
【Current Affairs Commentary】From the Japanese restaurant brand "Wamin" to the Chinese market to see

author:Jiang Feng looks at Japan

◆ Jiang Feng, chief writer of "Japanese Overseas Chinese Daily".

I once interviewed Miki Watanabe, the founder of the well-known Japanese restaurant brand "Watami", and I know that they have achieved some success in the Chinese market. However, due to various reasons such as the pandemic, they withdrew from the Chinese market a few years ago. However, recent news suggests that in May, Wamin opened an izakaya called TORIMERO in Shenzhen, the forefront of reform and opening up in China's Guangdong province, on a direct basis. It has been reported that Hemin is also scheduled to open a directly-managed store in Shanghai in August, and will also consider doing business in the form of a franchise chain (FC) in the future. When I saw this news, I thought that "Hemin" is coming in and out of China, which is quite meaningful and worth noting.

【Current Affairs Commentary】From the Japanese restaurant brand "Wamin" to the Chinese market to see

First, the background and history of "Hemin" cannot be ignored. Founded 40 years ago in 1984, Wazumi Co., Ltd. is a well-known izakaya chain in Japan, known for providing high-quality Japanese cuisine and excellent service. At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, "Hemin" actively expanded overseas markets, and China, as an important economy, naturally became a key part of its strategic layout. In 2005, after "Hemin" officially entered Chinese mainland, it successively opened brands such as "Hemin" izakaya, "Yuhemin" and "Neiting" in Shenzhen and Shanghai, reaching its peak in 2014 with about 42 stores, which is one of the earliest Japanese restaurants to expand its stores to China. However, due to factors such as changes in the market environment, increased operating costs, and fierce competition, Hemin finally announced its gradual withdrawal from the Chinese market in February 2020.

Second, we should attach importance to studying the motivation for "Hemin" to return to the Chinese market. 1. The attractiveness of the Chinese market should be seen. As the world's second-largest economy, China has a huge consumer market and a fast-growing middle class. With the increase of residents' income and the upgrading of consumption level, consumers' demand for high-quality and diversified catering is increasing. Japanese cuisine has a high degree of recognition and acceptance in the Chinese market, which provides a good market foundation for the return of "Wamin". 2. The popularity of Japanese cuisine. In recent years, Japanese cuisine has become increasingly popular around the world, especially in Asian countries. Chinese consumers have a penchant for healthy and delicious Japanese cuisine, and classic Japanese dishes such as sushi, sashimi and tempura occupy an important position in the Chinese catering market. As one of the representative brands of Japanese cuisine, "Wamin" has strong market competitiveness with its rich menu and unique dining experience. 3. The brand advantage of "Hemin". As a long-established Japanese izakaya, Wazumi has accumulated a wealth of experience and a good brand reputation in Japan and some overseas markets. "Hemin" returns to the Chinese market and can quickly attract consumers' attention and recognition with the help of its brand advantages.

【Current Affairs Commentary】From the Japanese restaurant brand "Wamin" to the Chinese market to see

Third, it is necessary to carefully anticipate the challenges faced by "Hemin" and the fiercely competitive market environment. The F&B market in China is extremely competitive, with many local brands as well as many international chain F&B brands. In recent years, more and more Japanese catering brands have entered the Chinese market, and consumers have more and more choices. If "Hemin" wants to stand out from many competitors, it is both an opportunity and a challenge.

First of all, we should pay attention to the diversity of consumer tastes. Consumer tastes and preferences in the Chinese market are diverse and constantly changing. "Hemin" needs to have a deep understanding of the needs and preferences of Chinese consumers, and adjust its menus and services in a timely manner to maintain an edge over the competition. Traditional Japanese cuisine needs to be properly blended with local flavors to meet the needs of different consumers.

Secondly, it is necessary to effectively control operating costs. The operating costs mentioned here include rent, labor, raw materials, and other aspects. In recent years, rents and labor costs have risen in major cities in China, which has challenged the profitability of F&B businesses. "Hemin" needs to take effective measures in terms of cost control to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises.

Thirdly, "Hemin" should be prepared with coping strategies and brand localization. When "Hemin" returns to the Chinese market, it should make brand localization adjustments according to the needs of Chinese consumers and the market environment. This includes the localization of menus, the adaptation of service methods, and the optimization of marketing strategies. For example, launching special dishes that meet the tastes of Chinese, holding targeted promotional activities, etc.

In today's Chinese F&B market, consumers are not only concerned about the taste and quality of food, but also about the dining experience. "Hemin" can improve consumers' satisfaction with dining by improving the in-store environment, optimizing the service process, and increasing interaction. In addition, the use of technology, such as online reservations, smart ordering, etc., can also improve consumer convenience and satisfaction.

In the information age, digital marketing is an important means to enhance brand influence and attract consumers. "Hemin" can use various channels such as social media and online platforms to carry out brand promotion and promotional activities. In addition, through data analysis, we can understand consumer behavior and preferences and develop more precise marketing strategies.

"Hemin" can also consider cooperating with local Chinese enterprises to quickly enter the market with the help of local enterprises' resources and channels. For example, cooperate with large commercial complexes to enter high-traffic business districts; Or cooperate with well-known e-commerce platforms to carry out online and offline linkage promotions.

【Current Affairs Commentary】From the Japanese restaurant brand "Wamin" to the Chinese market to see

In short, Japan's return to the Chinese market undoubtedly faces many challenges, but it is also full of opportunities. With its rich experience in the field of Japanese cuisine and brand advantages, "Wamin" is expected to regain a foothold in the Chinese market. In the future, Hemin needs to continue to innovate, deeply understand the market demand, and win the favor of more Chinese consumers through strategies such as brand localization, improving dining experience, and digital marketing.

I interviewed Miki Transition twice and learned that he had run for the House of Councillors and was a manager with "political aspirations" in mind. At the end of the interview, he also inscribed me with the following text: "Give your dreams a deadline. Now, it's time to combine his "political ambitions" with his "dream deadlines"!

Finally, it should be pointed out that the return of "Hemin" is a manifestation of the diversified development of China's catering market, and it is also a microcosm of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges. We have reason to look forward to the take-off of "Hemin" in the Chinese market again and bring more delicious and beautiful experiences to Chinese consumers. China, welcome with open arms!

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