
He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

author:Entertainment One

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He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

Text/Entertainment No. 1

Editor/Entertainment One

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

He Ziming and He Jie: From sweet love to reluctant separation

Once, He Ziming and He Jie were regarded as a model couple in the entertainment industry. The first time they met, the pair was like a bridge leading the way, and they were destined to cherish each other. In 2012, the two met at a friend's party, and they talked all night without distinction between you and me, and they had a good impression of each other. In this way, the flame of love burned in their hearts.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

Ten months later, He Jie made her relationship with He Ziming public. Love came warmly, and He Ziming pursued his sweetheart like a madman. At He Jie's album press conference, the two were in the same frame openly and announced the good news to the world. In this way, He Ziming went from an unknown actor to the focus of attention overnight.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

In 2013, He Ziming and He Jie then entered the palace of marriage and held a grand wedding in Beijing. The scene was sweet and romantic, the two sometimes kissed and sometimes hugged, loving and enviable. The outside world is also looking forward to this golden boy and girl, a celebrity couple who pay equal attention to knowledge and beauty.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

Just when people were talking about it, there was good news that the two of them were happy with their sons: He Jie gave birth to a son in 2014, and a daughter was added in 2015, and the family of four was happy. He Ziming has jumped from a single guy to a husband and father, and he seems to be a winner in life. However, no one thought that this couple, who were envied by countless people, would not escape the curse of marriage.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

In 2017, the news of He Ziming's divorce suddenly came from the outside world, which shocked the entire entertainment industry. The parties also couldn't hide the pain in their hearts, and He Ziming admitted to "being divorced" through a long article. And He Jie also denied cheating on Weibo, and said that the main reason for the two to break up was that He Ziming was "too suspicious".

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

In this way, a seemingly eternal marriage died. He Ziming once had a drunken pursuit of He Jie, but in a blink of an eye, he ended up without a problem and was gloomy. Perhaps after the passion of the year burned out, the contradictions began to accumulate. The former honey blended with oil, but in a blink of an eye, it became a stranger.

He Ziming said frankly that he remarried, and the newlywed Yan'er attacked

Time flies, and more than five years have passed since the divorce. He Ziming's new life seems to be finally on the right track. On June 30, he officially announced the good news through social media: he has re-entered the palace of marriage!

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

"Actually, I'm just an ordinary person, I hope you don't read too much." He Ziming went straight to the point and stated his heart frankly and sincerely. And he also sincerely introduced his new wife to the public: "She is an ordinary person, not a celebrity."

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

For this new marriage, He Ziming obviously cherishes it very much. He recalled emotionally that he had once fallen into the haze of severe depression, but it was his current wife's unwavering and wholehearted companionship that brought him the strength to regain his strength.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

He Ziming couldn't hide his excitement, and never left the words "confidant" and "best friend" to his wife, and vowed to cherish this partner with the love of his life and manage a happy new life together. From this heartfelt confession, it can be seen that his gratitude to his wife is beyond words.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

"Next, I hope we can all be plain and happy." He Ziming sincerely wishes everyone, perhaps it is the hope that he can live a safe and stable life from now on, and there will be no more ups and downs in the past.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

The road to a new marriage is off to a difficult start, but this wise man has clearly learned from his past. He specially emphasized: "The original intention of posting this original video is to share the latest situation with people who care about me. But I also hope that you don't take things out of context and don't bother others. "

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

It seems that He Ziming wants to protect the tranquility of the newlywed Yan'er and avoid being suspicious and harassed. This caution is the lesson from his previous marriage, and it also represents his determination to grasp this new opportunity and take good care of the person in front of him this time.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

In fact, He Ziming's marriage with his ex-wife He Jie has been criticized. At that time, the two sides faced each other, which inevitably brought shadows to the lives of the parties involved. But now that he is starting again, He Ziming seems to hope that others will open up and give blessings instead of suspicions.

A new chapter breeds new hope

He Ziming's official announcement sparked heated discussions among netizens:

"The moth in the previous life has encountered a warm light in this life, and I hope he can completely let go of the past and cherish the present."

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

"I wish Uncle He a happy new marriage! I really loved He Jie before, but some things are destined to not last long. "

"It's a great blessing to meet a partner who understands you and loves you. He Ziming has experienced so much, may he have smooth sailing and no distractions in the future. "

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

He Ziming and He Jie, although the high-profile celebrity couple couldn't stand the test of time and parted ways, but now they have rekindled the flame of happiness.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

The success or failure of a marriage alone cannot completely determine a person's life situation. Just like He Jie has regained happiness in the arms of her new love, He Ziming has now opened a new chapter in his life under the care of the newlywed Yan'er.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

Marriage is too mysterious, when the love is strong, there is a long brevity, what should come will come, and what should leave will eventually part. Life is like this, and no one can predict how it will end. It is the greatest luck in life to meet people who know how to cherish it.

He Jie's ex-husband revealed that he remarried and responded: Don't bother others, I'm very happy now!

The journey of life is still very long, I wish He Ziming and his wife a happy new marriage and a good journey. I also wish He Jie and her children happiness and health. It is expected that both parties can let go of the past in the new life, focus on the present, and seek new prospects. After all, happiness is always around the corner, it just takes courage to grasp it.

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