
Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

author:Qin Huai released

With the announcement of the results of the 2024 Jiangsu Provincial College Entrance Examination, two "legendary" students in Qinhuai District have attracted attention from all walks of life with excellent scores of 641 in science and 615 in liberal arts. "Nanjing Daily", "Jinling Evening News" and many other media have reported their high-score inspirational stories in newspapers and new media platforms.

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light
Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

These two classmates are from

Qinhuai Science and Technology High School, a middle school affiliated to Nanjing Normal University

's visually impaired candidates Zhou Keran and Yang Yiteng

Blind candidate Zhou Keran's ears are his eyes

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

The overall score in science is 641

He is a student in the third (1) class of Qinhuai Science and Technology High School of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University

He graduated from the Affiliated Junior High School of China Southern Airlines

In this year's college entrance examination, a total of 15 blind candidates across the country used the Braille test paper specially ordered by the education department (the content of the test paper is the same as that of ordinary candidates), and Zhou Keran is one of them. He completed the exam in the special examination room for blind candidates set up at the examination center of Qinhuai Science and Technology High School of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University, and finally achieved an excellent score of 641 points, including 148 points (out of 150 points) in mathematics.

Due to retinal constriction and degeneration, Zhou's condition deteriorated in the fifth grade, resulting in almost total blindness. However, his blurred vision could not stop him from studying hard. "He sat in the first row in class, even if he used the visual aid, he could only see a board book in the middle of the blackboard vaguely, most of the time he relied on listening, and the teacher would deliberately read the topic when explaining the topic, and his table mate would also read the content of the board book to him, basically he could remember it after reading it once, and when he went home, he could also rely on the visual aid to complete most of his homework." Mr. Cao Ye, the head teacher, said, "He can't see, his ears are his eyes, so he is very focused in class, and his grades have been very good by listening carefully." ”

Yang Yiteng, a visually impaired student

As hard as you work, you succeed

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

The overall score of liberal arts is 615 points

He is a student in the third (10th) class of Qinhuai Science and Technology High School affiliated to Southern Normal School

Graduated from Nanjing Zhonghua Middle School in junior high school

Because Yang Yiteng suffers from congenital optic nerve atrophy and second-degree visual disability, he agreed to use electronic visual aids upon reasonable accommodation. As a liberal arts student, he used the same Chinese test paper as ordinary children in the college entrance examination, and finally achieved an excellent score of 615 points.

Although he is visually impaired, he has overcome various difficulties in life and study with tenacious perseverance, and has won inspirational scholarships in elementary, junior high and high school. Since entering the High School of Science and Technology, he has actively participated in various activities, summed up his own learning methods in his studies, and his grades have also been among the best, and he has won honors such as "Three Good Students" and "Principal Award". The head teacher, Mr. Ye Changgeng, said: "He is very self-disciplined, strict with himself, he buries himself in sorting out his notes when he has time, has not handed in his homework once, and reads newspapers and books with the help of visual aids every day, and uses all the time to enrich himself." As hard as you work, you succeed. Yang Yiteng's high score in the college entrance examination is the inevitable result of hard work, and we are all happy for him. ”

Zhou Keran and Yang Yiteng's excellence

Not only from their own efforts and persistence

It is inseparable from the care and love of the school and teachers

It is Qinhuai, a fertile land for education full of great love

gave Zhou Keran and Yang Yiteng

and even more Qinhuai students

A powerful force for high-spirited growth

Listen to the teacher –

Zhou Keran in the eyes of the teacher

I remember that at noon on a Friday three months before the college entrance examination, Xiao Zhou came to the office to talk to me for consultation. It can be seen that he is a little worried and confused about the college entrance examination. I know that many times, beating the college entrance examination psychologically is equivalent to half the success of the college entrance examination. During the whole lunch exercise and lunch break, I gave personalized guidance to Xiao Zhou one by one from the principles, ideas, plans (including monthly plans, weekly plans and daily plans) and psychology of Chinese sprint review, so as to help Xiao Zhou dispel his inner anxiety and worries to the greatest extent. When talking about the topic of essay upgrading, Xiao Zhou gradually turned from the original "silent" to "talking", and actively interacted with me, I understand that the young man has finally "eased" up! Since then, the weekly Chinese dictation, practice materials and Q&A before the college entrance examination have basically been transmitted in a timely manner through the "cloud". Congratulations to Xiao Zhou! ——Teacher Xia Haiyan of Chinese

