
Fan vs Centipede: Liu Yuning's on-site rescue operation!

author:Smart Grunt


The big effect of a small fan

At the filming site, Li Yitong encountered a sudden "insect crisis". A centipede came uninvited and crawled all the way through her lap into her clothes.

Fan vs Centipede: Liu Yuning's on-site rescue operation!

The atmosphere at the scene instantly became tense, and fans were even more anxious to shout reminders. At this critical moment, Liu Yuning's little fan became a savior. He skillfully used the wind power of the fan to blow the centipede out of Li Yitong's clothes.

Fan vs Centipede: Liu Yuning's on-site rescue operation!

This scene not only relieved the tension at the scene, but also made netizens praise it, calling Liu Yuning's little fan an "artifact".


Netizens also commented on this matter, some said: "Should this small fan apply for a patent?" A life-saving artifact at a critical moment! ”

Fan vs Centipede: Liu Yuning's on-site rescue operation!

Others joked: "Is Liu Yuning using the small fan as a 'wind god'?" Do you have to prepare a fan team for the next filming? These humorous comments not only add to the interest of the article,

Fan vs Centipede: Liu Yuning's on-site rescue operation!

It also makes readers feel a relaxed and happy atmosphere while reading.

Liu's brave moment


Liu Yuning's performance in this incident not only showed his brave side of not being afraid of insects, but also let everyone see his calmness and wit in an emergency.

Fan vs Centipede: Liu Yuning's on-site rescue operation!

Although he claims to be afraid of the dark, in a place where there is light, he is what everyone calls "Liu Daring". This time the act of helping to find the centipede made fans shout "The boss is really good and brave".


Netizens were also full of praise for Liu Yuning's brave behavior, and some said: "Liu Yuning has proved that he is a real man with practical actions!" ”

Fan vs Centipede: Liu Yuning's on-site rescue operation!

Others joked: "Next time Liu Yuning is filming, do you have to bring a flashlight and a fan to double the guarantee?" These comments not only increase the interactivity of the article, but also allow readers to feel the charm of Liu Yuning while reading.


Although Liu Yuning's little fan played a big role in this incident, some netizens raised different opinions. Some netizens believe that in this case, more attention should be paid to the safety of the actors, rather than relying on a small fan to solve the problem. They believe that the crew should have more professional security measures to deal with such emergencies.

Fan vs Centipede: Liu Yuning's on-site rescue operation!

This controversial point of view not only sparks discussion among readers, but also makes the article more interactive. Netizens had a heated discussion in the comment area, and some supported Liu Yuning's approach, thinking that he was witty and brave;

Fan vs Centipede: Liu Yuning's on-site rescue operation!

Some believe that the crew should strengthen safety measures to avoid similar incidents. This controversial summary not only adds depth to the article, but also allows the reader to think more about the issues while reading.

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