
Three wars: the first god of the group camp, wear more combat exploits to get soft, and civilians must have military generals

author:SLG knife pencil

Today we are talking about Zhang Jiao, the first god of the group camp, and the content is divided into three parts:

1. A brief introduction to Zhang Jiao

2. Zhang Jiao's ability setting and analysis of tactics

3. The full collocation of Zhang Jiao, copying the version of the job

The first god of the group camp

Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Yellow Turban Uprising in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the ancestor of Taiping Taoism, likes to cast spells in the Romance, and now the design of the five thunders comes from Zhang Jiao in the Romance.

In the Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition, Zhang Jiao, as a five-star general, is now also a civilian god general. If there is a corner, the value of the account will not be bad.

Three wars: the first god of the group camp, wear more combat exploits to get soft, and civilians must have military generals

Angle setting and tactics analysis

Zhang Jiao's intelligence attribute is actually not high among the gods, and his growth of 2.38 is far lower than that of Zhuge Liang, and even generals such as Lu Xun and Zhou Yu.

The adaptability of the class is based on shield soldiers and archers as S, and the rest are average attributes, and they are not suitable for Zhang Jiao at present. Zhang Jiao can be called the god of law, mainly because of the high outbreak of the war method.

Where is the strength of the five thunders?

The first is 600% damage, which is converted into an instantaneous battle method, and the damage per shot is 300%.

The second is the probability of deterrence, which is up to 60%.

If the opponent is in a state of water attack, it is entirely possible to open the horn and release five thunders once to deter three people.

This strategy setting directly determines that Zhang Jiao's best teammate is Yu Ji, and he doesn't know how good Yu Ji is when he enters the pit, and he will hit his head in the PK season.

Three wars: the first god of the group camp, wear more combat exploits to get soft, and civilians must have military generals

Zhang Jiao's supergod-level lineup is matched, and almost all of them are casually played

Zhang Jiao: Taiping Dao Law + Shibei three days; Book of War: Breaking through the siege, ghost scheme, and general

Yu Ji: Sharp Arrow Array + Vine Armor Soldier; Book of War: The enemy is not chaotic, the army is motivated, and the immortals are scattered

Zuo Ci: Trying his best to conspire + scraping bones to cure poison; Book of War: Aid its attack, encourage the army, and scatter immortals

Zhang Jiao currently has two relatively strong lineups, one is the top version of the Three Immortal Shield, I say here that the top match is just talking about the tactics, and the redness is the same as a whiteboard.

The main problem is whether there is Yu Ji or not, and there is really no question of using Hua Tuo to replace it and use treatment to balance the activation rate.

In terms of equipment, Zhang Jiaotiangong and Daogang, and others have no fixed equipment requirements. The rest of the lineup can all refer to this equipment.

Three wars: the first god of the group camp, wear more combat exploits to get soft, and civilians must have military generals

(or Fazheng, Cheng Pu)

Zhang Jiao Battle Method: Taiping Dao Law + Shibei Three Days; Book of War: Breaking through the siege, ghost scheme, and general

Cao Cao's tactics: Three Potential Formations + Vine Armor Soldiers/Grass Boat Borrowing Arrows/Enemy Barrier; Book of War: Nine Changes, Aid Its Attack, Cover the Void, and Fight a Hundred Battles

Zhou Tai's tactics: one force to resist + rattan armor soldiers/grass boats to borrow arrows; Book of War: Do not mess up with the enemy, encourage the army, and cover up the void

This lineup is also a typical representative of the three-potential Zhang Jiao, which can also be understood as a nuclear bomb Zhang Jiao, which belongs to the same gameplay as the nuclear bomb Zhang Fei, which seems to increase the damage and let the single core output.

The three-potential array can also be transformed into a latent dragon array, and the latent dragon can avoid the Kei array.

There are many changes in the team, such as Zhou Tai can correct the law, and the law is with bone scraping to cure poison + temporarily avoid its edge, and an aid A is needed to cooperate.

It can also be replaced by Cheng Pu, and directly go to the combination of vine armor + grass boat borrowing arrows.

Three wars: the first god of the group camp, wear more combat exploits to get soft, and civilians must have military generals

Next to it is the so-called "poetry shield", in the final analysis, it is still a conventional combination of three potentials or hidden dragon horns. It's just that Cao Cao, Fa Zheng, etc., have been replaced by Liu Bei, Lu Su and other gameplay.

If your Diao Chan redness is high enough, you can also play the new Zhang Jiao of the Hua Tuo version, Hua Tuo + scraping the bones are all purified, which is unique to the new season and is completely worth starting.

Three wars: the first god of the group camp, wear more combat exploits to get soft, and civilians must have military generals

The above is about Zhang Jiao's collocation, more military generals collocation, you can see the collection at the end of the article.

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