
It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

author:Former brother Kanqiu

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Everyone knows that the profession of actor is glamorous on the surface, but there are also unknown hardships and thrills behind it. Take Li Yitong, who we are familiar with, for example, when she was filming a night scene, she encountered an extremely terrifying thing.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

Imagine that on that dark night, the atmosphere on the set was already a bit mysterious. And at this moment, a giant centipede with a length of 10 centimeters suddenly appeared and went directly into her cuff!

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

Just thinking about this picture makes people get goosebumps. We can't imagine the fear and panic in Li Yitong's heart at that moment.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

But this also shows us that the actors really put in a lot of effort to bring us wonderful works, not only to overcome various difficulties in filming, but also to deal with these sudden shocks. So let's dive into this thrilling story together.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

It was a seemingly ordinary filming day, with the sun pouring on the set and everything going on in an orderly manner. However, no one expected that an uninvited guest, a centipede, would quietly break into the filming scene. At this moment, the originally quiet and orderly atmosphere was instantly broken.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

At that time, Li Yitong was devoting himself to the role, ready to perform that wonderful scene. But at this moment, the centipede suddenly appeared at her feet, and its hideous appearance and rapid crawling posture made everyone present gasp.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

When it was too late, the staff reacted immediately and acted quickly. Some of them were holding brooms, some with long-handled tools, trying to drive the centipede off the set.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

And at this tense moment, what is unexpected is that the young ladies who are criticized by people on weekdays also show a commendable side at this moment. They didn't just care about taking pictures, they didn't just think about getting exclusive images, but they didn't hesitate to join this "battle".

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

The performance of the young ladies on behalf of the auction is impressive. Regardless of the risk of soiling their clothes and the danger of being bitten by centipedes, they just wanted to solve the emergency situation as soon as possible so that the filming could go smoothly. They acted quickly and decisively, working closely with the staff to form a strong synergy.

After a tense and fierce "fight", everyone finally succeeded in getting rid of the centipede. And this process also allows us to see the spirit of everyone working together for a common goal at a critical moment.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

Afterwards, Li Yitong shared the experience on social media. She used sincere words to express her gratitude to the young ladies who were auctioning on behalf of her. Her words were full of gratitude and respect for them, and people felt her sincerity and kindness.

Behind this incident, however, some questions have been raised that are worth pondering. Although Li Yitong quickly adjusted his state after encountering a centipede intrusion, he continued to complete the filming work, showing a high level of professionalism. But we also have to think about whether similar emergencies can be avoided in a work environment like the studio. Was it an inadequate safety measure on set, or was it just a random accident?

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

At the same time, although the performance of the young ladies and sisters is commendable, should their daily auction behavior really be recognized? Will this act of kindness change people's negative perception of them? In other words, how should we regulate the agency shooting industry so that it can exist without affecting the normal shooting order?

Also, Li Yitong's gratitude has sparked a discussion of different opinions. Some people firmly believe that this is undoubtedly an expression of her true feelings, a true demonstration of her gratitude and team spirit. In their opinion, Li Yitong's past performance and style of dealing with the world are enough to prove that she is a kind-hearted and grateful artist.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

In the face of such a thrilling emergency, the fear in her heart is real, and the timely help of the young ladies and staff is undoubtedly a relief in the snow. When the crisis was resolved, the gratitude in her heart flowed out like a raging tide. This gratitude is pure, without the slightest artificiality, and is a true portrayal of her sincere character.

This has also been questioned. They feel that it may just be a PR ploy, to create a good image. In the complex dye vat of the entertainment industry, celebrities often carefully plan various public relations strategies in order to maintain their image. For Li Yitong's act of gratitude, they think it may have been carefully designed and arranged by the team.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

After all, showing an image of gratitude and teamwork in front of the public can win her more fans and a good reputation. Maybe all this is just a choreographed "performance" designed to let the public see her good side, so as to enhance her status and influence in the entertainment industry.

For example, some celebrities, faced with negative press, will try to turn the public's perception around with seemingly sincere actions. And Li Yitong's gratitude this time, in the eyes of these doubters, may belong to a similar situation. They believe that the competition in the entertainment industry is so fierce that every opportunity may determine the future and fate of a star, so it is not ruled out that she will use this incident to build her image.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

But on the other hand, is it unfair if we are skeptical of every celebrity's sincere actions just because we are in the complex environment of the entertainment industry?

Perhaps we should give Li Yitong more trust and believe that her gratitude is from the heart. But in any case, such controversies reflect the public's heightened concern about the image and behavior of celebrities, as well as the complex status quo of trust and suspicion in the entertainment industry.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

Although this incident seems to be just a small episode, it is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples and triggering a lot of thinking and controversy. It may seem insignificant, but it is like a mirror, allowing us to get a glimpse of the real side behind the entertainment industry.

Through this incident, we are not only seeing the stars in front of the screen, but also the accidents and challenges they face in their work, and the real reactions they show when dealing with these situations. It prompts us to have a deeper discussion and reflection on various phenomena in the entertainment industry.

It's scary! Li Yitong met a "giant centipede" while filming a night scene! Up to 10 cm straight into the cuffs

For example, the complex and delicate relationship between celebrities and proxy filming, the importance of safety management on the set, and the impact of celebrities' words and deeds in front of the public, etc. Perhaps, this is the charm of the entertainment industry, it is like a mysterious treasure box, always full of unknowns and surprises. In seemingly ordinary events, there are often hidden questions that are worthy of our deep digging and thinking, guiding us to continue to explore the truth and essence of the entertainment industry.

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