Zhou Keran has a serious visual impairment, and I know that he mainly relies on "listening" in class, so I will slow down my speech speed a little when explaining key knowledge points and increase the language interpretation of the text content. In the exercise class, when I encounter supplementary exercises, I will help him copy them in his notebook, or give him the PPT printed in advance, so that he can solve the problems in time. He will also be asked to share his subtle problem-solving methods with his classmates. The difference between other students and their sharing was that he explained his ideas and ideas, and I "changed" into his "pen", sketching key steps and writing key conclusions on the pictures showing his solutions. When answering his difficult questions, I couldn't explain the complex topics in words alone, so I first wrote down the process in detail, put it under his electronic magnifying glass, and pointed to the key points before explaining. In the end, Xiao Zhou's mathematics college entrance examination achieved a high score of 148. - Mathematics teacher Shi Dandan

Yang Yiteng in the eyes of the teacher

Since Xiao Yang has been using visual aids, he will be a little slower than other students when reading and writing. I remember that there was a mock exam, Xiao Yang's Chinese test was very unsatisfactory, and after carefully helping him analyze the test papers, he found that it was due to the large amount of text in the previous volume of modern Chinese reading, which took a long time, resulting in the composition not being completed in time. I was worried that Xiao Yang would be anxious, so I communicated with him in time after the exam. But Xiao Yang seemed very calm, he was very clear about his situation and had a clear positioning for himself, so he was not worried at all. This exchange made me admire Xiao Yang's calmness and calmness even more. "Those who know themselves are clear, and those who win are strong", from Xiao Yang, I understood the connotation of this sentence. ——Chinese teacher Zhang Jinxin

Because I have known about Xiao Yang's visual impairment for a long time, I want to minimize questions and interactions in class to reduce the pressure of his classroom learning. I've always thought that this is a kind of protection. Until one day, when teachers and students were arguing about an issue in class, Xiao Yang actually raised his hand and asked to speak, which was the first time in his memory. His explanation of the controversial issues surprised me and the other children. I suddenly found that this "seed" made me self-righteous "protect" for a long time, in fact, he was looking forward to the exchange and interaction, he has been participating in the class, silently growing, breaking the ground. Since then, Xiao Yang has become my expectation for class discussions. ——Political Zou Laihui

Listen to them themselves –

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

Zhou Keran

Heaven blessed me with suffering, and fortunately I met an "angel". Three years ago, after graduating from my alma mater, China Southern Airlines Junior High School, the High School of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of the University The tolerance, encouragement and help of my teachers and classmates made me braver and stronger. In math class, considering that he couldn't read the blackboard clearly, Mr. Standan always dictated while writing on the board; In each weekly math test, although I often lagged in handing in the papers, Mr. Shi immediately received and approved them, and marked the gaps in the answering process in detail; The math class in the third year of high school has a large capacity, and sometimes I can't listen and see what the teacher says and writes at the same time...... In the past two years, Ms. Wen Xiangqiong has printed the PPT to me in advance for every class.

Because I couldn't read the blackboard clearly, my good table mate would take the trouble to read it to me word for word; Whenever I distribute study materials, my table mates will always help me collect and sort them out. Every time I eat, my classmates enthusiastically help me introduce the recipes of the day, which saves me time in choosing meals...... Thanks to the respectable high school teachers, thanks to the amiable high school students, and grateful for the beautiful "encounter".

A seed, hidden in the dark, moist soil, with the faint sunlight seducing it outside, surging with an irrepressible vitality all over its body. One day, it will break through the ground and grow into a towering tree.

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

Yang Yiteng

I spent three meaningful years at the High School of Science and Technology. High school life is hectic, but the knowledge and experience I have gained in it are extremely valuable in life. The high school provides a good environment, the soft lighting in the classroom, the meals in the canteen, the wide playground, and the harmonious dormitory, so that I have obtained good material conditions, which is nostalgic. At the same time, the school organizes a wealth of activities to make the ordinary high school life more fun. During this period, my teachers and classmates also gave me a lot of help. Each teacher has a unique way of teaching, they not only teach me knowledge, but also broaden my horizons and enrich my heart. The joyful and orderly learning atmosphere in the class is also a strong motivation to move forward. To this day, those scenes of laughter and hard work are still vivid and unforgettable. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my two alma maters: Zhonghua Middle School and High School of Science and Technology!

