
ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!

author:Princess, please talk about entertainment

Photo/Princess, please talk about entertainment

Editor/Princess, please talk about entertainment

ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!


In Bozhou, Anhui Province, there is an Internet celebrity named "Inspirational Qichen", whose story is extraordinary. Despite suffering from ALS and being able to move only two fingers, he married a beautiful and kind wife, and even more incredibly, this woman was still pregnant with their child.

Some netizens once questioned: "It is said that he can only move with two fingers, so how did he get pregnant?" However, on June 26th, Inspirational Qichen ushered in the event of his life - he tied the knot with his beautiful bride. You may wonder, what's so strange about that?

ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!

Inspirational Qichen's ALS left him with only two fingers in his body, but he was not afraid of difficulties, and fate favored him, giving him a beautiful and kind wife, and more surprisingly, she was pregnant with their child. Today, let's walk into the story of ALS Internet celebrity Qichen.

The inspirational journey of ALS Internet celebrities

The ALS patient, an online celebrity "Inspirational Venus", began when he was 7 years old, and doctors told his parents on the day of his diagnosis that he would not live longer than 18 years. Despite this situation, Venucia's mother never gave up on him. She underwent rehabilitation day after day and fought the disease tenaciously.

At the age of 16, Venucia fractured both legs and lost the ability to walk and had to rely on a wheelchair to live. Although Venucia is no longer able to live independently, his mother still takes good care of him, giving him muscle massages every day and helping him get in and out of the wheelchair.

But as time went on, as Venucia grew older, his mother grew older and found it difficult to provide him with adequate support. So, she had an idea in her heart to find a girlfriend for Venucia and let him have a family of his own, so that she could ensure that someone could continue to take care of her children.

ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!

However, considering Venucia's current condition, with limited movement and dependence on others to take care of his daily life, it is almost unrealistic for him to find his other half. He himself never imagined to be able to start a family like an ordinary person. Despite this, even in the face of the limitations of not being able to move, Venucia focused its efforts on the Internet. At a time when live streaming was all the rage, he seized the opportunity to attract a large number of fans with his unique situation and made a lot of money through live streaming.

Not only did he buy a luxury car and a mansion for his parents, but he also attracted a girl's affection for him.

Live streaming unexpectedly gains love

The girl's name was Lulu and she was born in a patriarchal family in Guangxi. Her birth did not bring joy to the parents, on the contrary, the arrival of the baby girl disappointed them and even abandoned her outright.

Her grandmother was soft-hearted and took her home, where she has been cared for ever since. In order to make ends meet, my grandmother often went out to set up a stall and barely made ends meet. Her grandmother was often away from home, and the people in the village shared the responsibility of taking care of her, so she could be said to have grown up with the help of her family. Grown old enough to go to school, she is forced to return to her home, which is alien to her. The members of the family were not happy about her arrival, and both her sister and brother were unfriendly to her.

ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!

In this home, she always felt like an outsider, and without her grandmother's care, she began to live a challenging life. She never really experienced her mother's love because she grew up in a loveless family. Therefore, a little care from others can make her feel warm.

When she met Venucia, she was at a low point in her life. From one unhappy family to another, her life was full of pain. She had just been divorced, had fallen into depression, had lost hope in the world, and even contemplated suicide. However, the appearance of one person changed her fate, and that person was the Internet celebrity "Venucia". After Venucia learned about her situation, he constantly encouraged her and let her come out of the haze.

ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!

So, she resolutely left Guangxi and went to Anhui to get together with this ALS patient. After being together, the boy's mother was very kind to the girl, giving her maternal love that she had never received from her biological mother.

Soon after, the girl became pregnant, and the good news made everyone very happy. So, they decided to have a big wedding to celebrate their love for the couple who loved each other. On June 26, the boy was in a wheelchair in a suit, while the girl was beautiful in a wedding dress.

Despite the fact that the boy had difficulty moving due to ALS, they decided not to lack any of the rituals. The couple and their family and friends all dressed up in gorgeous costumes to witness the wonderful occasion. They took wedding photos together, just like all newlyweds. Today, they have been together for 180 days, and the girl is four months pregnant. Although getting married is a happy event, there are also many netizens who are skeptical about their marriage.

ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!

A marriage that is not favored by netizens

Someone expressed concern about the child in the girl's womb: "Girl, this problem will be inherited. Some netizens shared his views on true love: "To be honest, if you really love someone, you can't bear to see her suffer this kind of pain." ”

Others commented on the matter in a mocking tone: "How can a person with sound limbs like me not meet such a beautiful woman?" There are also many netizens who sympathize with the girl's experience, thinking that what she found is not a boy, but a warm family: "This girl has lacked love since she was a child, and when she meets a warm person, she feels very content when she hears a few warm words." ”

ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!

Netizens have different opinions, and some even discuss how the girl conceived a child. Despite the differences of opinion, whether against or without understanding, the parties to the marriage are based on each other's own volition, and we should respect and bless them.

A boy who was once sentenced to death by a doctor and lived to be less than 18 years old, fought against illness for many years, married a wife and had children at the age of 30.

Both of them faced the injustice of fate and experienced despair, but they never gave up and stubbornly resisted the harm brought to them by fate. For them, marriage is the best testimony to each other's love. Qichen has fulfilled his greatest wish, has a beautiful wife and is about to welcome the role of a father. A girl who was once abandoned by her mother and had never experienced maternal love, now four months pregnant, believes that she can be a qualified mother and give her child the love she has never received.

ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!

Now, Qichen is happy to come to the door, not only has a beauty, but also is about to usher in the identity of a father. Looking at the good-looking face on his wedding photo, if he can stay away from the disease, he must be a handsome and dashing man, and their children will also be handsome and lovely. The future is unpredictable, but they are happy now. Although it is uncertain whether ALS will be passed on to their children, they are safely welcoming a new life, which is a glimmer of hope for families like theirs.


This story is like a light that illuminates the hearts of countless people. When the ALS man was paralyzed and could only move two fingers, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money and marry his pregnant wife and go home. This is not only the power of love, but also the brilliance of human nature.

The story of this couple teaches us that no matter what difficulties and challenges are encountered, true love will not be given up easily. They use their actions to interpret what selflessness and tolerance are, no matter how many ups and downs and misfortunes life brings, they choose to face it hand in hand and bear it together.

ALS man's wife pregnant! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move, and he spends a lot of money to marry home!

And this ALS patient, although his body is no longer able to take care of himself, his mind is still strong and brave. He expressed his deep love for his wife with his limited ability, and this love transcended all the inconveniences and difficulties of life and became the most important pillar and motivation in their lives.

The story also evokes the value of life and the respect for love. Maybe we don't face such difficult choices every day, but every time we hear such a story, we are deeply moved by that pure love. It is not only a narrative of a personal experience, but also a universal emotion, reminding us that love is the most beautiful gift in life.

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