
More details of Zhang Zhijie's death! The external network questioned that the referee was excessive, the facilities were backward, and his sister bombarded

author:Barkley's mouth

On July 1, Beijing time, Zhang Zhijie, a super talent in the Chinese badminton world and a 17-year-old young player who even hopes to succeed Lin Dan in the future, suddenly fainted during the game and finally died.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death! The external network questioned that the referee was excessive, the facilities were backward, and his sister bombarded

This is the biggest loss for our Chinese badminton team, and it is also the biggest loss for the world badminton world. How talented is Zhang Zhijie? He was just born in 07 and only started to contact badminton in kindergarten, but he was already sent to the Zhejiang provincial team in primary school, and he was only able to enter the provincial team in the third grade of primary school at that time, and the time to enter the national youth team is 2023.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death! The external network questioned that the referee was excessive, the facilities were backward, and his sister bombarded

Before he entered the Chinese National Youth League, he had already won the men's singles championship in the 15-year-old group in the 2022 National Badminton U15~U17 Finals. Later, Zhang Zhijie won the national championship and won the world championship, such as the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships, he is the men's singles and men's team champion in Group B, and he is also the men's singles champion in the 2024 Dutch Youth Badminton International Championships. The official announcement said that Zhang Zhijie fainted during the game against Japan, and a doctor and medical team rescued him at the scene, and was sent to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes, but he was still not saved.

However, this statement was bombarded by a large number of netizens, and there was also a statement given by Zhang Zhijie's sister, which really makes people feel that the organizer must be responsible for his death this time! First of all, the scene of Zhang Zhijie's death at that time has been exposed, after he hit the ball to the opponent, the whole person suddenly fell forward and fell to the ground, and began to convulse.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death! The external network questioned that the referee was excessive, the facilities were backward, and his sister bombarded

At this time, Zhang Zhijie's coach was going to go up to see his situation for the first time, but the referee actually dissuaded him from coming forward to check, which was shirking responsibility, and when watching the live broadcast, he could find that he fell to the ground and had already begun to convuls, even if the referee didn't know that the matter was so serious, he shouldn't stop the coach from going up to see it.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death! The external network questioned that the referee was excessive, the facilities were backward, and his sister bombarded

At that time, the referee even stopped his coach from entering the stadium at the first time, why didn't he let the coach of the Chinese team check the situation? The referee can award a penalty according to the situation afterwards, but it is a problem not to let the coach see it at the first time, and the on-site medical staff did not take any measures, that is, to ask the stretcher to be carried away, if there is an emergency treatment on the road or at the scene, will it be like this? This is also too irregular, and the golden rescue period has just passed.

It can be said that two big mistakes were made on the spot, the first time to prevent Zhang Zhijie's coach from entering the field, and the second time there was no reasonable rescue, what is the use of just carrying it away? During the live broadcast, the coach wanted to enter the stadium several times, but he was blocked by the rules, and he was really speechless.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death! The external network questioned that the referee was excessive, the facilities were backward, and his sister bombarded

The third point, deliberately emphasizing that first aid is carried out in less than two minutes, is to shirk the responsibility for one's own inadequacy, is a complete lie, just the waiting time, I am afraid that it has been so long, and the medical staff came to the scene, I am afraid it has been two minutes. At that time, it was even 12 seconds from the time he fell to the time the coach was allowed to enter the field, and I am really embarrassed to say that it was less than 2 minutes? So a large number of netizens have raised crazy questions about this.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death! The external network questioned that the referee was excessive, the facilities were backward, and his sister bombarded

And some netizens also exposed Zhang Zhijie's sister's statement, which is completely contrary to the official announcement, she said: "Zhang Zhijie is a very well-behaved child, the first time he got the bonus, he bought gifts for his family, including his grandparents, and he just shared the dinner he ate with his family." It's so uncomfortable to watch, even if I think it's the worst result of an untimely medical team and poor medical conditions. ”

"When I watched the live broadcast, I found that I fell down when I watched him, and after a few convulsions in the middle, he was alive and looked up. After a long wait, the paramedics arrived, and we kept contacting the coach until around 9:30. In the end, we were told that he had passed away, he was only 17 years old, and you said that he would be rescued as soon as possible, and you said that the local medical conditions were too poor, and I still couldn't accept it. His sister said.

More details of Zhang Zhijie's death! The external network questioned that the referee was excessive, the facilities were backward, and his sister bombarded

At the same time, the video of the scene can also be found that the coach alone has been standing there for two minutes. There are also many foreign fans who blame the medical response on the spot, is it too slow? Would this still be the case if first aid measures were in place? Their actions have buried one of our Chinese badminton geniuses.

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