
He Jie's family of 7 traveled, her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

author:Lime juice entertainment
He Jie to Wanida: When I participated in "Sister Lang", I was responsible for the decoration of my home while working.

He Jie is very smart, she used one sentence to set up a career woman who takes care of her family and career.

In fact, He Jie did do it. She really couldn't hide a little.

He Jie's family of 7 traveled, her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

After the end of "Sister Lang 5", it coincided with the arrival of the children's summer vacation. He Jie and her husband Diao Lei took a family of 7 on a trip. He Jie's stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time.

The stepson looked about the same age as He Jie's eldest son, wearing a green hat, short sleeves with black and white stripes, and carrying a backpack.

This green hat is somewhat intriguing. He Jie's mother-in-law is wearing a red shirt and short hair, which is basically the same as her son Diao Lei's face.

Let's take a closer look, the position and behavior of this reconstituted family are very interesting.

And He Jie's eldest son Qibao and stepson, two boys of the same age, didn't have any interaction, and they didn't look familiar.

The stepson has no intention of interacting with He Jie, and seems to be unwilling to be close to this stepmother.

He Jie's family of 7 traveled, her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

The mother-in-law doesn't have much affection for this daughter-in-law, and has always kept a certain distance from her son Diao Lei and grandson behind He Jie.

He Jie was smiling and proud by herself throughout the whole process, but behind it was the embarrassment of reorganizing the family.

The stepson, mother-in-law, and Diao Lei seem to have some kind of enchantment with He Jie.

He Jie's family of 7 traveled, her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

From the position and expression, it can be seen that the relationship between He Jie and her mother-in-law is cold and alienated. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law basically have little interaction.

From the mother-in-law's point of view, He Jie's two children are not related to her.

The most unexpected thing is that Diao Lei and He Jie's youngest daughter seems to have a very general relationship with her grandmother, she is sticking to her mother He Jie throughout the whole process, and she has not interacted with her grandmother.

The behavior of children is the most real. Usually, if the relationship is good, body language will not deceive.

He Jie's family of 7 traveled, her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

It can be seen that her mother-in-law usually does not live with He Jie's family. When He Jie went out to work, Diao Lei was alone at home and took care of the three children.

That means that the mother-in-law actually has no emotional foundation with He Jie's three children, and she only interacts with her eldest grandson. The mother-in-law must have helped bring her eldest grandson.

The mother-in-law has a little bit of a complaint about He Jie's heart. What mother-in-law would want to see her son break up her one-married family for the sake of a woman?

The mother-in-law kept her distance from He Jie throughout the whole process, and she didn't seem to show a happy expression on her face. Including the stepson, the same is true, there is no smile on his face at all, compare Qibao, there is no harm without comparison.

The stepson must have wanted to be able to travel with his parents.

The damage to the children of such a reorganized family is huge.

He Jie's family of 7 traveled, her stepson and mother-in-law appeared for the first time, and the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was cold and estranged

The eldest daughter Baomei is very sensitive, and deliberately pretends to be intimate with her mother He Jie, with a sense of déjà vu that her mother will be robbed. Baomei has no sense of security in her bones. She wants to share her mother's love with so many brothers and sisters.

The eldest son, Qibao, also followed his mother and sister, and the younger daughter seemed to be competing with her sister for favor, and she also held her mother's other hand.

Diao Lei stood alone behind him, with his own mother and son, as if they were two incompatible families.

I don't know if He Jie brought her stepson and her children together to travel like this, is it a good thing or a harm? Wouldn't it be better to let Diao Lei travel alone with his mother and son?

Summer vacation is coming, why not try to let a pair of children go back to visit their father He Ziming?

No matter what the husband and wife have experienced, the children are He Ziming's flesh and blood after all, even if Diao Lei loves them again. They are also not related by blood.

Qibao and Baomei also need the love of their biological father He Ziming.

He Jie's smile gave people the feeling that she was deliberately creating the happiness of her reorganized family. In fact, everyone who understands understands that behind this smile is a kind of sourness that is not humane.

A good mother who truly loves her children should not let her children bear the grievances between adults, but let her children be close to their fathers, so that the children can grow up with a sound and happy personality in a loving environment.

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