
ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move! The woman is pregnant

author:Rich Woman Entertainment
ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move! The woman is pregnant

Anhui Bozhou Internet celebrity "Inspirational Qichen" has recently caused heated discussions on the Internet, and he held a high-profile wedding with a healthy young bride. This marriage is not only the crystallization of love, but also a profound exploration and persistence of the meaning of life.

Anhui Bozhou's Internet celebrity "Inspirational Qichen" has attracted wide attention because of its special life story. 23 years ago, he was diagnosed with ALS, this young man has been a living treasure since he was a child, often playing with his classmates in the village stream, when he was elated, he accidentally slipped and fell, and as a result, he broke his leg, the family panicked, and the doctor found out that he was ALS, and the situation was particularly not optimistic, saying that he would not live to be 18 years old. But the young man's mother was not reconciled and began to pull him to do all kinds of exercises, hoping to live a few more years.

Gradually, Qichen's condition deteriorated, and at the age of 16, he began to be unable to walk and could only use a wheelchair. Now his body is extremely weak, and he can only rely on two fingers to speak and eat. Despite living in such a difficult environment, his perseverance and optimism have infected many people, and he has won the love and support of many fans by sharing his life and mood through the Internet.

Someone saw Qichen's story on the Internet and left messages to express their admiration: "This little brother is not easy, he can still laugh in the face of such great difficulties, it's really amazing." Another said: "Seeing his story, I feel that the difficulties I encountered are really nothing, and I need to learn from his optimistic spirit." Many netizens also reposted his story, hoping that more people could understand the lives of ALS patients and give them more support and care.

On the Internet, there are also some doubts, some people are worried that his health problems will affect their married life, but more people still give them blessings and support: "Everyone has their own lifestyle and choices, and the decisions of the two of them are theirs, and we should respect and bless them." ”

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move! The woman is pregnant

Qichen's story is not only about the challenges of ALS, but also about perseverance and love. His mother is his strongest backing and never gives up on his care and support, whether it is daily life or important life moments, it is his mother who is there to fully support him. Nowadays, Qichen has become popular on the Internet, he not only bravely faces his illness, but also actively spreads positive energy and encourages more people to bravely face the challenges in life.

His wedding also became the center of attention, and despite the difficulties of life, he chose love and marriage. The support and love of his bride for him makes people see the combination of strength and touching. Their story is not only a wedding, but also an affirmation of life and a beautiful hope for the future.

Through their stories, we see the fragility and strength of life, and the power of love and perseverance. May their future be full of hope and happiness, and may everyone who faces difficulties be like Qichen, bravely face it, and unremittingly pursue their own happiness and happiness.

Qi Chen has faced the challenge of ALS since he was a child, and doctors predicted that he would not live to be 18 years old, but he survived strongly, and although he is now extremely weak, he still faces life positively, constantly motivating himself and others.

Qi Chen's bride was a healthy and normal young woman who was four months pregnant. Originally from Guangxi, she deeply admired Qichen's strong spirit, so she decided to marry far away to Anhui and spend her life with him. Her decision is not only an affirmation of love, but also a lofty recognition of Qichen's perseverance.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move! The woman is pregnant

Before meeting the bride Lulu, Qichen had experienced a relationship that gave him hope. He falls in love with a gentle and considerate girl, and the two meet at school and are deeply fond of each other. Qichen tried his best to hide his illness and wanted to make the relationship develop more smoothly. However, the tricks of fate brought their love to a crossroads.

When his girlfriend's parents learned that Qichen was suffering from ALS, their attitude suddenly changed. They believe that the disease will bring great uncertainty to their daughter's future and happiness, and they are adamantly opposed to their continued relationship. Faced with the resolute attitude of his girlfriend's parents, Qichen felt great pressure and frustration. He didn't understand why his illness would become a stumbling block to love, and his heart was full of helplessness and anger.

This experience hit Qichen very hard, and even made him fall into a heavy psychological shadow. He began to doubt his own worth and future, and thoughts of suicide appeared in his heart. He felt that his life was full of insurmountable obstacles, and that there was no hope or way out in sight.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move! The woman is pregnant

Fortunately, Qichen has a strong mother. In the face of her son's despair and pain, the mother did not choose to give up, but supported him with firm faith and selfless love. She told Qichen many touching stories from his life, encouraging him to regain his strength and courage.

On the Internet, there are many people who have expressed deep sympathy and support for Qichen's experience. Some netizens left a message: "There will always be all kinds of unfairness in life, but in the face of difficulties, we should learn to be like Qichen and insist on facing it bravely." Others shared similar stories of themselves or their relatives and friends, hoping that Qichen could persevere and not give up hope.

Although this experience hit Qichen hard, in the end, he came out of the haze with the company and support of his mother. He learned to face life's challenges with optimism and strength, and rediscovered his direction and purpose. Now, his marriage to Lulu is a new beginning, demonstrating the power of love and perseverance. Their story is not only a touching love legend, but also an endless celebration of life and a beautiful hope for the future.

Through Qichen's experience, we see the true face of life's difficulties and see the power of family affection and love. I hope that their stories can continue to infect more people, so that more people can learn to meet the challenges of life with determination and bravery, and can overcome obstacles and move forward bravely, no matter what the road ahead.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move! The woman is pregnant

Qichen prepared a grand wedding for the bride, with a total of 80 tables of banquets. Although he could only sit in a wheelchair and was pushed by his mother to participate in the whole process, every aspect of the wedding was full of warmth and touch. Qichen's mother plays an important role throughout the process, fully supporting and participating in her son's happy moments.

Since he was 7 years old, Qichen's mother has never given up on his care and support. She not only takes care of her son day and night, but also encourages him to face every difficulty in life bravely. Today, Qichen is 30 years old, and facing the future, he and his wife are looking forward to the arrival of a new life and longing to create a happy family together.

Qichen and the bride are full of hope and anticipation for the future. Despite the difficulties in life, they firmly believe that love and perseverance can overcome everything. They are looking forward to the birth of their children, hoping to run a warm and happy family together, support each other, and face the challenges of the future together.

Finally, let us bless "Inspirational Qichen" and his new wife, may their love last forever, and welcome every beautiful day in the future together.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed, and only 2 fingers can move! The woman is pregnant

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