
Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

author:Don't gossip will be a dead star man


Liu Xiaoqing was "scolded" again.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

The reason why Liu Xiaoqing was scolded this time is still related to her "girlish heart", because in an interview with CCTV, the 73-year-old spoke boldly, saying that she has been well maintained for decades, and if she wants to return to her youth, it is no problem to play the role of decades ago.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

She feels that although she is over 70 years old, she is in good shape because she has kept exercising for many years and has not gained weight, and she is confident in herself.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

was asked if she chose a role in the first part of "Fengshen", she felt that she could play "Daji", and was full of confidence that she could play it very well.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

Liu Xiaoqing's remarks were undoubtedly unanimously complained by netizens, to tell the truth, according to Liu Xiaoqing's actual age, she is indeed much better maintained than her peers, in her 70s, but it seems that it is not too much to say that she is fifty or sixty years old.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

However, no matter how well maintained it is, even if Liu Xiaoqing is wearing delicate heavy makeup and braids, he is at the age of "grandma" at first glance, and it is too exaggerated to think that he can play a "girl".

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

Some netizens praised Liu Xiaoqing's mental state for being very confident, and some netizens ridiculed Liu Xiaoqing for lacking a true friend who could tell her the truth.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

In fact, this is not the first time that Liu Xiaoqing has publicly stated that he can play a "girl".

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

Earlier, she played the role of "girl" in "Snow Sniper 2" and "I Have a Dream" at the age of nearly 70, and she also responded to this incident at the time.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

In the face of the ridicule of netizens, Liu Xiaoqing said that she felt that she acted very well, she felt that her state was very young, she had no plastic surgery and no artificial traces, and she felt that the confident woman was the youngest.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

But as netizens said, Liu Xiaoqing's "spiritual youth" does not defy the natural laws of time, so that a 70-year-old woman can look like a young girl in her twenties and thirties.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

But as Ruby Lin said, maybe female stars will be more concerned about the "years", and there are many female stars in the entertainment industry who "don't accept the old", but their "disobedience" often only puts them in a more embarrassing situation.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

Ruby Lin is also a well-known member of the "Girl Sect" in the circle, and she has also played many "girl" roles after she entered middle age, and she is also the kind of "big beauty" character.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

Ruby Lin is also obsessed with her age, she once made a wish in a variety show, hoping that she would never get old.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

In her 40s, she still likes to wear pink clothes, and when she dresses to reduce her age, she will be upset because the aunt at the fruit stand says that she looks about 50 years old with herself.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

And Ruby Lin said that she couldn't accept that she was going to play the role of the mother of the "heroine".

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

But you must know that Ruby Lin is 48 years old, and Zeng Li, who is the same age as her, has long played Zhao Lusi's mother.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

Da S also said before that after getting married, she hardly filmed, and one of the reasons was that she "didn't want to film", because the roles that came to her were all asked to play "mother", and the most exaggerated was to play Wang Dalu's "mother", and finally Da S asked rhetorically, don't you think it's exaggerated?

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

Although the difference between Wang Dalu and Da S is only more than 10 years old, Da S's state after marriage is actually not very well maintained, and as Xiao S said, actors should not be obsessed with roles, and there are many awards for the role of "mother".

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

But the actresses who "don't accept the old" are too obsessed with "age", forgetting that the most important thing for actors should be the role itself.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

That's why there are so many "girls teaching" actresses in the entertainment industry, playing "girls" with faces full of traces of time, no matter how good their acting skills and state are, it is difficult to save.

As Wu Yue said, it is difficult for middle-aged actors to play "girls", because the girl's eye movements cannot be reproduced.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

50-year-old Chen Derong is even more exaggerated, she said that she is so well maintained, if she were to play the mother of a big child or play "grandma", she would not accept it if she died, which was a great shame for her.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

But at that time, Chen Derong was actually clearly seen to be a "middle-aged woman", her face was sagging and sagging, her nasolabial folds were obvious, and her eyes were also full of tiredness.

And the "so well maintained" in her mouth actually only exists in the "retouched photos" she posted, but even with the perfect filter, it can't make Chen Derong, who is nearly 50 years old, look like 20-year-old her.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

But there are still many people like Chen Derong who are obsessed with "pseudo-frozen age", such as Liu Xiaoqing, Zhao Yazhi, and Wen Bixia.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

They all like to dress up young, what double ponytails, big wavy long hair, and then add perfect filters to the photos they post, making them look like girls in the photos.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

But the raw picture completely exposes their "true colors", wrinkles, sagging, and shriveling, all revealing the "cruelty" of the years.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

In fact, women of every age have their own beauty, and beauty should be diverse, like 70-year-old Lin Qingxia, 52-year-old Wu Yue, and 44-year-old Gao Yuanyuan.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

Their naturally aging faces have wrinkles and sagging skin, but it does not hide their own beauty, but allows the precipitation of years to bring them another charm.

Liu Xiaoqing was scolded miserably again, at the age of 73, she still wanted to play "Daji", and their disobedience was really embarrassing

This is the mentality that female stars should have.

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