
Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

author:Seven Mile Road Laughing Fungus 0969

The Magnolia Award ceremony, everyone must be eager for it! This annual "Oscar" in the entertainment industry is not only a stage for stars to show their talents, but also a hot topic for those of us who eat melons to discuss. Tonight, star-studded and famous people gathered, whether you are a fan of Hu Ge, a fan of Zhou Xun, or simply come to join in the fun, you are guaranteed not to be disappointed!

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

First of all, like a small snack before a big meal is served, let's talk about the battle for best actor first. This time, Hu Ge won the Best Actor Award for the role of Mr. Bao in "Flowers". Speaking of Hu Ge, eight years ago, he won this award with Mei Changsu in "Langya Bang", which set off a wave of "Mei Changsu" craze. This time, he reached the top again, which naturally attracted countless screams and applause. Of course, there are several other finalists who are also extraordinary, and each of them is a seeded player who "knocked down the great god". However, our Hu Ge is still as stable as Mount Tai, which is really admirable.

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

Next, one of the highlights: Best Actress! Zhou Xun broke out again, and the little golden man was pocketed by her, this time with "Imperfect Victim". You must know that the first time she won the Magnolia Award was for her performance in "Red Sorghum", at that time, her smile and smile became a classic. This award not only proves that she is still young, but also allows us to see another transformation in her acting skills. The other nominees are also outstanding, but in the end, they can only convince Zhou Xun to give applause.

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

Of course, we can't forget the supporting characters who hold up half the sky in the play. Ning Li won the Best Supporting Actor Award for "Under the Fan City" this time, and the three nominations finally came to fruition! This kind of persistence and hard work has to be given a big thumbs up. His performance in the play, both in terms of aura and character building, is impressive. The other outstanding nominees did not win the award, but their wonderful performances are also worthy of applause.

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

Then for Best Supporting Actress, let's applaud Kang Yeon! She defeated a number of strong opponents with her outstanding performance in "South to North", which was definitely a pleasant surprise. Jiang Yan has been steadily working in the entertainment industry for many years, and this time she finally ushered in her highlight moment. Who would have thought that among so many experienced and talented actors, she would stand out in the end? It's called "If you don't make a hit, it's just a blockbuster"!

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

We can't leave out those who didn't win the grand prize but also shined brightly - please go through the full list of winners! Every winner speaks with strength, and the sweat and hard work behind them deserve the admiration of all of us. Some viewers may feel some regrets, such as the actor they love didn't win the award, but this is also part of the competition. After all, there are regrets to have expectations, and there are expectations to better enjoy more wonderful moments in the future!

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

To sum up, this Magnolia Award ceremony is not only an audio-visual feast, but also a big drama intertwined with feelings and memories. Whether you follow this award ceremony every year or not, and whether you are satisfied with the results or not, there is your excitement and emotion here. Let's hope next year's Magnolia night will still be starry, so let's wait and see!

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

Do you remember those little episodes at last year's Golden Eagle Festival? Compared to the small chaos full of fun and accidents, this time Magnolia is obviously more professional and delicate. Whatever the style, isn't it the excitement and joy that makes us the audience happiest?

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

So, speaking of which, how many winners have you guessed? Do you feel any surprises or regrets? Welcome to leave a message to share your views~ Good evening, all the drama spirits and melon-eating people! Today, we won't talk about anything else, but will directly take you to the future to see how Hu Ge and Zhou Xun's life scripts continue to be brilliantly staged.

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

First of all, we have to talk about our male god Hu Ge. You must know that this treasure boy who once became famous with Mei Changsu in "Langya Bang" is now a double champion. That's right! Eight years ago, he won the Magnolia Award for Best Actor with his superb acting skills; Eight years later, he once again won this honor with Mr. Bao in "Flowers". This kind of strength against the sky makes people have to wonder if he secretly drank some "acting improvement potion".

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

Hu Ge in the future, imagine his life in the next few years. Now that he is firmly at the top of the entertainment industry, it is likely that he will begin to explore new areas as a director or producer. Even behind the scenes, I bet he can set off wave after wave. Or, another "Hu Ge Renaissance"? In his words, "I'm here as long as the audience needs it". It's so intimate that people can't help but want to shout: "Husband! ”

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

After talking about the male god, let's talk about our goddess Zhou Xun. This time, she shined again with "Imperfect Victim" and won the little golden man. Do you know that when she won the Magnolia Award for the first time with "Red Sorghum", that kind of amorous performance is still unforgettable.

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

Imagine that in the future, Zhou Xun may embark on a more diversified development path. While other celebrities are still trying their best for a role, she may have already become a performance artist, a philanthropic leader, and a life aesthetic mentor. No matter which path she takes, she can shine freely, because she is Zhou Xun, a legend who will never be defined.

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

And, of course, our Best Supporting Actor, Ning Li. He finally achieved positive results with "Under the Fan City", and this persistence and hard work is simply a modern version of the foolish man moving mountains! In the future, we can expect him to continue to play in various complex roles, and maybe he will become the benchmark for a new generation of "golden supporting roles"!

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

There is also Jiang Yan, who is also worth paying attention to, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award for her outstanding performance in "South to North" this time, and she proved her good status in the entertainment industry with her strength. In the future, maybe she will continue to challenge herself in different types of works, and every appearance will make your eyes shine.

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

In addition to these winners, we must not forget the actors who failed to make it to the top but also shined. Each of them is a rising star, and with a little bit of luck, they can make a big comeback from a supporting role to a leading role. These people who work silently behind the scenes are also an indispensable part of the entertainment industry, and they have watered countless classic roles with their sweat.

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

Speaking of which, I can't help but sigh: the entertainment industry is really a place full of miracles and dreams. Some people can go all the way, others need to hone themselves constantly, but no matter what the outcome, they deserve our applause.

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

To sum up this beautiful night, the Magnolia Award is not only a platform for those stars to show their talents, but also a big drama full of feelings and memories. And as an audience, we also enjoyed this excitement and emotion. While looking forward to next year, wonder: Who will be the next rising star? Which familiar faces will shine again?

Magnolia winners: Hu Ge and Zhou Xun two letters! It's a pity that Fan Wei and Tang Yan didn't win the award!

So, dear friends, are you happy with the results tonight? Are there any unexpected surprises or regrets? Feel free to leave a message to share your views! Let's look forward to more exciting moments together!

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