
Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

author:Möngke talks about health

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On a warm spring morning, Zhang Wei took his father to the hospital for a follow-up. My father's face bears the marks of time, and he walks a little heavily. Zhang Wei is a middle school physics teacher who is usually busy with work, but every time he accompanies his father to the hospital, he always accompanies him patiently, thinking about how to make the elderly healthier.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

On the way to the hospital, Zhang Wei's mind drifted back to the scene in the park the day before. That day, he was walking in the park, and overheard several old men chatting while playing cards, and one of them said: "If the kidneys are not good, it is better to eat less soybeans." This sentence made Zhang Wei curious, after all, he himself likes to eat soybeans, but he has never heard that it affects the kidneys.

In the outpatient hall of the hospital, the crowds of people come and go make it seem particularly lively. Zhang Wei sat in the waiting area, waiting for the number to be called, while observing the busy doctors and nurses. When it was their turn, Zhang Wei and his father entered the office of an experienced old doctor.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

After checking his father's health condition, Zhang Wei seized the opportunity to ask him about the doubts in his heart: "Doctor, I heard someone in the park yesterday that you can't eat soybeans if you have bad kidneys, is this true?" ”

The old doctor picked up his glasses, cleaned them slowly, and then said to Zhang Wei seriously: "In fact, many people will have questions about this question. Soybeans, as a high-protein food, do need to be consumed in moderation in certain situations. For people who don't have good kidney function, eating too much protein can put a lot of stress on the kidneys. ”

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

Zhang Wei listened attentively, and the old doctor continued to explain: "One of the main functions of the kidneys is to help remove metabolic waste and excess water from the body. When you eat more protein than your body actually needs, the unabsorbed protein breaks down to produce amino acids, which are then converted into urea, which is eventually excreted through the kidneys. If the kidneys are not functioning well, this process can cause additional stress. ”

Zhang Wei nodded, he remembered that his father's kidney function was not very good, and he might also need to pay attention to this problem. "So besides soybeans, are there any other foods that people with bad kidneys should avoid?" He asked again.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

The old doctor smiled slightly, and began to introduce Zhang Wei in detail the foods that should be avoided when the kidneys are poor and some daily dietary precautions. His words reveal a wealth of experience and sincere concern for patients, which makes Zhang Wei feel very warm and trusting.

This trip to the hospital not only allowed Zhang Wei to learn more about his father's condition, but also increased his understanding of healthy eating. He decided that when he returned home, he would study the family's diet to make sure his father was eating healthy. At the same time, he plans to come back next time to ask his doctor more about healthy eating.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

As a common food, soybeans play a significant role in our daily diet. However, for people with kidney insufficiency, excessive soybean consumption can bring a series of problems. This may be a little familiar to everyone.

Soybeans contain a lot of phytic acid. For the general population, this may simply affect the efficiency of mineral absorption; However, for people with impaired kidney function, the reduced excretion of minerals may lead to the accumulation of these minerals in the body, increasing the burden on the kidneys. For example, the accumulation of calcium and phosphorus may increase the risk of kidney stones, which is extremely detrimental to kidney health.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

Secondly, soybeans are a food high in phosphorus. Although phosphorus is one of the important minerals, in the case of renal insufficiency, the excretion of phosphorus in the body will be affected, and it is easy to cause hyperphosphatemia. Therefore, controlling phosphorus intake is very important to protect kidney function and delay the progression of the disease.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

While soybeans are a nutritious and healthy food with many benefits for the general population, the potential risks for patients with renal insufficiency cannot be ignored. People with kidney disease need to be extra careful in their diet and avoid foods high in protein, phosphorus, and potassium, and the intake of soybeans should also be restricted.

This requires patients to develop a reasonable diet plan under the guidance of a doctor to protect the remaining kidney function and delay the progression of the disease. This may not be what many people have realized before, especially the image of soybeans as a traditional health food has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but in the face of specific diseases, its side effects also need to be paid enough attention to.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

Protein, potassium, and phosphorus intake are often considered in the management of a diet that focuses on kidney health, but few people discuss in depth the potential effects of specific fruits and vegetables on kidney function.

In fact, in addition to the commonly mentioned high-potassium fruits such as bananas and oranges, there are some other fruits and vegetables that may seem healthy but may need to be limited when the kidneys are not functioning well.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

Let's talk about tomatoes. Tomatoes are also a high-potassium food, containing about 237 mg of potassium per 100 grams. For people with renal insufficiency, excessive potassium intake may lead to an abnormally high level of potassium in the blood, which is very dangerous as it can cause abnormal heart rhythms and even cardiac arrest.

Therefore, patients with renal insufficiency need to strictly control their intake of tomatoes, especially to avoid excessive intake of tomato paste or concentrated tomato products, as these are the highly concentrated forms of potassium in tomatoes.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

In addition, potatoes are also foods to watch out for in a kidney disease diet. While studies have shown that potassium can be partially removed by soaking in cold water or boiling for long periods of time, this treatment does not completely eliminate the risk. Therefore, for patients with kidney disease who need to strictly control potassium intake, potatoes should be consumed with caution or in moderation under the guidance of a doctor.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

Although cherries don't contain as much potassium as some of the vegetables mentioned above, they contain antioxidants such as anthocyanins, which in some cases may increase the burden on the kidneys.

Especially when there is already inflammation or damage to the kidneys, excessive anthocyanin intake may lead to more metabolic stress. Therefore, even if the antioxidant properties of cherries are considered beneficial to the general population, for people with kidney disease, their intake should be controlled.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

It is important to note that the effects of fruit and vegetable consumption on kidney health are not entirely negative. With proper dietary modification and the guidance of a doctor, many fruits and vegetables can still be part of the diet of people with kidney disease. The key lies in quantity control and the selection of appropriate cooking methods to reduce the amount of potassium and oxalic acid in food, reducing the burden on the kidneys.

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

In the dietary management of kidney disease, it is important to know which fruits and vegetables should be restricted or avoided. Therefore, it is very necessary for people with kidney disease to work closely with a doctor or dietitian to develop a diet plan that is suitable for their individual health condition. The unique perspectives and advice in this area can provide them with more options and help.

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

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Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much


[1] Yunwen Wei, Relationship between serum uromodulin and cystatin C levels and pathological features and prognosis in patients with hypertensive nephropathy, International Journal of Laboratory Medicine, 2024-05-27

Can't eat soybeans with bad kidneys? The doctor warned: not only soybeans, but also these foods should not be eaten too much

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