
ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

author:All the way to film and entertainment
ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

On June 26, the Internet celebrity "Inspirational Qichen" in Bozhou, Anhui Province held a wedding that attracted much attention. The wedding caused a lot of discussion because the groom, Qichen, is a special public figure who has suffered from ALS for 23 years. In addition to talking and eating, Qichen can only move two fingers, while the bride is a healthy and beautiful young woman who is also 4 months pregnant.

On the day of the wedding, Qichen attended in a wheelchair, and his mother pushed him through the process. The bride is in good shape, beautiful and moving, and there is an obvious gap between her appearance and Qichen. Some people wondered about their union and thought that this marriage was incredible, but the bride said that she was attracted by Qichen's indomitable spirit and three views, and was willing to marry Anhui from Guangxi. "I was deeply touched by his strong will and optimism, and I am willing to face the challenges ahead with him," she said. ”

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

Qichen held a grand wedding for his wife and set up 80 tables of banquets. The mother said excitedly at the wedding that she would love her daughter-in-law as much as her daughter, and that the affairs of her grandson would not worry about the young couple in the future. She also specially prepared a video to review Qichen's growth process from childhood to adulthood, which touched everyone present.

Qichen was diagnosed with ALS when he was 7 years old, and doctors predicted that he would not live to be 18 years old. The mother was very desperate when she learned the news, but she did not give up hope for her son. She forced Qichen to exercise every day, hoping that he would live a few more years. At the age of 16, Qichen was completely paralyzed due to a fracture and has relied on a wheelchair ever since. Fortunately, his mother has always taken good care of him, massaging his muscles every day, pushing his wheelchair or carrying him into the car when he goes out. It is his mother's persistence and love that allows Qichen to persist to this day.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

Now Qichen is 30 years old, and his mother is gradually aging. She hopes that someone will take over when she can't take care of Qichen, and that her son will have a descendant. Qi Chen's muscles have atrophied over the years, his height is not as tall as that of a 10-year-old child, and his hands and feet are as thin as bones. Compared to his slender wife, he looks even thinner. Because of physical reasons, Qichen did not dare to expect to get married and have children, but the emergence of the Internet changed his life.

Since the rise of online sales, Qichen came up with the idea of starting a business. Due to the special situation, he attracted a lot of fans, made a lot of money, bought a big house and a good car, and lightened the burden on his mother. As her fame grew, the girl saw his story on the Internet and was attracted by his strength and optimism, and traveled thousands of miles from Guangxi to Anhui.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

Netizens have a lot of discussions about this marriage. Someone wrote in the comment area: "This kind of love is so touching, I sincerely bless them." Another netizen said: "This girl is so brave, not everyone can make such a choice." Of course, there are also questioning voices: "He can't even move two fingers, what should the child do?" Life will be hard in the future. ”

Qichen's wife didn't care about this, she stood firmly beside Qichen and said with a smile: "I don't think it's hard, we will overcome all difficulties together." "Her courage and love are touching and have made many rethink the meaning of love and marriage.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

After marriage, Qichen and his wife's lives gradually stabilized. Qichen still insists on bringing goods through the Internet and strives to earn income for the family. He hopes to earn more money while his body can afford it and provide a better life for his wife and upcoming children. "I can't work like a normal person, but I can do it in my own way and give them a secure future," he said. ”

The story of Qichen and his wife continues to ferment on the Internet, and people continue to pay attention to and discuss. Some fans have set up support groups to cheer them on. There are also volunteers who provide pro bono help to help them solve practical difficulties in life.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

This marriage is not only the beginning of Qichen and his wife's happy life, but also allows many people to see the power of love and the brilliance of humanity. No matter what the future holds, Qichen and his wife will face it hand in hand and inspire more people with their stories.

