
Israeli army gives 5 minutes to escape for civilians in Gaza before air strikes! 38,000 Palestinians have been killed

author:Colorful cola soup

In the fighting-torn Gaza Strip, civilians live in the shadow of death and may face threats to their lives at any time. The Israeli military warns Gaza civilians in advance by phone, text message or leaflet before each airstrike, saying the move is to "minimize harm to Gaza civilians." However, whether this warning mechanism really serves to protect civilians is worth further discussion.

Israeli army gives 5 minutes to escape for civilians in Gaza before air strikes! 38,000 Palestinians have been killed

On the 29th, with the continued Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, thousands of civilians fell into panic again. Some survivors recalled that before the air raid began, the Israeli army called them to warn them of the imminent air raid and asked them to leave their houses within five minutes and not be allowed to bring any belongings. With such a tight evacuation timeline, it is hard to imagine how civilians can find safe shelter in just a few minutes, let alone take away the necessities of life.

The Israeli military's advance warning may have been well-intentioned, but does it really achieve "minimal harm to civilians in Gaza"?

Israeli army gives 5 minutes to escape for civilians in Gaza before air strikes! 38,000 Palestinians have been killed

Nearly 38,000 Palestinians have been killed in the ongoing conflict, more than half of them women and children. This shocking figure exposes the limitations and limitations of air raid warnings. Although the presence of warning measures has given some people the opportunity to flee for their lives, for most civilians, five minutes is far from enough. In a war-torn region, the destruction of infrastructure and the lack of resources make it difficult for people to quickly find safe shelter.

In addition, the frequent warnings have also plunged civilians into a great psychological stress and panic. Every warning meant a life-and-death decision, and this endless mental torture made them almost lose hope in life. When the warning came, many families had to leave everything behind and flee for their lives, their homes were blown up, loved ones were separated, and their lives were turned upside down.

Israeli army gives 5 minutes to escape for civilians in Gaza before air strikes! 38,000 Palestinians have been killed

So, how should the international community respond and intervene in the face of this brutal reality?

First, the international community should intensify its mediation efforts between the two sides of the conflict, promote peace negotiations, and put an end to this ongoing violent conflict as soon as possible. Secondly, there should be greater investment in humanitarian assistance in the Gaza Strip to help civilians on the ground overcome the difficulties. Most importantly, the international community should strengthen the monitoring and sanction of acts of war, ensure that both sides of the conflict abide by international humanitarian law in conflicts, and truly protect the lives of innocent civilians.

Israeli army gives 5 minutes to escape for civilians in Gaza before air strikes! 38,000 Palestinians have been killed

In short, while the air raid warning provides a glimmer of life for some civilians, it is far from achieving the effect of "minimizing damage". The suffering caused by war cannot be remedied by simple warnings, and only an end to violence and peace can truly save innocent lives.

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