
The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

author:Don't gossip will be a dead star man


On July 1, Wang Xingyue fell into a turmoil and was controversial, several entries on the hot search were related to him, and his boss Yu Zheng came out to reply from time to time, which attracted the attention and discussion of many netizens.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

Here's the thing, some netizens questioned Wang Xingyue's age, his official date of birth was in 2002, that is, he is 22 years old this year, because he is too young, he still has the title of "child brother".

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

However, some netizens picked up Wang Xingyue's self-introduction in 2017, in the video he said that he was 17 years old and 17 years old in 2017, which means that he was born in 2000, which does not match the official 2002, so he fell into the controversy of changing his age.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

Soon, Wang Xingyue's studio issued an article, denying the age change incident spread on the Internet, a big "fake" word, and directly refuted the rumors.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

It stands to reason that after Wang Xingyue's studio responded, the matter should end here, but some people picked up Chen Xinhai, who was visiting the class, saying that he was the youngest in the whole crew, and he felt a little "slap in the face" of the studio's response.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

Wang Xingyue played the role of Su Guogong in "Ink Rain and Clouds", and Chen Xinhai played Ye Shijie in the play, the two are from the same crew, Yu Zheng's words are hard not to make people think about it.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

Regarding Wang Xingyue's age turmoil, there are different opinions in the comment area, and some people think that since the studio has refuted the rumors, it will be dispersed. Some people also said that even if it really changed, there was a difference of two years between 2000 and 2002, anyway, they were all post-00s, and it was nothing, and some people thought of Liu Haocun, saying that her age was also questioned, and this kind of thing in the entertainment industry does not seem to be unexpected.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

Public opinion continued to ferment, and Yu Zheng responded with a long post, saying that when he visited Chen Xinhai, he said that he was the youngest, referring to the youngest in the school, and Su Guogong was not a person from the school in the play, so he couldn't be counted, if you really want to count the youngest in the whole crew, it should be 15-year-old Amy. Obviously, Yu is supporting Wang Xingyue and denying the age change spread on the Internet.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

After Wang Xingyue's age incident was clarified, he fell into the controversy of buying emotional underwear and eating empty salaries, but the studio responded as soon as possible and immediately cracked down on counterfeiting.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

Speaking of this topic, Yu Zheng came up again, and some netizens asked him if he wore erotic underwear, he said that he didn't have this habit, it depends on personal preference, it is normal to show yourself or increase the fun between you and your partner, I don't know what to laugh at.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

Originally, Wang Xingyue's studio cracked down on fakes, and the matter came to an end, but Yu Zheng's words made many people feel that there was no silver three hundred taels here.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

Seeing that things are getting bigger and bigger, Yu Zheng hurriedly sent a long article to explain, saying that there is no problem with the person who wears it, and no matter how clean the person is, he will be instructed, and the artist should strengthen his heart through these. He said a lot, in fact, he was speaking for Wang Xingyue, saying that the Internet was full of rumors, and one of his replies was infinitely amplified and over-interpreted.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

In addition, Yu Zheng said that he didn't want to respond, and he was helpless in the face of those rumors, and at the same time denied buying hot searches, so he raised the bar and shouted to let Wang Xingyue Wu Jinyan take two and three and four pairs, and said that he would withdraw from the network for a day.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

Perhaps this is the price of fame, Wang Xingyue became popular through "Ink Rain and Clouds" not long ago, and various negative rumors followed.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

The studio clicked three times in a row, and sent three fake words in a row to refute the rumors, and Huanyu Film and Television Company also issued a document and made a solemn statement, saying that it would use legal means to defend its rights.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

A brief introduction to Wang Xingyue, in addition to his cooperation with Wu Jinyan in "Ink Rain and Clouds", he also starred with Zhou Ye in "For the Dark Fragrance", and cooperated with Bailu in "Zhou Shengru" and "Ning An Like a Dream", which has gained a lot of attention and is highly praised by Yu Zhengqi.

The 22-year-old well-known actor was exposed to overturning, and he changed his age to play hard, and the studio responded

It can only be said that there are many people who are popular, the more popular Wang Xing is, some rumors have appeared one after another, since the company's studios have responded to refute the rumors and clarified, let's stop here. I hope that everyone will rationally distinguish the information on the Internet, do not believe or spread rumors, stay away from the artist's life, and be closer to the artist's works.

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