Qi Chen is still optimistic and strong in life, and he often shares his life on social media to encourage those who are in difficulty. He said: "No matter what difficulties you encounter, as long as you have love and hope in your heart, you will be able to overcome everything." This sentence is not only an encouragement to himself, but also an expectation to all those who pay attention to him.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

Qi Chen, 30 years old, has been relying on his mother's careful care and his own strong will to get through every day since he was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 7. The prognosis was that he would not be able to survive at the age of 18, but he persevered through all the difficulties, despite being completely paralyzed by an accidental fracture at the age of 16 and confined to a wheelchair.

Her mother is Qichen's strongest backing, and she supports her son desperately, massaging his muscles and pushing his wheelchair day after day until today. Now that her mother is old, she hopes that someone can continue to care for Qichen when she is unable to take care of him, and she also hopes to welcome her grandson as soon as possible.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

Qichen does not give up hope in life easily. He started his own business using an online platform, earned some wealth by selling goods online, bought a house and a car, which allowed him to lighten his mother's burden and also won him a group of supporters online.

The bride became interested in Qichen after seeing his story on the Internet. Touched by his courage and optimism, she decided to come and spend the rest of her life with him. Her choice has sparked a lot of discussion and questioning, but she is confident in her decision.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

"They look really happy." One netizen commented on social media, "Their stories are really touching and make me rethink the meaning of life. ”

However, some netizens expressed concern about this marriage: "Will his disease be passed on to the next generation?" It's really not fair to kids. In response to these doubts, Qichen's wife said that they will be ready for their future children, and no matter what difficulties they face, they will overcome them together.

After marriage, Qichen and his wife continued to live an ordinary and happy life. They snuggle up to each other and face every challenge in life together. Through the Internet, they have received the blessings and support of countless netizens, which makes their hearts firmer.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

"Our life is not easy, but we will always support each other and meet the future together." Qichen said in a video, "Thank you for your support to us, your blessings are the driving force for us to move forward." ”

The story of Qichen and his wife is not only a testimony of love, but also a celebration of respect and courage for life. Their perseverance and love have made people re-examine the true meaning of life, and at the same time, more people have seen the power of hope and bravery.

Qi Chen's wife showed amazing courage and determination. Not long after she arrived in Anhui, she resolutely decided to move into Qichen's house and took the initiative to take care of him. This courage surprised many people, and her actions were full of confidence and determination for the future.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

At Qichen's home, she and her mother-in-law developed a deep emotional bond. She is deeply grateful for her mother-in-law's attentive care, and she feels like she is being cared for as if she were her mother-in-law's own daughter. This family atmosphere made her feel warm and reassured, and it also strengthened her determination to spend her life with Qichen.

The two decided to enter the marriage hall after only half a year of acquaintance, which caused a lot of discussion and attention in the outside world. Although they have not known each other for a long time, their feelings are quick and sincere. Qi Chen's wife is four months pregnant, which undoubtedly adds a layer of warm anticipation to their married life.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

Now, Qichen is not only a happy husband, but also about to usher in the identity of a father. Although his physical condition is not optimistic, he still has hope and hope for the future. In the wedding photos, Qi Chen's face is still delicate and handsome, if he were not troubled by illness, he could have been an ordinary young man living in the sun. They look forward to their children coming into the world healthy and lovely, which is also part of their common pursuit of a happy life.

The story of Qichen and his wife is not only a testimony of love and courage, but also a cherishing of life and the pursuit of hope. Their choices demonstrate the qualities of fearlessness in the face of difficulties and steadfast faith, and this spirit is deeply infectious and inspires everyone around them.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

Their future is full of challenges, but they also firmly believe that with each other's support and love, they will be able to create their own happy lives together. This is a true and touching story that not only teaches us how to be strong in the face of life's suffering, but also teaches us that love is the greatest power that can transcend all difficulties and obstacles.

Whether ALS is inherited is uncertain, but Qichen hopes to have his own family and children no matter what. After all, his health is getting worse and worse, and he is still taking oxygen before he gets married, and he wants to leave more protection for his mother and wife while he can still make money, so that they can live a good life. I wish Qichen a happy wedding and wish them happiness all the time.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is pregnant

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