
Research report on the market status quo, key enterprises and investment potential of China's magnetic materials industry

author:Zhiyan Consulting

The "2024-2030 China Magnetic Materials Industry Market Operation Situation and Development Trend Analysis Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") created by the expert team of Zhiyan Consulting was officially announced, and since its publication in 2018, it has been selling well for 7 consecutive years, and has successfully become a powerful reference for enterprises to understand and develop the market and formulate strategic directions. From the macro strategic perspective of national economic and industrial development, the report deeply analyzes the future market trends of the magnetic materials industry, accurately excavates the development potential of the industry, and judges the future prospects of the magnetic materials industry.

This report is divided into 11 chapters, including development overview, operating environment, industry status, regional operation, competitive landscape, key manufacturers, development strategies, and industrial trends. It involves core data such as magnetic material production, demand, import volume, export volume, import amount, export amount, sales revenue, and market size.

All the data in the report are obtained from public information such as official institutions, industry associations and in-depth research, and the data has been verified in detail and verified by multiple parties, in order to provide accurate, reliable and effective value information for the industry!

Research report on the market status quo, key enterprises and investment potential of China's magnetic materials industry

Magnetic materials, also known as magnetic functional materials, are important functional materials such as electrical and kinetic energy conversion, signal transmission, power adaptation, magnetic field shielding, simulation and data storage, and are divided into permanent magnet materials, soft magnetic materials and functional magnetic materials according to their application functions.

In recent years, with the rapid development of new energy vehicles, wind power generation, robotics, aerospace, rail transit and other emerging terminal markets, the scale of the mainland magnetic materials industry has grown rapidly, and the market size of China's magnetic materials industry will reach 84.09 billion yuan in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 4.43%. Affected by factors such as the intensification of competition in the industry, the market size of the mainland magnetic materials industry fell to 77.85 billion yuan.

Research report on the market status quo, key enterprises and investment potential of China's magnetic materials industry

The upstream of the industrial chain of the magnetic materials industry mainly includes the rare earth metal smelting industry and the ferrous metal smelting industry, which provides raw materials for the production of magnetic materials through mining, separation, smelting, etc., among which rare earth is the most important raw material, rare earth is a rare advantageous resource in the mainland, for a long time, China's rare earth production occupies a very obvious dominant position in the world, and plays a mainstay role in the world's rare earth supply and consumption. In recent years, the emerging application market has been developing and developing rapidly, such as wireless charging, intelligent automotive electronics, smart home appliances, smart grids, Internet of Things, energy conservation and emission reduction, new energy electric vehicles and other emerging markets, bringing new opportunities for the development of the magnetic materials industry.

Research report on the market status quo, key enterprises and investment potential of China's magnetic materials industry

There are many magnetic material production enterprises in the mainland, but due to the high technical barriers, talent barriers and financial barriers in the high-performance magnetic materials industry, the competition pattern of the continental magnetic materials market is obviously differentiated. In the low-end field, most of the enterprises are small in scale, the technical level is not high, the products are mainly in low performance, the production process is relatively simple, and the competition is fierce; In the high-end field, a small number of enterprises are large-scale, strong in financial strength, and have the production capacity of high-performance magnetic materials through R&D investment and process improvement, so high-performance magnetic material production enterprises are relatively concentrated.

At present, the key enterprises in China's magnetic materials industry mainly include Zhongke Sanhuan, Zhenghai Magnetic, Jinli Permanent Magnet, Hengdian East Magnetic, Yingluohua, Earth Bear, Galaxy Magnet, Beikuang Technology, etc., from the perspective of magnetic material product business revenue, in 2023, Zhongke Sanhuan sintered NdFeB and bonded NdFeB business revenue will complete 8.174 billion yuan, far ahead, followed by Zhenghai Magnetics and Jinli Permanent Magnet, and the business revenue of magnetic material products will be 5.770 billion yuan and 5.765 billion yuan respectively.

Research report on the market status quo, key enterprises and investment potential of China's magnetic materials industry

As a professional organization that has witnessed the development of China's magnetic materials for more than ten years, Zhiyan Consulting hopes to work together with all enterprises committed to the magnetic materials industry to provide more effective information, professional consulting and personalized customized industry solutions, and make a modest contribution to the development of the industry.

Research report on the market status quo, key enterprises and investment potential of China's magnetic materials industry
Research report on the market status quo, key enterprises and investment potential of China's magnetic materials industry
Research report on the market status quo, key enterprises and investment potential of China's magnetic materials industry

Data Description:

1: The core data of this report has been updated to December 2023 (the relevant financial indicators of non-listed companies in the report are affected by corporate credit approval, and there may be a certain lag), and the forecast period of the report is 2024-2030.

2: In addition to the first-hand research information and data, authoritative data sources such as the National Bureau of Statistics, China Customs, industry associations, and public reports of listed companies (prospectuses, transfer prospectuses, annual reports, inquiry reports, etc.) also constitute the data sources of this report. The first-hand data comes from the first-hand information data obtained by the research team from interviews with key enterprises in the industry, and the main interview subjects include corporate executives, industry experts, technical leaders, downstream customers, distributors, agents, distributors and upstream raw material suppliers. Secondary sources mainly include relevant industry news, company annual reports, non-profit organizations, industry associations, government agencies and third-party databases from around the world.

3: The core data of the report is based on the strict data collection, screening, processing, analysis system and independent calculation model of the Zhiyan team to ensure the accuracy and reliability of statistical data.

4: The data used in this report are all from compliance channels, and the analysis logic is based on the professional understanding of the Zhiyan team, which clearly and accurately reflects the research views of analysts.

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