After years of training, I gradually understood what a senior said: "No matter what the process is, this time will eventually become a precious treasure in life." "I'm going to pack my bags and head to the next leg of my journey; And the younger students, cherish the time in the High School of Science and Technology, seize the opportunity, grasp the present, the future belongs to you!

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

Founded in 2019, Qinhuai Science and Technology High School of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University inherits the thousand-year-old cultural context of Qinhuai's "Tianxia Hub", Tao Xingzhi's educational thought and the excellent school-running philosophy of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University for more than 100 years, and is included in the unified management of the school-running consortium of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University, sharing the high-quality resources of the school-running consortium of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University, and is committed to cultivating lifelong athletes, responsibility-bearers, problem solvers, and beautiful lifers, and striving to give seeds the power to grow.

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light
Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

In the High School of Science and Technology of the Affiliated High School, every seed has obtained its own outstanding development: the 2022 college entrance examination made a stunning appearance, the dark horse jumped out, and the promotion rate and excellent rate far exceeded expectations; The class of 2023 has achieved a big leap and a big breakthrough, the dark horse is soaring, and the number of 985, 211, and double first-class admissions has further increased, the top-notch students are prominent, and the overall high level is promoted; The class of 2024 has created a surprise and handed in an excellent answer sheet that satisfies students, parents, and society!

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

It is also because of the outstanding development of students' comprehensive quality that the High School of Science and Technology has won seven awards including the "Outstanding Contribution Award" for two consecutive years in the developmental evaluation of general high school education in Nanjing, and won the "District Mayor Quality Award", the highest award in Qinhuai District. The school has also won the recognition of many colleges and universities, and at present, all "985", "211" and "double first-class" universities in Nanjing have been listed as high-quality student source bases.

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light
Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light
Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

"Carefully hiring good teachers" is the fine tradition of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal School, and "everyone becomes a famous teacher" is also the pursuit of the teachers of the High School of Science and Technology of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University. The High School of Science and Technology has a team of teachers who are "particularly emotional, energetic, hard-working, and dedicated". The teaching team is composed of outstanding teachers selected by the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University, open recruitment nationwide, and open selection in Qinhuai District. Among them, there are 2 senior teachers, 1 special teacher, 45% of teachers with senior professional titles, 38% of municipal discipline leaders and municipal outstanding young teachers, and nearly 80% of those who have won provincial and municipal commendations. There are also college entrance examination proposition experts, Olympiad gold medal coaches, advanced individuals in education and teaching, outstanding moral education workers, excellent class teachers, career planning tutors, psychological counseling experts and so on. In the five years since the establishment of the school, 6 people have won the first prize in the Jiangsu Provincial Teaching Basic Skills Competition - which is extremely rare for a new school! The school has also successfully applied for the provincial education science planning key project, and has been awarded the only high-quality project in Nanjing high school.

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

With the spirit of experimentation and conscious research awareness, every high school teacher is committed to helping students learn wisely through wise teaching. Excellent professionalism, a strong sense of responsibility, the unchanging original intention of education and the fruitful results of professional development have become an inexhaustible driving force for the vigorous and steady progress of the High School of Science and Technology, and have brought a strong impetus for the sustainable development of students. The dedication and love of the teachers of the high school is well known, and they always put the healthy growth of students in the first place. For them, "learning from high school as a teacher, being a model" is a creed to keep in mind and abide by and practice; "Full accompaniment" is not only a slogan, but also a practice of all teachers, so that all "seeds" can be carefully and scientifically watched by "gardeners".

Qinhuai has two students in one school: overcome the visually impaired to win the college entrance examination, and fight life to welcome the light

Thanks to the scientific and advanced educational concept, the excellent teacher team with both ability and political integrity, and the comprehensive and meticulous education and teaching management, the children of the High School of Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology have grown up happily and bloomed to their heart's content.


Zhou Keran and Yang Yiteng, classmates who are constantly striving for self-improvement

Never set limits for life

It's in Qinhuai

Meet the beautiful and meet the future

Material sources: Qinhuai Science and Technology High School of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University, Nanjing Daily, etc

Source: District Education Bureau

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