes ripe and the wines clean and elegant floral, making it an excellent terroir for high-end wines. The Yellow River is irrigated with water and is rich in organic matter. The unique micro-climate environment results in grapes of excellent quality, high ripeness, balanced sugar and acid, and rich flavor substances.

Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France
Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France

As an influential wine brand in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain in Ningxia, Royal Comeme Winery has always been guided by the development concept of "long-termism" and is committed to setting a benchmark for brand building and technological innovation in the wine industry at the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain. Focus on promoting organic viticulture and organic winemaking to ensure the health and environmental protection of products. Huangkou Winery has successively obtained the quality management system certification, HACCP hazard analysis and critical control point system certification, organic wine grape planting and organic wine product certification, and in July 2022, it obtained the national geographical indication certificate and the right to use the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain.

Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France
Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France

The winery's star wine, Petit Manseng, performed brilliantly and won the "Grand Gold Award" in the 14th G100 International Wine and Spirits Competition, becoming the only Grand Gold Award in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain that year, attracting the attention of the industry. The Winery produces Royal Comeme Double Syrah dry red wine, which has repeatedly won gold and silver in domestic and foreign wine competitions, and is one of the brands that Winery strives to build, and its market performance is sought-after.

Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France
Château Royal Colony debuted at the Bordeaux Wine Festival in France

Huangkou Winery has also successively cooperated with Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Northern University for Nationalities, Ningxia University, etc., to tackle key problems in grapes and wines and the transformation of scientific research achievements, and have obtained 21 technical patents and important scientific research achievements, solving and filling the difficulties and gaps in the industry's wine varieties, fermentation, equipment and other technical aspects, becoming an active practitioner of "wine + scientific and technological innovation" in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain, and one of the boutique wineries in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain.

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